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Everything posted by Pope

  1. I saw Manic yesterday, starring Joseph Gordon-Levitt (the kid from 3rd Rock from the Sun), who looks like he could be Heath Ledger clone. It was a rather good film I thought. I will continue watching some movies with this guy, in order to judge if he would be a worthy candidate to replace Ledger as the Joker in future Batman installments, should Nolan decide to use the character again.
  2. Today I went to a birthday party of a cousin of mine. It turned out to be more like my graduation party, with people constantly asking me about my future plans. Got pretty tiresome after a while having to do the same story over and over again. But I was congratulated more than the birthday boy, which was nice.
  3. http://movies.ign.com/dor/objects/41391/tr...der_040708.html Awesome trailer. Robert Downey Jr. ftw!
  4. Ever heard of Lucid Dreaming? I've never achieved it myself but I've heard a lot of people saying they do it regularly. Heh, neat. Seems very familiar indeed.
  5. Pope

    China did it

    It's up on the torrents in HD
  6. Going to sleep sober helps. Or so I've heard. I have the same issue. I do have the strange ability to realise I'm dreaming inside my dream. Mostly that is followed by waking up, though sometimes I can actually consciously decide what to continue dreaming about, and then forget it's a dream again. It's quite awesome. Life should be like that all the time.
  7. Pope

    China did it

    I've only seen highlights, and I was impressed. Any way to view the whole of it online?
  8. http://forums.obsidianent.com/index.php?showtopic=50269
  9. I saw Babel today, and it reminded me of Crash. I think I still prefer Crash though. Btw, whenever I see bearded Brad Pitt I am reminded of how uncanningly he resembles bearded Benicio Del Toro. They should play brothers in some film (I'm thinking Tarantino).
  10. T4 teaser: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Y-aCwYhbDT8 ... might be good In other news, I just noticed Christian Bale is rumored as Robin Hood in Ridley Scott's upcoming Nottingham. He's also in a Michael Mann movie with Johnny Depp (killer combo!). Oh, and there's a new RoboCop coming in 2010, directed by Darren Aronofsky (Pi, Requiem for a Dream, The Fountain). I'm betting Bale in the lead role lol.
  11. Being from Belgium I have to mention that this might be the worst Belgian beer. If you want good Belgian beer, try out Duvel and Leffe (there's actually 5 different kinds of Leffe, Radieuze being my personal all-time favorite beer). Not officially categorized under 'beer' (we call them 'trappist') are Chimay, Orval, Rochefort, Westmalle and Westvleteren (the last one was voted best beer in the world a few years ago). Any of these will make you wish you lived in Belgium.
  12. Just saw TDK. Pure awesomeness does not even begin to describe how good it was. I'm putting my money on Riddler and Catwoman for part 3.
  13. just noticed this on imdb: http://www.imdb.com/title/tt1152836/ Mann + Bale + Depp = w00t overdose
  14. I had my own personal Fear and Loathing on a festival here in Belgium the last 4 days. It was awesome. I even wore a hat, pair of sunglasses, little pipe and shirt just like in the movie. Looking like Johnny Depp seems to get you lots of female attention. Gotta love the peac0ck effect. If only I had been a bit more sober so I would at least remember whether I got laid or not.
  15. His face will always be Hans Gruber to me. Even in Robin Hood I felt as if Kevin Costner was fighting a German terrorist.
  16. I saw The Scorpion King for the first time last night, and it's the greatest movie ever! There was this scantily clad little sorceress lady and whew, she was just awesome. Oh, and there was some stuff about some big dude raising an army of scorpion lackeys or whatever, didn't really pay attention to the rest. But WHEW that sorceress lady!
  17. I'm not really into self-contained episodes. I much rather have series with an on-going plot.
  18. Burn Notice. I recommend. Is this more like Dexter or more like House in terms of story progression?
  19. Finally started Deadwood. Al Swearengen is teh awesum.
  20. I never had rain on any festival I went to. It's always shiny bright weather the days I'm there, and it tends to rain the days I'm not. For example, when I go for just the second day of a 3-day festival, then upon my arrival the sky will clear up, and the moment I leave the clouds will return. It's been like this for years. The only logical explanation is that I have a supernatural innate ability to keep it from raining on festivals. People always want me to come with them, which is nice.
  21. Anyone else seen this? I just finished it and it's the most cleverly written comedy show I've ever seen. The combination of a dysfunctional family, lots of situational humor, and the multitude of subtly hidden jokes is purely awesome. Apparently there's coming a movie in 2009.
  22. I saved a total stranger's life on a ski trip a few years back. After he had fallen he was hanging from a cliff and I pulled him up. That's probably the most awesome thing I ever did. The chicks who saw it happen totally digged me.
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