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I want teh kotor 3

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Everything posted by I want teh kotor 3

  1. Isn't it just easier to make Jedify two party members and give 'em lightsabers? Makes more sense to me
  2. Same as any other big, heavy, generaly useless weapon. Seriously, the only weapons worth the price of admission are lightsabers. It's a Star Wars game for crying out loud! What would you pick, a random laser gun or a friggin' LIGHTSABER?
  3. Xbox FTW- no glitches
  4. SOOOO true! Well, you SHOULD, damnit! The only reason I'd ever really WANT Bioware to do it, is because they have a looming LA project. So in THEORY, it could be done sooner, rather than later. But, let's face it, Bioware is NOT who they used to be. Do you even know WHY Obsidian ended up with K2, as opposed to Bioware? Bioware told LA they were too busy. Because they were working on that cack 'Jade Empire'. ONE game. Now look at all that Bioware is up to now. Sonic for the DS *yawn*, ME 2 & 3, Dragon Age (I'll be a bit excited about THAT 1), and 3 other 'mysterious' projects, including an MMO and the aforementioned LA project. All right, I'm done. I like Bioware. A lot. I just think it would be PERFECT if Obsidian did K3, is all. Like, as soon as they're done with the Aliens RPG. That's mostly true. Bioware now being a part of EA scares me almost as much as them making an MMO (the last time one of my favorite developers made a MMO, they stopped being my favorite developer and ruined one of my all-time favorite framchises- but I now have my faith back in them ). And their Sonic project looks stupid. But they made 2 of my 5 favorite games of the last two generations: K1 and ME. And Jade Empire was really good, in spite of the fact that it prevented them from making K2.
  5. Maybe I'm just a Bioware fanboy (its possible, the dude who wrote the Bane books does work there, after all ). Also, I really don't care about moral depth in my games. If I wanted to learn about morals or character, I'd take a philosophy/ethics class . But yeah, you're right, their forums maybe be a little picky with what you post there. Anyway, I really don't much care who makes it, Bioware or Obsidian. I just want it to exist.
  6. Umm... How? IMO, ME had one of the deepest stories of any videogame ever made. And I liked K1's story better than K2's.
  7. I would rather have Bioware do it, mostly because they're pretty much my favorite developer (used to be Blizzard, sort of is again).
  8. I agree. Nihilus FTW (he's probably me second-favorite Sith Lord)
  9. How far back did you have to go to find this? I'm impressed. Oh and nice username, btw.
  10. Nope, I like being ridiculously overpowered , and I still think they suck.
  11. I really like 4E, except for how they handle epic levels... oh well, at least we now have MAGIC ITEMS IN THE PLAYER'S HANDBOOK!! Tokk bloody well long enough.
  12. Yeah... You know what that means. Thanks gor reminding me that I haven't seen in in the last month... that's just disturbing . But double-bladed red FTW
  13. Trophy hunting was fun DIABLO 3 DIABLO 3 DIABLO 3 DIABLO 3 DIABLO 3 DIABLO 3 DIABLO 3 DIABLO 3 DIABLO 3 DIABLO 3 sorry about that
  14. Is that you in your pic?

  15. Kimbo Slice for Nihilus, the guy who played Gandalf (forgot his name) for Jolee, nobody for Carth (sorry people), Denzel for male Revan, Angelina Jollee (spelling?) for female Revan, Jessica Alba for Bastilla/Julhani (depending on whether Revan is m/f), Bruce Willis for Malak, Keanu Reeves for Sion.
  16. some (wrong) people think it's Vader. It's not. I put it on there for those who think it is.
  17. Marka Ragnos apparently never did anything while he was alive. Bane, on the other hand, restored the traditions and teachings of the ancient Sith. I see no comparison.
  18. name one time, other than Revan, when the Sith were as powerful as they were under the RoT.
  19. You just got it? But yeah, that pretty much sums it up. As a side note, my friend flipped out when he saw the picture of Bane, and he proceeded to close Firefox (I assume he was driven to start seizing by the glory of Bane's visage )
  20. Bane pwns all :lol:. But no (Im assuming you're referring to Githany), without her poison, she couldn't have come close to killing him. He is also a Sith, not a dark Jedi.
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