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I want teh kotor 3

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Everything posted by I want teh kotor 3

  1. ☜ Tbh I might'e done that too I agree!
  2. Why in the HELL do you WANT K3 to be a MMO????????????
  3. Yeah, they're pretty strict about this. But, surprisingly, they're not locking down every thread about this. Yeah, we have alot of idiots over there. [cough]Vader4444[/cough]
  4. lol I try . If it exists, I'll firmly believe that anything's possible.
  5. How funny it is I wrote WoW when I ment to write MMO? lol synonyms . Yup, WoS sucks, so do all MMOs. My opinion on WoS: http://rr.pc.ign.com/rrview/pc/world_of_wa...ft/16985/77290/ (my friend wrote most of it, so I'm not the one telling WoS fans that they suck (that was his idea )) WHOANSWERED YES????
  6. I certainly agree with you, for one. Yup, pretty much. Let's just hope the EA dude is on LSD and hallucinating .
  7. Or at least they think they can. MMOs do not always work out [cough]SWG[/cough] - ah, sorry 'bout that... You knew what I meant . No MMOs can ever work out, because they all SUCK.
  8. They really dont give a ******* **** what we have to say, as long as someone gives 'em their money. And ************* monthly supscriptions are apparently the new method of money acquisition.
  9. My point being that greedy devs can turn anything into MMOs.
  10. It's just not possible. Soon enough it will be just a race to get to the OMG EPIC L00TZ.
  11. Diablo 3. Starcraft 2. Soul Calibur 4. Fallout 3. Fable 2. Wacraft 4 (I hope). Gears 2.
  12. Nah, it was a damn bomb. Severe injuries. We shall see if it survives... Origianlly I was gonna say "nuke" instad, but I figured that;s a friggin lucky shot .
  13. Sorry I was too lazy to go back and look . Monthly fees make up for it, in their eyes. Pretty much.
  14. LA's birthday present: a .50 cal bullet to KoTOR's (metaphorical) face.
  15. Well seeing as though there's now an MMO and KoTOR is dead, this thread is pointless.
  16. http://pc.ign.com/articles/891/891718p1.html Worst E3 EVAR!!!!!!!
  17. Actually the reason you can't compare them is because the Sith are so much cooler
  18. He started killing off the Jedi after he took over the Republic, thus gaining an army. AS for Revan, I meant if Malak hadn't attacked him like a ***** with his ship, but had fought him 1 on 1. Only (with the exception of Plagueis) once their apprentices were stronger. Plagueis died because his apprentice (whose name I shall not mention so as to not draw the fanboys' ire ) was also a *****. Exactly my point- they only care about the Sith because the Sith are stronger. Neither of whom (especially Palpatine) were typical figures in the Republic government. This one I might have misinterpreted, but, in the book, it seemed to me like the Jedi didn't want the Rakata off their planet because they were DS users.
  19. You have something against Magic Missile, Fireball, etc?
  20. No, it's pretty clear that Revan was a top-tier Jedi/Sith in terms of Force abilities
  21. Those are some beastly Legos, I'm not gonna lie :lol:

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