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Everything posted by Morgoth

  1. 360 and EA? That's so not exciting. Thank's for raping another classic franchise, EA. What's next? System Shock 3 as button-smasher on 360?
  2. BG1 Arcanum (curse you Troika! Great setting, crappy balance) And a bunch of others I certainly forgot. @Sand. Haven't beaten F2? Tsk tsk. Do it, it's better than F1. (I know this will now end in a dirty fight :'( )
  3. Think of Thief, but better developed Akshun. Sneaking is still in and works, there're also some abilities you can spend after getting some Exp, but it's not an RPG. Action with more playroom I'd say, very enjoyable! And before you ask: Forget the M&M stamp: That's for marketing reasons only. The game really doesn't have anything with M&M in common, except some visual reminders here and there.
  4. All that arguing about mere designations like "What's fantasy? What's Sci-Fi?". People People! Don't be so blind leaving out the most important question of all: Is Harold a mutant or just an ugly guy? Does he have feelings? Does he like Pizza? Does he like playing D&D games as well? Please discuss maturely.
  5. Just finished Imperial Glory in "Total Win" Mode, and Morgoth von Habsburg managed it to conquer whole Europe and North-Africa in just five realtime days. Man am I good! :cool: Now I'm waiting for Jade Empire. And Stalker. And Bioshock. And a new meaningful life.
  6. Looks pretty boring. I'm still waiting for this friggin' Starcraft 2!
  7. I hope the game will also receive a "M" for "Morgoth's taste" from ESRB, because I want to see the Aliens brains splattered over the wall when shooting at them. It's part of the fun in such games....you know it.
  8. IWD was neat, although I got stucked at the last chapter in HoW. Ice-Troll invasion nonstop! I would have needed a nuclear bomb to stop them... IWD2 was cool at the beginning, but later lost consistence and ended up in a total mess. IWD3? MYSTARY! But good to know Josh's working on TBH finally....
  9. Besides, that X-Com rumor is old news.... but still exciting nonetheless. Everything Irrational touches turns into Gold. There is no other perfect developer suited for this job than Irrational. I wonder if they're also gonna do some sort of a X-Com Alliance (SWAT style FPS) thing. Would be most excited as well!
  10. That's because you are no fun!
  11. Sorry double post.
  12. That's why I love Monolith so much when it comes to Action/FPS games. No orcs, elves, klingons and other teddy bear stuff. Just cool and extraordinary characters like Ghosts, rapists, murderes, huge japanese war mechs, heavy-armored psychotic genetically altered super-soldiers, or just a good ol' fashioned french mime driving on a kids bycicle.
  13. Boring and always the same, as usually every Bioware intrerview. <_<
  14. Two new podcasts with Ken Levine which are a total Must-Listen. What is Rapture? Ken talks about the motivations of the Rapture dwellers and why they turned into kids-enslaving monsters and why Elves suck. Listen and learn how real games are made today! Episode 19 of a Q&A with Ken who talks about his career, Thief, Bioshock and whatnot.
  15. It may work well with ME, but I don't want to see that in DA, especially since the Biowarians are claiming to create some sort of a BG spiritual successor.
  16. ME does not offer full-lenght lines to pick up like DA will. Period.
  17. Full sentences? Then you must talk about another game. "Yes" "No" "Grab his Collar" is not the conversation style DA is gonna have.
  18. Funny that I'm now more excited about a Mod than I was about the NWN2 OC previously.
  19. Don't go to the Codex. It's too Extreme there.
  20. I'm gonna wait how this Steven Spielberg project(s), in conjunction with Randy Smith and Doug Church turns out. Until then, I'll stay with my negative prejudgment against EA.
  21. EA and quality games? Game over MAN, Game over!
  22. When Bioware announces something they're gonna stick with it, no matter how long it takes them to make it. Bioware hasn't cancelled one single game in their history yet (as opposed to let's say BIS), so blaming them for producing vaporware obviously hints some lack of acknowledge for their ever ongoing success.
  23. There's a difference between a quality game I dislike and a crappy one that I and many others dislike. EA hasn't made anything for what....6 years I want to play.
  24. ME uses an in-cinematic, almost symbol-like conversation system. I'm talking about full-length lines.
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