I read somewhere the following as an idea for a possible plot for K3:
You start off, during the Mandalorian Wars, as a street thug on Coruscant, then work your way up the underground meatheap, until you try to rob/kill/whatever a jedi, but he realizes you hav a force sensitivity. You get accepted into the Jedi Order... You recieve your training, etc. etc, but then Revan goes off to fight in the war but you can choose join him (gets you ds pts b/c the council tells you not to) or not (ls). If you go, ur ships malfuctions/gets shot down over a planet. If you dont, the council sends you there for some reason. Either way, you meet some kind of assassin there, who follows you for the rest of the game. On that planet, you find an ancient ruin. Inside, there is a painting of either a Rakatan or a True Sith (not sure which one yet).