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Everything posted by Morgoth

  1. Seems like Quantic Dream is now hiring full steam and revamping their homepage currently, which means at least Heavy Rain might have found a publisher.... http://www.quanticdream.com/customer.html With any luck, we will learn first infos sometime 2016, and then in 2022 we'll learn it was canceled (like so many other QD projects). Heh. Edit: From the jobs description: Now they should only see that they don't release it at the same time as Alan Wake. Edit 2: Oh, I also found an interview with Guillaume de Fondaumiere.
  2. Look into the help file. Try the search and use "Tiles". I bet I found something there when I read through it a month ago. Maybe you accidentily moved the tab away or something.... Or maybe it's a bug.
  3. Well I haven't installed it anymore... But if I remember correctly, you have to switch in the lower right from the Blueprints to the Tiles.
  4. Maybe you got the wrong tab.
  5. Whatever. Still, I think it's about time for an announcement. Development has, if I remember correctly, started in March 2005 with a licensed Engine. It would make sense to announce it earlier than PG, right? Would the developers care to comment....Please?
  6. I have my fingers crossed for The Crossing. Arkane proved that they can deliver top quality FPS/Sneak style gameplay with Dark Messiah, a quality that usually was reserved for the Looking Glass Legacy bunch only.... Besides, the concept sounds great.
  7. Strange that the Alien RPG has already been announced, and soon PG too. And although PNJ is longer in development (Brian Mitsota still Lead Designer I presume?), there's still no noise about it.... I fear it was put on ice or even worse....canned!
  8. LOL no <{POST_SNAPBACK}> No? Is there currently something better available from ATI than the X1950 Chip? Read this, you jerk: <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Isn't calling someone "jerk" merely over dissent of opinion considerably harsh? Jeez. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Sumimasen?
  9. I'm very happy with medium settings for the most part. Assuming that I play in 1024 res and switch off AA and HDR (which I always do), maybe it's even gonna be a med-high setting. That's totally fine.
  10. LOL no <{POST_SNAPBACK}> No? Is there currently something better available from ATI than the X1950 Chip? Read this, you jerk: From here. It would be a pitty if only DX10/Vista owners could play it. A very expensive flop, to say at least.
  11. Here's a new gameplay movie of CRYSIS. Click this Link! Jawdropping stuff I say! Also good to know it will run on DX9/WinXP Configs as well... I hope a X1950Pro will handle this monster...somehow. :'(
  12. While the poor soldiers in Iraq have to eat Sand and dirt, Bush just eats little kitties! THIS TRAGEDY MUST BE STOPPED NOW!!!
  13. Oh well, in times where there was no Internet, Radio or TV, soldiers would just go into battle and die proudly for country and supreme commander. But now in the information era, everyone's mind gets so easily boggled when they hear gruesome news on TV that they would rather refuse to go to war, instead of obeying their warlords. Better telecommunications, more moral awareness. Not that Bush & Co. were right with the decision to go to Iraq, but then again, they're not the first ones who made wrong decisions.... It's just that everybody whines about it, because they are informed to the last detail.
  14. New year, new sorrows. Meh. But there's always Bioshock at least. Bioshock, my sunshine, where are you???
  15. I once remember there was a game in development at 3DO...."Four horsemen of the apocalypses" or something like that. That game looked very reminiscent to "Requiem". In fact, I wouldn't mind some sort of demon/zombie/Hollywood "OMG" drama setting again. Bloodlines is cool, but I need more.... There's Clive Barkers Jericho which I'm anxiously looking forward to.... and who knows, maybe Obsidian has something in the cooking pot too? PNJ? Brian?
  16. Go back into your room Jeannette!
  17. Go away. Single player >> MMO. Always I said! Always!
  18. Gahhh.... always that MMO crap. Why can't they just make a decent single-player RPG instead? Ohh wait, that's too much I asked for. Maybe in another life and world. Single Player >> MMO. Always.
  19. I'd be pretty pissed off if a guy killed my whole family/relatives/friends but sits in the jail and gets fed while enjoying medical care too. Nope. The authorities owned it to the folk to execute him.
  20. Don't bother with JA3: It will be a dead-born child. Heck, maybe I should dig out JA2 and give it a real chance now. Are there any additional mods you can recommend me?
  21. People whose relatives and friends were murdered by his regime will be thankful for his dead.
  22. Hussein was hanged huh? I almost forgot about that old *****r... Oh well, I don't feel anything about it. But LOL to the picture. :D
  23. In short, software development is a non-linear, non-factory process that can't be 100% under control even with the most careful planning and skill/experience. Of course, ignorant entities like Volourn or Gromnir don't understand that, so they just will continue to justify their moronic opinions with proverbs like "It's all their fault! They are incompetent!!! They must die!!!". " Edit: I for one am sad that Troika is gone. Maybe they didn'tr break new ground in design, had some glitches etc etc. But their games were cool and had soul (ToEE excluded. But that's what you get when a programmer leads a project). Soul >> Perfection.
  24. I just received my copy of "Company of Heroes". I'm just in Mission 3, but what should I say, I'm surprisingly surprised by it's simple but yet deep gameplay mechanics, not to mention the awesome production values. In fact, I haven't enjoyed a RTS as much as this since Commandos 2 or Praetorians. I think I have to look into Dark Crusade as well...
  25. Obsidian (BIS) already had vast experience (like 10 years?) with DnD games. We're talking about a newcomer-team here that messes around with an old-time classic. But heck, why should I care anyway? I already sucked big balls in JA2, so JA3 prolly won't be my cup of tea, either.
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