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I want teh kotor 3

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Everything posted by I want teh kotor 3

  1. Umm, yeah, the Sith Order was stronger under the Rule of Two than it was before, in Kaan's Brotherhood of Stupidity. Then again, a couple of stoned 4-year-olds was stronger than the Brotherhood Nowhere in the prophecy does it mention what came first, the leading or the destruction. But Bane essentially lead the Brotherhood before it killed itself, seeing as though its members were pleading their allegiance to him right and left
  2. Bane wasn't supposed to be around for another 3000-ish years. Sort of silly, IMO.
  3. yeah most likely- either that or a hacker

  4. I like the one that lets you play as Bane, mostly because its, well, BANE!
  5. I love it when people agree with me.
  6. If the DS "fundamenally changes you" like Revan himself said, it shouldn't matter. He was the same person, just suffering from amnesia.
  7. I read somewhere the following as an idea for a possible plot for K3: You start off, during the Mandalorian Wars, as a street thug on Coruscant, then work your way up the underground meatheap, until you try to rob/kill/whatever a jedi, but he realizes you hav a force sensitivity. You get accepted into the Jedi Order... You recieve your training, etc. etc, but then Revan goes off to fight in the war but you can choose join him (gets you ds pts b/c the council tells you not to) or not (ls). If you go, ur ships malfuctions/gets shot down over a planet. If you dont, the council sends you there for some reason. Either way, you meet some kind of assassin there, who follows you for the rest of the game. On that planet, you find an ancient ruin. Inside, there is a painting of either a Rakatan or a True Sith (not sure which one yet).
  8. Denzel, Kimbo Slice, and Bruce Willis should be Revan, Malak, and Canderous. Morgan freeman for Jolee. Angelina Jolee (or however you spell it) should be Exile.
  9. The prophecized ultimate Sith (-ari means "lord in the ancient Sith language) who destroyed the Sith Order and rebuilt it more powerful than ever. He/she was also suppossed to be free from restricitons.
  10. ahh I forgot to add: Thanks!

  11. lol it's an inside joke. I was talking about K3, and my other friend randomly said "teh" right before I said "Kotor 3", and it just kinda stuck. :lol:

  12. 4e FTW! Now I dont have to jack my DM's books everytime I want to check something about a magic weapon. Oh that and Fighters are (at least in my opinion) slightly better this ime around.
  13. that was fing HILARIOUS :lol:

  14. Yeah, she almost looks like someone you wouldn't run the **** away from in a dark alley.
  15. ME is one of the few game I play female (and I only do that because of erm... Liara )
  16. Bane never said he was the Sith'ari. Pretty much every other sith said he was, but he didn't. And if by creator, you mean George Lucas (I'm just assuming you are b/c he created Star Wars), he came up with Sidious 10-20 years before he created Bane.
  17. Actually, my point was that he DIDN'T truely crave power because, if he did, he would not have been able to go back to LS.
  18. Revan says that, in order to fully master the Dark Side, you must fully embrace and crave its power. If that happens, the DS will fundamentally change you. Therefore, Revan didn't just want power for power's sake (hypocrite) , because, if he did, he would never have been redeemed.
  19. A kotor mmo would really seal the fact of LucasArts being a true failure, not just an epic one.
  20. lol- There are more "Banefanatics"? Since when?

  21. That would probably be construed as "ZOMG! (insert developer's name here) is epic failz!" Erm... not quite. Orbalisks block lightsabers, and I don't recall Bane being slow anyway. But remember, Revan has 1000 ways to kill a Jedi or Sith ... kinda like Palpatine, for that matter. Yeah but canonicaly he went ls and thusly would have absolutely no way to kill Bane. Plapatine, on the other hand, would probably be too busy laughing maniacally over the completion of some new anti-Rebel weapon to even realize that he could (unfortunately) kill Bane.
  22. Umm, the prophecy was made in the First Sith Empire, which was 3000 years before Kotor. So yeah, it came before pretty much everyone. But like Dawuss and I said earlier, Krayt's order was in no way, shape, or form more powerful than the Oreder that preceeded it.
  23. Erm... not quite. Orbalisks block lightsabers, and I don't recall Bane being slow anyway.
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