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Everything posted by Morgoth

  1. Let alone how they treat their Christian minority, or how vigirously oppose the construction of churches, while in Europe it can't be fast enough how many mosques we build.
  2. No, Warcraft 3 looked silly and toony. Warcraft 2 really has a sexy graphics style that I wish it could be reproduced in WC4, with modern tech.
  3. Krezzy obviously confuses the "shining beacon" of Turkey with the prehistoric dinosaurs that settle(d) down here in European countries. But of course Krezzy doesn't have to deal with these scumbags that reproduce in high speed and try to undermine our culture on a daily basis. Krezzy rather likes to sit in his comfty Australia pointing with the finger at other people instead and undertanding zilch of the dangerous situation. It's time for your medicine again, Krezzy.
  4. I'm all for a Warcraft 4 if they actually go back to the goofy Warcraft 2 style.
  5. The worst character was clearly Garrus. He was flat like a card-board. I didn't get anything out of him.
  6. I dont understand, are you talking about more camera angles/modes or something completely different? I think Blodhemn means being able to press some buttons or throw stones within a level. Oh well...
  7. I have to disagree with you there. Her whole shtick was that she was a racist bastard and missed her mother/sister. Her death was blessing on all those poor five races. Wow, where did you get she was a racist bastard? Just because she thinks humans are meant to fly a human vessel? Come on, racist bastard.... Racists are those that usually kill people for being ethnically different. Anyway, I liked Ashley. She was straight and cool yet not one of these silly Tomb Raider wannabe-cool Hollywood puppets. I'm looking forward to have her in my party again in ME2.
  8. We won't find out anytime soon. Besides, Blizzard has a fifth project in development as well. I'm more curious about that (SC Ghost pretty please?).
  9. I really don't get all this Carth/Kaiden hate. I think he's an incredibly talented voice actor, like it or not. That he was written like a douche though isn't really his fault.
  10. This sucks. Hope such a law never gets passed in the EU.
  11. It's a good thing they try to tie the side-quests into the main story, this is definitely a big improvement. I also hope they have more interesting planets to offer (story planets). Wanna maybe see the Asari homeworld, and most importantly a bit more lon-linearity in the level design.
  12. Half Life had the crowbar, but I prefered the clumsy wrench in SS2 myself. It felt so beautifully clumsy.
  13. Exactly, the actual changes will be miniscule at best. But hey, Bioware had this special talent to make their games sound more important and special than they really are.
  14. Violence in Austria is relatively low, because we don't force building getthos in the bigger cities, but better look for carefully mixed flats everywhere, where getthos can't emerge. It also helps that immigrants live and breath through our social welfare benefits (our government to blame), so there's no need really to get violent. It all begann in the late 50s, early 60s, when Turks und Ex-Jugoslavian workers were hired for construction companies etc. There wasn't really put a lot thought into if these people just are here to work, or if they will stay. Of course they stayed and policy allowed it to bring the whole family into Austria to settle them down there. Of course these people never really valued education that much, so their kid's kids didn't neither. It increases the problem because neither do they find enough jobs, nor do the Turkish kids learn their mother language from their parents. And without being able to speak your mother language, you can't learn a foreign language. And that despite they all have the same chances as everyone alse.
  15. Perhaps you're right. Perhaps I should have wrote "Turkish nationalism" doesn't really allow to be compatible with western views. If only 30% of Turks have a school-leaving certificate, there're problems programmed. Again, in Europe, you need a high education to have a chance to get a decent job (duh). Why is it a Chinese, Pakistani, Afghan or Vietnamnese do well with their lives, while Turks don't? This will become a staggering issue, at least in my country.
  16. I think this whole import-your-save-data is weird in the first place. But hey, some people want these "choices".
  17. Well as long as the game gives me the option to start a character from scratch and set these super-important decisions from ME1 myself, I'll be happy. Not that there were that many anyway... Wrex, Ashley/Kaiden...anything else?
