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Mamoulian War

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Everything posted by Mamoulian War

  1. Wasted opportunity
  2. Microsoft store sounds like something which checks online once in a while...
  3. It's Activision, ofc they will be abusive
  4. The joys of always online gaming
  5. The video before it got deleted probably contained some phone screened gameplay of Cyberpunk 2077. I have seen only thumbnail before it was gone. It probably got hit by the copyright hammer.
  6. Cayne Deluxe Content Upgrade on GOG as a thank you to The Brotherhood, the developer of Stasis for an awesome game they made! Stasis was for me a true hidden gem!
  7. Exactly at midnight I have finished STASIS: Deluxe Edition from GOG, and I have to say, this was one of the best gaming deals this year. The atmosphere was really tense during the whole 10 hours of gameplay and the ending was unexpected. Some item puzzles were harder to crack, but 90% of the time, they were intuitive to solve. Can't say more, because I would spoil it for you, but if you like Horrors and Point-and-Click Adventures, I can only recommend this to you. I have enjoyed the game so much, that I have purchased the deluxe content for the developers second game in the same universe called Cayne. This one, will be my next game to play for sure.
  8. This was the reason, why I skipped D3 as well, I did not care about the cartoon graphics, but always online killed it for me completely.
  9. 1 Bioware Magic = 60 Microsoft Minutes = 3600 Blizzard Times.
  10. First 4 hours of STASIS behind me. The atmosphere is pretty grim and few of the things, I've encountered were pretty gross. After very long time, it is the first adventure game I play, and my third horror game, after Elvira 1 and 2 from Accolade like 2 billions years ago. I have died three times so far, Most of the item puzzles are very intuitive, but I had to get external help with two of them. And yes I know my microphone volume is to low. I need to tinker with its setting little bit more
  11. Stasis Deluxe Edition from Halloween's Sale on GOG. And new Steelseries Arctis 5 headset, which replaced my Koss SB/45 after 15+ year long duty
  12. I understood it more in lin of Steam and Epic. The only MS games on GoG are from companies, which published their games on GoG, before they were bought out.
  13. The hold my beer phrase started with this story http://www.todayifoundout.com/index.php/2015/07/hold-beer-story-tommy-fitz-drunken-bet/ It's just bet, that I can do much crazier ****, than you
  14. If I understood it correctly, it is Epic and MS store timed exclusive for PC. Correct me if I am wrong. We’ll see if MS will allow this on GOG at some point in the future or the Obsidian will be gone from there forever, like other MS games.
  15. @Malcador Well, this industry was never shy to hide serious lack of work behind some flashy prerendered cutscenes
  16. I think there might be a lot of potential employees available at Blizzard given the current circimstances
  17. I bet they’re now be willing to announce even Blackthorne Remaster, just to try to overshadow the current drama
  18. Well I agree more with Chilloutman on this. There are two ideal outcomes of the situation. Typical Sith/Jedi choice. a) you act as a Blizzard and care about money first, and CCP will force on you their morals and vision and let them control you. b) you stay one with the western value and risk losing business there. Ideally, if this solution is condoned enough with western governments and corporations, that could mean some pressure on CHN. They will not be able to to ban every western company, because the needed money income. The situation at the moment is, that West feeds snake on its breasts for years, and this snake had grown up long time ago and starts to bite back.
  19. Victoria II finally on GOG, but the game does not support multiplayer if you care about it. Pricing is little bit to high for 9 year old game IMO. But yrah, sooner or later I've cave in https://www.gog.com/news/release_victoria_ii
  20. It has no direct impact on what happens there, but if the customers does not raise their voice now, it will have serious impact in the long turn, on all our lives. Because if nothing happens, big money will be encouraged to continue in their footsteps and CCP will through them continue to attempt to control our freedom of expresion...
  21. Very good video with a lot of arguments and a timeline of the Hong Kong protests by a guy, whom livelihood depends on Overwatch, and what is happening there, including slaughters. Watch it and think more about it. Same thing was happening in central and eastern europe during the late 80s, when I was in my early teenage years. In some of the countries, there were also lot of people slaughtered. West gave us helping hand during that time, and I think West should do the same now as well. If you allow few shareholders to censor your freedom now, and do not speak up, you will end up in the situation in which my country was between 1948 and 1989. My Granddad was imprisoned because he also tried to express his freedom of speech during that time, because he openly critisized Communist Party. Shortly after being released from prison, he died with not so clear circumstances few months after my Dad was born. Afterwards my whole family was forcefully relocated to another part of the country, they got stripped of all of their possesions, with no monetary reimbursement, and the comming years some of father’s siblings were denied education and job applicatuons. Free speech matters now more, that anytime before. That’s why boycotting Activision Blizzard should matter for all of us as well... Our entertainment should not have bigger value than other poeple lives...
  22. This is the first thing, which for some reason came to my head after reading your request. It's probably not what you search for though, but it's both space and strategy and has iirc some meteors as well. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Alien_Legacy
  23. Laymen style the guy is really producer in CDPR Krakow
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