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Everything posted by Skarpen

  1. Obviously. Have you had any encounters with those pests? Dreadful creatures.
  2. You might want to take this course yourself considering that in your examples of how bad w.supremacy is all from years prior (when I asked for recent) and all are "allegedly" w.supremacists "allegedly" commited. Funny that I don't think I ever seen an alleged muslim terrorist commiting alleged beheading info.
  3. Kamala puts a final nail into Biden campaign by outing herself as a communist. https://www.google.com/amp/s/amp.dailycaller.com/2020/11/01/communist-propaganda-kamala-harris-equality-equity-video
  4. @Gromnir@GorthSo neither of you provided any substance, but you did write a wall of text to defend beheading people. Why?
  5. Poor democrats then.
  6. Really? It's quite easy to find a few clips of people saying it to Obama, Bill Clinton, possibly other popular presidents like JKF or Reagan also heard it from time to time. So I don't think it's something that is new and tied to Trump.
  7. I'm willing to give a pass to decapitations. I'm definietely will not count hate mail, prank calls and evil eye stares as being in the same category. Some people probably would and call it Good Fun! But I have standards.
  8. Please point me to almost 6 beheadings done by those groups in the last weeks.
  9. It is about control. That is exactly how extremists take control. They don't make one big strike to take all control. They use extreme reponse to minor things so weak people, who think this can be resolved peacefully, will give up freedom one thing at a time. Soon enough you will be telling people that giving their wives and daughters to harems is a small price to avoid more beheadings. Have you watched Agora from 2009? It depicts how this works.
  10. Muslim ban bad, beheadings Good Fun! https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.insider.com/nice-attack-woman-beheaded-police-confirm-2nd-in-france-2020-10%3famp
  11. My summary of debate: C'mon.
  12. That's a little far fetched date there, man.
  13. You mean she is not lgbtq+, disabled, body positive POC? And she didn't had abortion?! Wow. It's no wonder people are refunding this cisgendered, antiwomen, fascist, chauvinistic fantasy of a game. Thanks for warning.
  14. To be honest it's a reminder that US will use literally anything else to avoid metric system. Aren't they doing exactly that? Trying to shame and bully people to stay in line and be afraid to show they are conservative? On the other note the whole "body positive" movement is the equivalent of telling alcoholic that drinking improves his personality. Well my extra kilograms are all fault of my grandmother and her fear of people leaving her home hungry.
  15. Is it? https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.foxnews.com/politics/biden-antifa-idea-what-we-know.amp
  16. Wow. That's classy. For people who didn't have a chance to see the tweet it was a tweet from Philip Anderson, an afroamerican who was beaten and called N-word by antifa thugs on free speech rally. Tweet was a video of Anderson asking Biden if he still supports antifa. Guess that's a big no-no for Twitter. https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.nbcbayarea.com/news/local/free-speech-rally-twitter-protest-in-san-francisco/2382060/%3famp
  17. Oh, that explains indoctrination and defending USSR completely.
  18. There is only one truth. It saddens me that there are people who were either seriously misled or are deliberately lying to whitewash a murderous regime led by psychopath. Out of curiosity where are you from that Soviet propaganda still runs so strong?
  19. The truth, as always.
  20. Because that's what happened. Painting Soviets as anything else is spitting on the graves of millions they murdered.
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