  18. Well, these are the people who are growing up in a societity that despises their own moral believes and own agenda by living in anxiety because most classes (read above: up to 90% immigrants per class, most of them Turks) mob everyone else, thus making it impossible for these young people to develop their own strengths. If you get forced my Turkish kids to "play along" with nthem every day, you start to feel like an outsider, get frustrated and therefor lose any believe into a multi-culty society that theoretically could work well, but doesn't because there are these particular subjects that don't blend into society, but force everyone else to belnd to their believes. Integrationis an effort that has to work from both sides, but many muslim immigrants make this impossible. I'm all for a multi-culty society that embraces education, tolerance and performance, but having these parallel structures emerging that pulls your own culture down into the dirt makes this effort zilch. Multi-Culty yes, but there needs to be a larger EU wide dialog about if the Islam is even compatible with our western views.
  19. Increased freedom? Increased tolerance? Increased opportunities? Increased knowledge of the world? I could go on, but I suspect you've already determined that you don't like multiculturalism. Now now, you sound like these neo-liberal dreamer politicians. We're talking reality. Who has to deal with immigrants the most? That's right, pupils/students. And when they grow up and always get mobbed, feeling like they're alien in their own country, do you really consider this an improvement?
  20. Do you think forcing immigration of muslims is a good thing? And why do you think becoming a multicultural hub is a good thing? What makes a multicultural society better? Otherwise, I agree with Rosberg. Asians are keen learner and work very hard, therefor they integrate very well into our high-performance society. It just seems to be that particularly Turks (I know now I sound like a racist ass) are damn slow, or even unwilling to accept democracy and freedom of religion. And there're plenty of them, particularly in Germany (2,7 million) and Austria (350k).
  21. Never saw a console game that has a slick and useful inventory.
  22. Just the other day I read news that in Salzburg, a carrier-organization having another few hundred illegal immigrants from Iraq, Turkey, Chechenya etc. on board have been intercepted by police, and more disgracefully, this case has been covered up by the interior ministry back then because there was a state election due shortly. Well, I think, with our scumbag socialist government, who have forced mass immegration since decades (especially from Turkey), giving basically everyone asylum despite not being politically chased, allowing the whole family of the person to settle down here and paying them social security from tax-payers money (despite living here for years and still not having a job), this case doesn't really surprise me at all. It's really weird. Just a week ago, I met an Iraqui refugee who lives here for a year now and already speaks incredibly good German, currently serves in the Army to get the Austrian citizenship and has plans to continue his study here (journalism) once he's done with it. And then there are families from Turkey, who live here for 10 or 15 years, still speak hardly any German despite getting offered language support, have no Job, have 5-8 kids with no jobs, no volition to take futher education beyond secondary school, no volition to integrate in your society, and generally displaying offensive, troublemaking behavior. In cities like Vienna, Cologne or Berlin, there are districts were schools are filled up to 90% with immigrants who speak litlle to no German, forcing parents to send their native kids into expensive private schools who can afford it, those who can't will have kids growing up in these classes that will end up underqualified and depressed. As a result, pupils, parents and whatnot get more frustrated from our government who always presses immigration and multi-culti society is a necessary thing, this forcing to lend more and more their votes to the right-wing parties that reject these ideas. (and make us obviously evil Nazis again. Hur Hur). So, I wonder, how well does immigration, especially those from Turkey, work in your country? Do parallel societies emerge? Do you think religion (Islam) is part of this problem that prohibits to acknowledge values of western society? Or is it rather a social problem? Are newer generations more fond of merging into western society, and how well is your government prepared for further mass immigration? How strict are your countries immigration laws?
  23. I think that's kinda a waste of time, importing the save data and shaping the beginning of ME2 according to this. Heck, I already can't remember anymore what I did in my last ME walthrough, let alone if I have the savegames somewhere left. I think I'll start fresh from scratch with ME2. Wrex, I don't care, but I better get Ashley back so that I finally get a chance to do nice happy sexy lovely things with her. Ho ho. Ho...
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