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Everything posted by Cycloneman

  1. Next time you make a video with the "What you do now, huh? Shoot me? That not get your missiles back" bit, extend it a few seconds and have Thorton shoot him. tia
  2. hey hey do you know what's wrong with this post? i'll tell you: "During character creation, players will be able to choose from a variety of appearances for Michael Thorton." and the rest of the pics in that (the GI article) are of smooth-faced michael thorton i just... i don't understand
  3. North Korea is basically a country from 1984, lol. Wait, that's not funny.
  4. Please tell me that's not a sewer level. Please.
  5. My advice for the OP can be summed up with a quote.
  6. Which one was your question 1? (it seems to be random) e: Man, some of these questions are absolute balls. Uh, maybe the best thing in life is helping other people, not killing things or studying nonexistent sciences? Maybe these gods' us-versus-them ideology turns me off (or, again, studying nonexistent sciences), and I seek someone more well-rounded? Why are the only options "kill things! GRAH!" or "study magic"?
  7. "Their governments?" There are two actually Muslim governments: Iran and Saudi Arabia. That's it. If you want to include governments governed primarily by Christians, most of the Christian governments aren't civilized, look at Ethiopia, the Congo, Mexico, Brazil, Russia, South Africa, Serbia, etc. BAM, I win. Neo-nazis, KKK-offshoots, irish separatists (IRA, RIRA, etc), the CIA, anti-abortionists, et cetera. All CHRISTIAN terrorist groups. Also, for fun, here's the highlights from a list of countries with a lower HDI (human development index) rating than Saudi Arabia: Brazil, Russia, Turkey, Peru, Armenia, China, Sri Lanka, India, Vietnam, South Africa, and Ethiopia.
  8. You guess wrong! Is it... less than one dozen?
  9. From what I understand, the "tone" is fairly dark, it just has some over-the-top characters. Sort of like Metal Gear Solid, I guess. I mean, the trailer sure doesn't look campy: "I wish I could tell you that this business isn't dirty. I wish I could tell you who to trust. The only thing I can say for sure, Mike: this business will change you." I laughed out loud.
  10. Pistols SMGs Shotguns Assault Rifles Toughness Hand-to-Hand Combat Infiltration (hacking/electronics) Lockpicking Stealth Gadgets Skill list, as I currently understand it. All of these have been previously mentioned in articles. I don't know about any grenades being in this game, though.
  11. It's been confirmed that when you wield a submachine gun, you always wield two.
  12. Are you sure? His mouth is closed, and which one of them is wearing something that you might describe as "that costume" which makes a person "hard to miss"?
  13. Based upon previous information, the options presented at the bottom seem slightly peculiar, given that it's previously been stated that the Jerk/Cool/Pro options have words describing themselves like Bribe or Flirt - however, I have a possible explanation! Conversation is supposed to be based upon stances which you can simply "leave" your character on. Thus, I have a theory: originally, the options presented were something like X: Mock, Y: Draw Gun, B: Inquire, but when you select "Mock" and Thorton starts rattling off a line, it goes back to X: Suave, Y: Threatening, B: Professional, since otherwise you might have the next section spoiled with options like X: My Father?, Y: Liar!, B: Interesting.
  14. The AP website still has March 2009 on it, so I figure that's the correct date.
  15. To allow truly vile lies such as the ones propagated by such high-ranking members as Alfonso and Francisco pass without any internal action on the part of the Church represents tacit support of these statements.
  16. Yeah, I mean, they're just a cardinal and archbishop, which are just the second- and third-highest offices in the main Catholic Church. Okay, I re-read it. Did I miss the part where the Church decided that safe sex was A-OK? So? If the Catholic Church told all its members to kill themselves, would that be OK because most of them won't?
  17. Cardinal Alfonso Lopez Trujillo:
  18. Okay, I've seen multiple articles mentioning leveling up stealth, so I'm guessing either things have changed or PCZUK got it wrong, and either Hacking or Electronics is out. 1. Shotgun 2. Assault Rifle 3. Pistol 4. Unknown Firearm 5. Hand-to-Hand 6. Gadgets 7. Stealth 8. Lockpicking 9. Hacking/Electronics 10. Toughness
  19. It looks to me like the link in the first post isn't working anymore, and I tried to get it on the gamespot website (it just gives a 404 error if you try to access the video from a search). Is this just me? I mean, I got it earlier so that seems unlikely.
  20. Where's a sigh emoticon when you need one? Oh no, he only sleeps with one girl for no good reason? That means there's no promiscuity! Yes, it would. While Bond has a sort of pseudo-invulnerability, he's still a person. It ruins a story much more if the characters don't behave according to their previously established characterization, than if they happen to do things that might not be physically possible.
  21. Yeah, that's the only time in the whole movie with humour. "Your mother?" "She likes to think so." Or how about "Most of the time, when people say 'we have people everywhere,' it's just a figure of speech. I mean, florists say that." He also impersonated a hitman and saved a damsel in distress without so much as an aggressive glare. He managed to find out who most of the participants were at a covert meeting. The follow up takes place all of five minutes after the first movie. Surprise, Bond didn't become any more subtle in the five minutes since the woman he loved died. The protagonist isn't super-ultra-suave just after the woman he loved was killed, revealed to be a double agent, and manipulated by a super-evil super-secret organization (not necessarily in that order)? Surprise!
  22. Uh...??? How did you come to this conclusion? Spy Activities: "We are teachers on sabbatical, and we have just won the lottery." Not much different from his whole "I'm Bond, but the reservation is under [fake name]." Humour: "We are teachers on sabbatical, and we have just won the lottery." Silly One-Liners: "If they'd wanted his soul, they should have contacted a priest." No promiscuity? Hello, Agent Fields (PS: Her first name is "Strawberry"). As to the "no Q or silly gadgets," come on. He's been a double-oh for like, two months now, tops.
  23. Job's done. The war in Iraq is long over. We killed the bad guys, established a new, democratically elected regime with a growing economy. Our continued presence in Iraq serves only as a recruitment tool for Taliban forces.
  24. I would agree with that; however, ten as a number of skills is unlikely to be a decision based solely on pragmatism. It's a nice round number. If the number of skills was determined by pragmatism, it'd probably be a different number. As such, it is unlikely to have been changed.
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