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Everything posted by Pope

  1. Lawyer? Apparently law school is super easy, its actually trying to become a lawyer thats hard. Do you have a specialty or just a general law degree? I wouldn't call it super easy. Might have that reputation in the US, but not so here in Belgium. Then again, I don't consider myself the most brilliant student and I passed without any real trouble. But I'm no idiot either, and I definitely put in the required effort. With the exception of this year (the last year is sorta relaxed compared to the others), most days during examination periods were filled with an average of 12-14 hours of study. (The main reason for that being that I never really did much during the year. I tend to only take action when it's absolutely necessary; but when I do, I do it right.) I specialized in criminal law. Made that choice back when I was still interested in prosecuting people. Public attorney and all that. Doesn't really jive with me anymore today. There's an equivalent of the bar here as well. It takes a few years of training to become a true lawyer, but the real tricky part about it is finding (and being accepted by) a firm which handles the sort of cases you're interested/specialized in. Most big firms offer big paychecks, provided one is willing to work 14 hour days. Which I'm not. I was actually hoping for those days to end once I get my degree. I originally considered getting another degree, but after 5 years I've kinda had enough of all that studying. Anyway, I still have a good 3 weeks to focus on my final exams before I really need to start thinking my future through.
  2. that'll be the laugh I'm graduating in less than a month and I still have no idea what to do next any cool stuff to do with a law degree?
  3. soon people will call me Your Honor congrats anyways!
  4. best soundtrack ever is The Fountain's, followed closely by Requiem For A Dream's both by Clint Mansell
  5. LOL "nuking the fridge" is becoming the new "jumping the shark" http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0367882/board/nest/107043505
  6. all I have to say is: lamest artifact ever and no sidekick will ever match Sean Connery or John Rhys-Davies
  7. I haven't had the problem lately. Seems like it's fixed. Thx.
  8. omg that's Alvarez in the trailer! I didn't even notice until now
  9. I finally got an Infernus, which is nice. I thought it wasn't included either. I felt like a bad mofo for a few seconds, until I noticed that all of a sudden the city was overcrowded with them. Why is it that in every GTA, I am always the trend setter for the most popular car around? Isn't there a way to unlock new cars? Such as racing or bringing Brucie his cars? I remember being thrilled when I got the Hotring Racer in Vice City.
  10. I'm currently on Phil's mission where I have to drive him to the boathouse, and the sob keeps getting killed there (4x already). I really wouldn't mind replaying the mission, as I love shooting things up, but it's the bloody long drive there that's frustrating me. I really wish there was something I could spend all my money on. I checked the internet to see if I could buy any cars otherwise not available in the city (such as the Cheetah, I still haven't seen a Cheetah!), but as it turns out the car site is totally useless, since you can't even buy any car, not even those that are shown.
  11. JJ Abrams is doing a new show. http://tv.ign.com/dor/objects/14208895/fri...e_rev_1200.html I've never been a fan of X-files (and this looks like a blatant ripoff), and Abrams kinda "lost" my respect when he sorta turned his back on Lost, but I love watching Lance Reddick act (especially in The Wire).
  12. I doubt ex-cops even make it that long through prison.
  13. Lately, I've been having some log-in problems. Even though my user name and password are stored in Firefox, I always need to log in. I also constantly find that after about an hour of being logged in, I automatically log out again. On top of that, sometimes logging in once is ineffective, and I need to do it again. Is this a general problem or is something wrong with my Firefox settings?
  14. It baffles me why so many people claim this makes a show good. Not just any show can pull it off, but The Wire does. There's not a single character I don't sympathize with (the sole exception being the lying reporter in season 5). The Wire is all about the individual vs the system, and no matter how hard one tries, there's just no beating the system. Which is why I'm such a big fan of Bunny. His ideas of reformation throughout seasons 3 and 4 were nothing short of great, but sadly had no place in today's number games. But at least he's trying to make a difference. What I'm trying to say is that no other show has ever made me think about people and societies more than The Wire has.
  15. Is that the one with the crackdealers in the project housing, corrupt politicians etc ? Yes. No other show has character writing as good as The Wire. There's no good or bad, everyone is just trying to survive in the only system they know, be it the streets, the Baltimore PD or politics. I'm currently rewatching season 4, and along with 3, this is my favorite. Bunny Colvin ftw.
  16. Once you've seen The Wire, everything else is crap.
  17. Every car handles differently. For the fast cars, it's better to use the regular brake just before making a turn. It's better not to use the handbrake, except when making sudden stops, then you just use both. For heavier cars, using the handbrake while turning is more effective, but be sure to immediately steer in the opposite direction of the turn whilst braking or you'll pull a 180. See the Pixar movie Cars for this technique. In no way keep the acceleration button pressed at all time.
  18. I guess this is the topic I should post this is. How is Firefly? I saw the first 10 minutes of the movie Serenity last night, and it looked intriguing. Is the series any good?
  19. PissWasser commercial is freakin' hilarious http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lseKPKvyIrM
  20. Pope


    I'm not reading anything, keeping my eyes closed Since the finale consists of 3 episodes, I decided to wait 2 weeks and see them all 3 at once. Last time I saw that much new Lost material on one night was when I watched season 1 on dvd. I'm really curious though I have this theory of what the show is actually about. I'll post it once the season is over. PS I really hope to see more of Faraday this season. He was awesome during the first half, but he's been more in the background lately.
  21. Booka Shade - The Sun And The Neon Light
  22. I had hoped for more missions alongside your friends. I really liked it when you were shooting side by side with Jacob, or with Packie. There should've been more like those. Also, no real estate is a big no-no. My conclusion is that GTAIV is an immersive game in a believable city, but it's sad that many little things were cut. It doesn't deserve all those perfect scores, and is certainly not the best game ever.
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