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Magister Lajciak

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Everything posted by Magister Lajciak

  1. Obsidian Entertainment would love to do KOTOR 3 - it is not their fault they are not permitted to do so.
  2. Well, it does save me about $180 overall on Mass Effect alone. Plus, since EA seems to be determined to put DDRM on all its games, it will save me much more money over time, so it's not all that bad after all.
  3. Just out of interest, what seems to be the problem in the installation process?
  4. I have heard of it in a DRM discussion as a DRM-free game, but it is a different genre of a game than I generally prefer.
  5. Could you imagine the hysteria if there was nakedness in a game where you can decapitate people on numerous occasions, tear off limbs, turn them into slag as you hear their final cry of pain, and is loaded with "foul" language? Not to mention the rampant drug use and potential promotion of slavery. Well, the they wouldn't even have to have nakedness would they? Fade to black and all that...
  6. How regularly did things like this appear in the game? Every five minutes. It almost ruined the game. Ouch, that does sound very over the top. I mean, I don't mind occassional humor (anybody remember the spectator beholder from Baldur's Gate II?) of the game not taking itself seriously, but if it appears too often, it would ruin the experience for me. Only it wasn't a talking radscorpion. It was a lockpicking, chessmaster radscorpion. Well, yes, it is a matter of taste. Personally, I can find over-the-top humor amusing if it is used sparingly.
  7. Poor Aussies! BTW: I think these kinds of staggered game releases also contribute to piracy.
  8. I can't stand most fish, bar salmon, tuna, and shark <sic>. I got a fishbone through my epiglottis, that then got stuck in my throat wall. Two hours of pain every time I swallowed or tried to tell anyone, or turn my head. Bloody awful. How did you get rid of it in the end? BTW: I also take a long time to eat fish to avoid the bones.
  9. OK, I see, so there was still a lot of content in it - it was just optional. Still, regardless of how good the gameplay may be, I will pass on the DDRM-infested franchise.
  10. That's a lot of storage space! I am a huge fan of storage space and archiving stuff, so I fully sympathize with you on that.
  11. OK - thanks for the answer, although it means no further interest in the game on my part.
  12. More lame than paying a hooker to -literaly- sleep next to you? Hmm... well, I was trying to find a justification - do you have to blow it into the water?
  13. Maybe they consider fades to black lame?
  14. Interesting - I didn't realize there was such a difference between Fallout 1 an Fallout 2 before this topic came up.
  15. There were many more "fad to black" sceens then that one... In Fallout 2 or Fallout 3? Fallout 2, and Fallout if I remember correctly although it's been awhile. All number 3 has, as far as I can tell, is a whore who will spoon -no f.t.b.- with you for 120 caps. Well, I guess they wanted to stick to an M-rating.
  16. There were many more "fad to black" sceens then that one... In Fallout 2 or Fallout 3?
  17. Thanks for the explanation guys!
  18. Great pictures Dark Raven!
  19. Does anybody know when is the next major release from EA? I want to track the DRM situation there...
  20. Don't worry they're next! lol Well, as I said - they did not claim that SWOR replaces KOTOR 10+!
  21. Now run before she gets you back!
  22. OK, maybe I just wasn't paying attention.
  23. OK, fair enough, point taken!
  24. I got that, but why does he want to finish it if he finds it boring and thus not enjoyable? Is it for story reasons, or perhaps just for the sake of completionism? These are all valid reasons, but I am just interested what the reason is that compels him to continue playing it despite the lack of enjoyment. Because I always finish my games. But HL is wearing me down. OK, so it is the completionist reason. I have some of that in me myself, but not if I don't like the game. Fair enough - I guess I will know not to buy Half Life 2! Not that I was planning to do so.
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