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Everything posted by Morgoth

  1. No comment!
  2. There's too much emotional ballyhoo around Fallout, that's for sure. But since Fallout 3 pretty much looks like a shooter with a tacked on dialog system, I lost all my (little) interest already. I guess this is an afterthought bargain bin purchase for sometime next year. However, I find it hilarious that people "hate" Bethesda for making such a game. If I'm not interested in something, whether it's a beloved franchise or not, it just leaves me cold. No reason for hating. The game world needs more love. And a System Shock sequel.
  3. I'm looking forward to the next BiA sequel.
  4. Far Cry 2 runs on Cryengine 2? You sure?
  5. After watching the new gameplay trailers over gametrailers.com (trench warfare, underground combat, bos combat) I'm less excited than I already was. Combat just looks dull, VATS is overpowered (what, I can kill everyone with one headshot?), so basically this just looks like a shooter. Where's the challenge? Heck, real FPS like FEAR or BiA have at least challenging combat and don't pretend to be an RPG, why does F3 tries to pretend to be a shooter?
  6. Being published by EA, you can count on DRM.
  7. "At Bioware, our mission is always to create an emotional reaction [...]"
  8. Just because the press release sounds typically corny "Rednecks vs. Terrorists", "Good guys vs. bad guys", doesn't mean the game itself has to be so shallow and superficial. I trust Obsidian to make a game with characters of many facets and motivations. As a game journalist, you should know that PR always has to sound "catchy".
  9. I doubt anyone, even Spector, could have made a great game with the crippled IW engine.
  10. I didn't know you can carry shield and sword in Fallout 3. LoL Bethesda, you really nailed the Fallout style with this one.
  11. Boy, I wish I'd have this patience. No way, the waiting is killing me. Must get game at day one.
  12. Another Blizzard game, another must-have game. Moah please!
  13. I've no problem to fork out three times the money for a Blizzard game. I'm gonna pick up all three for sure.
  14. Don't know what you mean with third peson. The game is played in First person view, only when you dig in and want to aim you have the over-the-shoulder-look, which isn't bothering me at all.
  15. I wonder if there's any other game series out there that produces as much emotional reactions as Fallout does.
  16. Playing Borthers In Arms HH now. Pretty good game so far.
  17. The mkreku is just overreacting, as usual.
  18. But sometimes it does!
  19. Well she has nice b00bs so she will end up being in my party.
  20. Kotor was the better game. Kotor > ME.
  21. I'd have to agree with Zoma: It looks too simple right now. But I still have faith in Relic to make a worthy sequel, even though the focus will be different.
  22. Agree, not sure about every level though, Mandalore is still no Canderous, and I don't even consider K2 inferior, I think it's a very even match overall. With a year more development time, they certainly would have rewritten certain parts and fleshing out the characters more. Also, the leveldesign and art would have been improved, and the overall game a more polished and finished feel. But alas, exactly these shortcomings make K2 slightly inferior to K1, as a whole package.
  23. With a year more development time, Kotor2 surely would have beaten Kotor1 on every level. As far as the reality concerns, K2 is slightly inferior to K1 as a whole package, but still a remarkable feat given the short 14 month development time.
  24. Looks semi-interesting, although from what I've seen it will probably just be another Crysis - all flash and no substance. Although I do like the fact that you will be able to "let the heroes die first," as there are too many games where your forced to take the "good" path and do not have a viable "evil" option. I get the feeling Far Cry 2 will just be another soulless FPS coming from the Ubisoft machinery. And the Savanna setting totally turns me off.
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