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I want teh kotor 3

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Everything posted by I want teh kotor 3

  1. MythBusters FTW.
  2. And general win-ness. Ideally I'd like this but then I'd definitely have to wait until cChristmas, and patience isn't my strong point.
  3. Chemicals, of course. We have family units for the same reason other species do: raising young, etc. Ours just take longer.
  4. Yeah, I have an Alienware desktop, and I'm probably gonna wait and get one of their laptops too.
  5. Unless you are referring to Starcraft 2 and Diablo 3. Those will need something better. I was. That must have been amusing. I remember one specific 17-person CounterStrike thing going on in chem once. Poor teacher didn;t even realize that I was the only one slightly paying attention.
  6. Vacation. Makes you wonder what the young ones do at school these days... No, I usually pay attention, but I figure that if I'm gonna get a laptop, it should be able to play Starcraft and Diablo, because that's really all I need. Thanks, that's convienient.
  7. When I say I'd rather have an axe than that lazer gun, you can safely assume I was being sarcastic.
  8. Wishful thinking, I guess That sucks. My desktop is in no need for anything, except maybe a mobo that can tri-sli 280s. I need it to be a laptop because of school. I guess I could wait until Christmas and get an Alienware.
  9. I'm in the market for a laptop, and wanted to know if you have any recomendations, I have around $1500.
  10. Which is exacly what it is. ES with guns. I'd rather have an axe, myself. But the teddy bear launcher looks epic.
  11. There are no good MMOPOS's, so tere are therefore no "best".
  12. But fans will help. Or you could go overboard and do water cooling, etc. but that's just overkill.
  13. I'm too lazy to type out a full response (avoinding the expenditure of ATP is one of my main goals ) , but I'll say that, again, emotions- chemicals= words. You people are blowing this **** way out of proportion.
  14. Sombody should have warned me there was an age requirement then. As to the Crawl (and music), it's simply a Star Wars staple. It ain't really Star Wars without it. And again, My 4 and 7 year old kids were bored outta their minds. About the crawl, I agree with you. But I actually liked the movie. Mostly because it didn't involve essays. Or history. Or thinking.
  15. Either Zannah's crusier or the Deathstar.
  16. MMO's inherently suck when =they're trans-genred games, like WoW or K3 are, so I don't see what potential you see. I love Bioware's games, but if BLizzard couldn't redeem it, no one can.
  17. But that would be too inherently worth watching (usually) to be a chick flick.
  18. You tell that to the CS and Starcraft crowds. I guess they are doing it wrong, too. No. Playing an RTS with a computer is kinda stupid, because computers are kinda stupid and don't react. RPGS, on the other hand (and I don't count MMO's as RPGs, just POSs), are meant to be played against AI.
  19. the one from one M. Stapp

  20. Yeah, it isn't a game, therefore there shouldn't be a "G". Or the 'RP" either. In fact, "POS" would do admirably.
  21. Chick flicks deserved one of these to the head. They fail.
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