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Wrath of Dagon

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Everything posted by Wrath of Dagon

  1. Man, Prey is interfering with my sleep. Burn the witch!
  2. It's not really a question of right, since Trump can have whoever he wants working for him. The problem is Bannon represents what Trump ran on, and now Trump has almost no one who stands for those things in the White House, which is very disconcerting for those who voted for him.
  3. An interesting article on Bannon leaving: http://www.foxnews.com/opinion/2017/08/18/bannon-exits-white-house-will-former-adviser-wage-war-on-trumps-team-from-outside.html
  4. The precedent would be Trump's winning campaign.
  5. I've posted this survey before: http://www.foxnews.com/opinion/2017/08/18/socially-conservative-economically-moderate-sweet-spot-for-american-voters-for-now.html
  6. The problems of being a white nationalist in America: https://pjmedia.com/trending/2017/08/17/white-nationalists-take-dna-tests-prove-racial-purity-results-hilarious/
  7. Lots of good points about Charlottesville and related here: http://thedeclination.com/moral-courage-and-moral-arbitrage/
  8. Puzzle it out. That's something Orwell talks specifically about. Edit: Still there: http://www.saint-petersburg.com/monuments/ploshchad-lenina/ Will probably always be there.
  9. Me too. But OLED is susceptible to burn in, so it's not very good for static displays. The only ones are professional monitors, which cost more than a 65" OLED tv. Samsung QDOT should be a good approximation.
  10. “The most effective way to destroy people is to deny and obliterate their own understanding of their history.” “Every record has been destroyed or falsified, every book has been re-written, every picture has been re-painted, every statue and street and building has been re-named, every date has been altered. And that process is continuing day by day and minute by minute. History has stopped. Nothing exists except an endless present in which the Party is always right.” “Who controls the past controls the future. Who controls the present controls the past.” “If liberty means anything at all, it means the right to tell people what they do not want to hear.” “If you want a picture of the future, imagine a boot stamping on a human face—for ever.” George Orwell. https://www.goodreads.com/author/quotes/3706.George_Orwell?page=1
  11. Just shows that when you have a brain, you don't have to resort to violence.
  12. No, you're agreeing. I meant I should've said "fascist", but because I was responding to a specific quote I used the other word.
  13. Or communists, libtards and so on. The "or" is unnecessary. A true nazi is someone who: -Genuinely believes Hitler was a good guy -Denies that the holocaust happened -But secretly wishes it did Technically you're right. "Fascist" would be more appropriate. But I was responding to the particular quote that branded 65 million Americans as "nazis". I understand it's annoying that your favorite political spectrum hosted such barbarism - and the word gets thrown around too much. My favorite political spectrum? What the **** are you talking about? Re-read Raithe's quote, it's clearly pointed at the average voter on the right. This is only happening in the fevered imagination of the left.
  14. The true nazis are the ones who call their political opponents nazis because they disagree with them.
  15. Prey is half off on Steam, and also there's a free trial. Started playing it yesterday.
  16. Timeline of the Charlottesville riots: http://www.breitbart.com/big-government/2017/08/16/timeline-leading-to-declaration-of-unlawful-assembly-at-emancipation-park-rally-in-charlottesville-virginia-on-august-12/ Edit: More on this: https://www.usatoday.com/story/opinion/2017/08/17/charlottesville-law-enforcement-failed-protect-first-amendment-rights-robert-shibley-column/573719001/ I don't think the violence was allowed by the state and local governments so much to suppress speech, but to score political points.
  17. Controlling all industry isn't historical fact except from Goebbels 'total war' speech which was Feb '43 just after Stalingrad, from memory, and after which they were on a, well, total war footing. The UK had total governmental control of the economy far far more so than Germany up to that point- anything could be requisitioned, you made what you were told to, ration cards were in effect etc etc. That's why war production in Germany peaked not in 1940, 41, 42 or even 43 but in 1944 despite all the allied bombing and them starting to lose all their mineral resources plus wasting huge resources on dreadful return pie in the sky wunderwaffe; because up to 1943 companies had happily been producing luxury items and the like alongside the tanks and planes. That's right, one of hitler's biggest strategic mistakes was not mobilizing for war until 1943. But Germany was a totalitarian dictatorship unlike Britain, thus could control anything at any time, war or not. He also prioritized supplying the Navy while his army was being destroyed in Russia, but so what?
  18. No story is too big to be ignored if it doesn't fit the narrative: http://www.salon.com/2017/08/15/what-if-the-dnc-russian-hack-was-really-a-leak-after-all-a-new-report-raises-questions-media-and-democrats-would-rather-ignore/
  19. No, you're discussing terminology. You've entirely misinterpreted what I said. The historical facts of the nazi state was that it was totalitarian; with the government controlling all industry even if they didn't formally own it as in the SU. Edit: And oh, btw: http://www.breitbart.com/big-government/2017/08/15/report-splc-charlottesville-racist-former-occupy-activist-obama-supporter-jason-kessler/
  20. I don't care about your theories, what I care about is actual historical fact.
  21. Yo, Lenin also allowed capitalism when he had to, sometimes you have to be pragmatic. Because communists were opposed to hitler since they were internationalists, i.e.supported the Soviet Union. It's true hitler also equated Bolsheviks with the Jews and thus treated both the same, but that's another story. That's exactly what I mean. We know what "dictatorship of the proletariat" looks like. We also know what ANTIFA looks like. No they actually wanted the riots. The people who got run over were apparently in a separate march, not the riots.
  22. By Stalin also. Remember Trotsky? But it takes fascism to get there. Charlottesville is what the left wanted all along, just like the Berkeley riots: https://www.city-journal.org/html/avoidable-mayhem-15394.html
  23. National Socialism vs International Socialism: http://senseofevents.blogspot.com/2017/08/nazisms-marxist-roots.html
  24. I'd like to see the methodology of how they did that scatterplot. I agree. You shouldn't trust any kind of poll unless the raw data is available and the actual questions are given and methodology explained. Most of them are biased as hell.
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