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Everything posted by Skarpen

  1. I don't agree, I merely acknowledge that it is a criminal offence, obviously since he was charged for it. But I don't agree with it and think it's wrong and most law systems agree with me. And I think FBI is only special in a way that with some training they could be almost as competent as law enforcement in other countries. I never said anything about whichever government agencies.
  2. Yes. That's where we started from. I understand it's a crime in US. I criticized it being a crime. If I understand correctly 5th amendment only works if you specifically plead the 5th and it only allows you to be silent. Which is a greatly flawed design in my opinion. I understand the situation Bruce. I understand it's a crime in US. It's not in most other western countries unless (this is important!) your official status in a case is a witness. In any other country Flynn would not be persecuted for lying to law enforcement about meeting Mr Rasputin. Only for meeting him if that was somehow criminal. To put it in the most simple term if police asks you "Did you do it?" You can in most western law abiding countries say "No!" without any additional repercusions, even if you actually did it.
  3. So can you or cannot you lie to the FBI when they investigate you?
  4. Please point to a paragraph where I made such statement.
  5. If you don't understand then feel free to read my posts carefully again and again until you understand. Those posts are not going anywhere.
  6. That's false, I meant any other lawful western country. I used Poland as an example. Also false. Statement to law enforcement follow the same law whether it's written or oral. In fact as I stated above almost always oral statements to law enforcement IS required to be transcripted and signed so the point Mr. Photo Op tries to make about there being any difference between written or oral statement to law enforcement is moot and doesn't hold any grounds. Which is even more weird that US have a law that forces individual to do so if it's FBI. But you don't have to take my word for it, you can take Polish Ombudsman statement about interviewing accused as a witness: RPO proponuje: przesłuchanie osoby faktycznie podejrzanej jako świadka - tylko z udziałem adwokata | Commissioner for Human Rights
  7. It's only illegal for the witness not suspect/accused. USA is unique in it's forcing accused/witness to provide evidence against himself or be punished. All witness testimony and suspect/accused explanation is in written form and signed by the person giving it in Poland at least. Putting it in writing doesn't change the nature of testimony/explanations. That statement alone makes it doubtful
  8. Nemo tenetur seipsum accusare. The principle that no one may be compelled to accuse himself is the guiding principle of the criminal process in any democratic state ruled by law. This principle is present in Poland constitution and present in either constitution or law of many western countries. A witness cannot lie, but a suspect is allowed to lie, withhold information etc. as a part of his right to defense. Moreover a person that is interrogated as a witness, but later changes status to suspect or accused retains the same right, even if he only suspects that his status as a witness might change. There are plenty of verdicts from Polish Supreme Court that reinforce this as police did use this tactics of interrogating suspects as witnesses. Polish Ombudsman intervened in this regards many times as such practices are against the law. In Polish law the witness gives testimony, but suspect or accused provides explanations. This is an important distinction to show separation between witness and suspect/accused. USA law that a suspect cannot lie to FBI is a clear violation of this principle and in principle basically takes away the right to defense. Therefore my comment.
  9. As the charges for Flynn would not fly in any other lawful western country the pardon comes as no surprise.
  10. I don't see the need to have men day. Everyday is men day in our glorious western patriarchy and it rocks!
  11. Yeah. That's why Ponzio schemes are working and never collapse
  12. Election night speech is not the same thing as presidential debate, right?
  13. Heh, yeah HC said that he shouldn't under any circumstances and she was also cheered for that, remember? But he also did in presidential debate. Something along the line: here is the deal, every vote counted, any doubt removed and then we can declare, remember?
  14. Have you been asleep or otherwise incapacitated for the last 4 years?
  15. The double standard is strong in Democrats: Joe Biden claiming he will not concede untill all votes are counted and all legal options are used - great. Donald Trump not conceding untill all votes are counted and all legal options are used - bad. Democrats literally begging electors to chose Clinton - great. Trump allegedly begging electors to chose him - bad. This could go on and on. Americans should chose a standard and stick with it regardless of who is soing the deed.
  16. Every time a game introduces a mentor type of character I can instantly tell whether they will die before the prologue ends or if they will become the traitor and final boss.
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