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Everything posted by walkerguy

  1. *Female Marine 1 heads for the bridge.* *She finds the commander has a peg leg and an eye patch.* Commander: Arrg!! Yer stay away from me driving wheel! The intergalactic frigate Saturn is controled by...? FM1: Oh god we're all going to die!! Like so totally cool!
  2. Murderers! You killed marine 1!

  3. Female Marine 1 enters room. Hey guys, like we are so totally under attack! *is distracted by covenant weapons fire outside the window* oooh pretty!
  4. That was exciting. I'd just be bored, looking for a cool blaster at some shop then I see "HK Control Cluster" or what have you, and go "Yippie!" purchase it right away and go install it. Whenever you install a part, HK-47 looks up for a split second then goes hunched over again I've noticed. Minor bug I suppose. ADDED: Well not "bored" but you know what I mean. ADDED2: BTW, hello hk47.
  5. Aren't those little furry guys "Gand"? Anyhow, I used force dominate mind.
  6. Just to let you guys know, I've got the problem again today. :sad:
  7. Yeah that was gay, they gave him the pilot's lightning gun. At least that was better than BF 1's lightning gun. I did like how snipers got turrets on BF 2, that was nice.
  8. Yes. No super weapons permitted. Question refers to anything that flies, but not resembling a motorcycle/tank. Swoops and landspeeders, snub fighters, bombers, interceptors, etc, etc, crusiers, destroyers, frigates, corvettes, flagships, etc, etc. Just for clarification. Oh, and if you like them- shuttles.
  9. LOL Sounds weird doesn't it? Im trying to create a medavil-era story and I wanted some suggestions...
  10. Bauldur's Gate: Dark Alliance (XBOX) For most people this isn't a problem but some of my controls are getting kind of old and the thing where you gently hold the attack button to aim your bow & arrows can be a pain in the ***. I switched attack to the right trigger which fixed that up for me.
  11. AoE II: Conquerors fixed that bug.
  12. AoE II Catapults fire on your own troops.
  13. I remember thinking to myself "why is the blood fresh looking" for some reason. Oh well.
  14. Wait a minute. We can only control ourselves and minor characters. We can do things such as have an enemy attack but its going to be difficult to have nice long RP posts. I'm taking off here in a minute so don't get too much more involved. (Unless you can keep Marine 1 out of yur plans)
  15. (In a singsong voice) Plausible is a perspective- an opinion- not a- faaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaact!!
  16. I don't know where you're from... Dxun. Hmmm..... Mandalore treating you fine? Mandalorians probably don't like christians any more than they like Jedi.
  17. *Marine 1 eats cheetos quickly* *The Saturn shakes violently* Commander over intercom: "All hands to battle ready postitions! Pilots to your longswords, enemy seraph fighters inbound."
  18. Mine is 2.4 but hasn't been updated in ages.
  19. I truly cannot see humor, Tigranes.
  20. Kosovo is old news, this should of died a long time ago. Aponez kept finding things to add. Also, Si hoc non legere potes tu asinus es!
  21. Also: Next person who posts a thread with " " for an icon will be shot.
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