SOOOO true!
Well, you SHOULD, damnit! The only reason I'd ever really WANT Bioware to do it, is because they have a looming LA project. So in THEORY, it could be done sooner, rather than later. But, let's face it, Bioware is NOT who they used to be. Do you even know WHY Obsidian ended up with K2, as opposed to Bioware? Bioware told LA they were too busy. Because they were working on that cack 'Jade Empire'. ONE game.
Now look at all that Bioware is up to now. Sonic for the DS *yawn*, ME 2 & 3, Dragon Age (I'll be a bit excited about THAT 1), and 3 other 'mysterious' projects, including an MMO and the aforementioned LA project.
All right, I'm done. I like Bioware. A lot. I just think it would be PERFECT if Obsidian did K3, is all. Like, as soon as they're done with the Aliens RPG.
That's mostly true. Bioware now being a part of EA scares me almost as much as them making an MMO (the last time one of my favorite developers made a MMO, they stopped being my favorite developer and ruined one of my all-time favorite framchises- but I now have my faith back in them ). And their Sonic project looks stupid. But they made 2 of my 5 favorite games of the last two generations: K1 and ME.
And Jade Empire was really good, in spite of the fact that it prevented them from making K2.