Yeah, Common Law systems suck. Oh well.
Nah. The fundamental pillars of the system are protected well enough against cojunctural action. Changing the statute in a significant manner takes more than just the will to do so.
Unless it's done as a last resort measure, it IS an excess and the state is poking its nose where it don't belong. Just ask any mother. But yeah, you have made clear your willingness to bow to The Man previously, so it shouldn't come as a surprise that you fail to realize why this is tragic.
Yeah, because birthing children and raising them is the same as getting some tax exemption. Great analogy, right there.
Parents are generally not infertile, which renders this point moot. Parents ARE NOT required to pass any kind of screening to get the thumbs up from the govt to have children. And that's a good thing too.
Also, why does the ability to biologically process food give you the right to take a crap? It's a basic physiological function, bud. The govt doesn't need to authorise it.
If you didn't mean social equality, why all the business about kids having a right to nice parents and all? That has nothing to do with legal egalitarianism.
I already addressed this.