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Everything posted by Morgoth

  1. No. Even if somebody would pay me to play Arcania I still wouldn't.
  2. There is bot support, but this is really about playing with your buddies. More so than any other MP-orientated game I've played in the past.
  3. I've seen better indie games, but I understand the point about graphics is mood about this niche.
  4. Dead State looks cheap and horrible, but I'll make an exception there since the Mitsoda couple are working on it. Quite a waste of talent, actually. Brian should have sticked with Obsidian and make real games.
  5. Yeah but there are no real surprises. Mostly games that everyone already bought years ago...
  6. Today only **** games, like yesterday.
  7. The key indicator there, old man, is that we didn't NEED to outlaw the Nazi party. What with no-one here wanting to belong to it. Apart from the king, obviously. Of course you didn't, old fat man. You guys were sitting on your blessed island and had no immediate danger of being bullied and overan like certain neighboring countries of Germany.
  8. Huh? Standing up against a bully like Hitler was suicide. Even Czechosloavkia which back than had estimated a 8-9 times stronger army than Austria did not fire a single bullet.
  9. Wow, the education system there really has bulk-ordered air-brushes. Look who is talking. Talking about mass murder, the British Empire murdered 10 million Indians They also invented the KZ.
  10. You still lack the ability to understand what was really going on. There was a Nazi party in Austria implemented with aid from the outside, but remember that Austria was the first state which prohibited the Nazi party officially and locked all members into prison, while you Brits and Frenchies just sat on your asses and did nothing. Miraculously when Hitler invaded Poland you just declared war. Still not willing to answer my questions, I see. You Brits are truly ignorant and insolence chaps.
  11. Morgoth


    Puntigamer - Das "bierige" Bier ("Puntigamer - The "beery" beer") Someone who comes up with such a brilliant slogan must know how to make beer.
  12. Morgoth


    British "beer" tastes like piss mixed with sulfur. No wonder they're so gloomy people...
  13. I'm still waiting for my Killzone 3 copy. Oh, wrong thread...
  14. Morgoth


    Wieselburger, Puntigamer, Reininghaus.
  15. PS: You can actually read that up in some English literature and memoirs. He was in the White House during the last months of the war, so yes, I think he saved a lot of unnecessary civilan deaths. After all, why bombing Munich but not the nearby Salzburg? Because of some "flight routes"? But you're ignorant because you're probably just "educated" through The Sun and the BBC. "Some old dude" my ass.
  16. The Habsburg weren't mass murderes and colonialists last time I checked, though after the horrible mistake of 1914 we just kicked them out. Why haven't the British people relinquished the monarchy yet? And the Nazis were a German party. You still haven't answered my question.
  17. You are a troll and I claim my ten pounds. Comparing the British Empire, even warts and all, with the Nazis is idiotic. Still living in denial? Is it true the Queen wears a diamond stolen from India in her crown named "Spoils of war"? How very tasteless.
  18. Heh funny, it's exactly Brits (okay, Londoners) I met that always were convinced that "they" were superiror in any way while mainland Euros were "backwards". Of course it's these same people who had jobs here in Austria for 10 years as English teachers and whatnot and still haven't really bothered learning German. How very backward indeed.
  19. Are Britons nowadays still educated that the British Empire only brought good deeds around the world? That's like Germans trying to vindicate the advances the Nazis brought in medicine, engineering etc.
  20. Well, that's not many publishers left skipping Steamworks for retail products. I suppose you won't be able to play Obsidian forum's most beloved Mass Effect 3 either because it will utilize Origin. So either you stop playing video games or you start playing on consoles.
  21. Now you're just rude, Wals. Let's just be dignified and agree that neither you knew which (or why) such decisions very taken, nor do I exactly, because we both weren't there. Since this thread is now about glorifiying the British royality and superiority bla bla etc, and not about humble Otto von Habsburg, we can just close it down.
  22. If your son wants to play AP he has to buy a seperate copy one way or the other. No he has not... I just give him my copy and he can play it while I am playing another game, without anyone else than me, having the final say... That's called in civllized world Fair Use! But that's not what the publishers want you to do. That's why we got DRM in the first place.
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