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Wrath of Dagon

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Everything posted by Wrath of Dagon

  1. I hate repetition. The only games I replayed multiple times are KOTOR 1&2 because they're addictive and there's isn't anything else quite like them.
  2. According to the article that's not the issue. The parents would pay for that, but the hospital refuses to release the child to them. Actually we've had a similar case of medical kidnapping: http://michellemalkin.com/2017/06/28/the-brutal-battle-against-medical-kidnappers/
  3. Still a state shouldn't be able to boycott another state. Isn't that what the Commerce Clause is all about? Of course they're all lovey dovey with China, that's fine. Not that we want Californians here. Speaking of not being allowed to travel: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-4644268/Charlie-Gard-s-parents-lose-final-appeal.html I'm glad I live in a free country.
  4. Posner is only unique in that he's honest enough to openly admit his contempt for the Constitution, or any law he personally disagrees with, unlike the rest of his ilk.
  5. Nothing about it being called a theory for the reason you stated though, just tells you what a scientific theory is. Edit: Here's a key from your quote for why it's called a theory: It has to be falsifiable.
  6. Posner is probably more your guy http://www.washingtontimes.com/news/2016/jun/27/richard-posner-no-value-in-studying-us-constitutio/
  7. Because it's something you just made up, not part of the dictionary quote you posted. Edit: "Likely to prevail" not "realistic chance to prevail". Big difference. And @Gromnir, up to now that hasn't been any "due process right" for foreigners to enter the US. SC still held (for now) that the due process right was only for US residents/citizens related to those foreigners, which is still quite dubious to me, and contradicts earlier SC decisions.
  8. So you dictionary definition confirms what I said, not what you originally stated.
  9. It depends on use of word theory, as science for example theories have lots of evidence and proof that they are real, but they are called theories because they focus in understanding how something works instead of practical use of that something. No, they're called "theories" because they're not "facts". Any theory may have to be modified/discarded when new observations are made.
  10. None of them are. Executive orders aren't illegal in themselves, they're only illegal if there's no authorization for them under law, or if they contradict the law.
  11. Yes, that was a clear attempt to interfere with the election. Britain always had preference before, as one of the closest allies. You'd have to be very naive to think it was just friendly advice. I guess you don't care who controls the Supreme Court then. You want 8 more Thomases, you'd get 8 more Ginsburgs. And did you forget all the illegal executive orders Obama issued one after another, regardless of Congress?
  12. That article is not the same thing, that example is like financially supporting a lobbyist group or some Super Pacs Your article even says " Mr. Netanyahu survived the election, and the U.S. spending was not deemed illegal because the State Department never put any conditions on the money. Investigators also said OneVoice didn’t turn explicitly political until days after the grant period ended " How can that even remotely be the same as president of Russia ordering hacking of the USA on numerous levels in a mandate to help Trump win? You asked about interference in elections, not hacking. I'm sure we do lots of hacking as well, intelligence wouldn't be doing their job otherwise. Edit: To add to GD's list, Obama also threatened British voters over the Brexit vote.
  13. Here's one example: http://www.washingtontimes.com/news/2016/jul/12/obama-admin-sent-taxpayer-money-oust-netanyahu/ Clinton did the same.
  14. Giffords wasn't shot for political reasons, that was another smear the Democrat press invented. It's not unprecedented, US interferes in foreign elections all the time. And Ted Kennedy traveled to the Soviet Union to collude with the communists to interfere in US election.
  15. Go Putin! We're forever grateful!
  16. Senate produces a health care bill, rocky road ahead: http://www.foxnews.com/politics/2017/06/22/senate-health-care-bill-4-key-republicans-come-out-against-gop-plan.html Interesting that Trump said he doesn't like the House bill, I haven't heard that before. I think Trump really does want what's best for the people, but he's constantly subverted by the cucks. Edit: Wow, Avik Roy really likes the Senate bill: https://twitter.com/Avik/status/877939688904028162
  17. The only state Venezuelans laugh at.
  18. Why would that be a problem?
  19. Not that solid, Trump only won by 1.5%. A lot of upper middle class Trump haters, hence competitive.
  20. The real problem isn't gerrymandering, it's the corrupt two party system. But since both Republicans and Democrats are invested in it, it won't change unless (very unlikely) the voters realize the problem and there's a mass movement to fix it. QFT
  21. First episode of Hitman now free: http://www.vg247.com/2017/06/20/the-first-level-of-hitman-is-now-completely-free-on-pc-ps4-xbox-one/ Too bad I don't have time to try it.
  22. The great cover-up continues: http://www.jammiewf.com/2017/when-narratives-collide-illegal-alien-murders-muslim-girl-media-censors-key-details/ Terrible about that girl.
  23. I just figured out what Pillars of Eternity is really about. It's only incidentally about the story, the companions or the quests, it's really about clearing out areas. Started White March, cleared out one area, discovered two caves that now need to be cleared out.
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