I replayed this again, and this time "only" Mordin and Samara died. But why? Is it because I let them kill their targets without interference, or had they to die anyway?
Agreed. I liked Awakening more as well. It was better paced, had some more visually and atmosphereic interesting areas, and less filler combat. Bioware has done it's homework.
Deus Ex: Human Revolution. It's from a different team, on different (more powerful) platforms. So I really don't get the chicken **** hysteria from Krezzy.
I disagree. Arcanum was badly designed, and very inbalanced. Heck, it took me 15 rounds to kill a friggin wolf. Somebody screwed up there majorly. The only good thing was the world, and that credit goes to Leon Boyarsky.
So, he actually never played Arcanum? Can't blame him. And it's not like he's missing something.
Enjoying Fallout 3 sure is a kick in the teeth for the Codex though.