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Everything posted by Morgoth

  1. ZOMG it's true!!!!111 Warren himself will slip into the main role!
  2. Only unclarity right now is whether Junction Point will develop the game or just some nobody. If it is the latter, I won't care anyways.
  3. I never really cared about tactics, neither in NWN1 or 2. I just clicked and flattened down the enemie ASAP. Also, I used to shower the enemies with tons of fireballs and all that explosion stuff. Just making it quick to get over the tedious combat. Dumbs down for an oudated PnP rulesystem.
  4. Hopefully that doesn't end up like Stranglehold where you fly around in the air and shoot the bad guys....Warren wouldn't want to insult my good taste. No he wouldn't... :'(
  5. Make sure to install the official patch for graphical improvements. Also, there's a Mouse Aim Mod available: Clicky
  6. New screenshots Baley on Ice comes to mind...
  7. While Ninjas are cool, I really wonder.... I mean Woo is a movie guru, I don't like games being turned into interactive movies. Warren != cinematic games.
  8. Either it's an exclusive of Fallout3, or the revelation of a new X-Com title. It was long ago rumored Irrational would work on it.... Please?
  9. The World of Yesterday by Stefan Zweig Slaughterhouse Five by Kurt Vonnegut Totally recommendable.
  10. I never managed to beat the endboss. Maybe I shouldn't have shoot at his b00bs in random sequence all the time? Blame puzzle logic. Edit: Charming, those filters.
  11. Thief2X. It's a surprisingly well made mod with 13 missions and full VO. If you have Thief2 and crave for more old skool love, go over to www.thief2x.com and download it for free.
  12. www.monsterpig.com "An 11-year-old boy used a pistol to kill a wild hog his father says weighed a staggering 1,051 pounds and measured 9 feet 4, from the tip of its snout to the base of its tail. Think hams as big as car tires. ... Jamison, who killed his first deer at age 5, was hunting with father Mike Stone and two guides in east Alabama on May 3 when he bagged Monster Pig. He said he shot the huge animal eight times with a .50-caliber revolver and chased it for three hours through hilly woods before finishing it off with a point-blank shot." More importantly: "Mike Stone is having sausage made from the rest of the animal. "We'll probably get 500 to 700 pounds," he said." I mean....holy moly! 11-year badass vs. Hogzilla! This is ripe for a potential film-adaption! Luckily enough I never plan to live or visit the Southern USA.... I mean I'm not sure what I should be more afraid of...the monster pigs or kids shooting around with guns. Edit: Oh dammit, I just posted that in the wrong forum. I was so sure I was gonna post that in the "Way Off-Topic" forum. Mods please move this thread!
  13. Whatever. I haven't read the Character Bios. I was just refering to the funny name "Dr. Tannenbaum". You know, a fir tree.
  14. Dr. Tannenbaum.... that's even more ridiculous than Dr. Betruger.
  15. Bioware or Obsidian wouldn't deal with a craptastic publisher like Jowood. I guess Reality Bump (Two World) will be the right choice. But then again, I don't care. Without PB, Gothic just isn't the same.
  16. There's no "evil" way to harvest Adam. You just do it. Just listening to the podcast, yes, the Insect is not a mutated Sister. Ken also mentions the player will be rewarded for not harming Little Sisters in some way.
  17. Too bad, I kinda like the idea of Seaslugs turning into humans. Where the hell else would all the kids come from? Horny Rapture dwellers, I suppose...
  18. New podcast with Ken Levine. He's talking about the Little Sisters. There's also concept art. I didn't know they were sea slugs that mutated into "humans". That also explains their strange look.
  19. Who would have guessed that? I drank some Schnaps, and then all of a sudden he felt like a tree.
  20. A very compelling.....uhm Screenshot.
  21. Yes, not everyone can fart and run on water at the same time. Kirottu-san always amazes me!
  22. It runs now worse than with my old Graphics card..... ugh next time I'm gonna buy Nvidia again. Always buy Nvidia.
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