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About SummerDay

  • Rank
    (1) Prestidigitator
    (1) Prestidigitator

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  • Location
    The Volunteer State


  • Pillars of Eternity Backer Badge
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  1. I also have worries about Microsoft and Obsidian. I used to live next door to a former employee of Westwood Studios. He had told me, that as soon as he heard about EA buying Westwood, he saw the writing on the wall and quit. That's kind of the feeling I get. I sincerely hope that isn't the case here.
  2. Yes, and about to play KotOR 2 again.
  3. Since Nevada has a "none of these Candidates" option on the ballot, can't help but wonder how many votes it will get this year.
  4. Also supposed to be getting a physical copy, and have been waiting pretty patiently so far, but... All I ever see when I check "my orders" on the pillars site is "shipping soon". Sigh. Never been a fan of Steam, and really miss being able to buy a retail boxed version of a game. Did get Skyrim as a gift, but still had to use Steam, so I really don't count that as a "real" boxed version.
  5. You know, for all the flack it took, I really liked NWN2 also. Playing it now actually, although fighting it every inch of the way on an 11 year old computer with XP.
  6. Well, I know I never asked those questions, because stayed as far away from that book as I could.
  7. Fingers crossed.
  8. I've tried a short time with the beta, but my computer hated it. Had to run in "fast" instead of anything else and it still stuttered and lagged something awful. Sure hope I can play the the game at release.
  9. Wasn't Original Sin specifically written to have more fun in co-op? Rather than SP?
  10. My first choice would be horror and then science fiction. But, horror wasn't an option. My grandson saw the list and said it should be a space-post-apocalyptic game. Wonder how that would work.
  11. More ways to avoid combat and less button smashing. Oops, is that two things?
  12. This is a great update. Thanks so much. One thing, though, on one of the images that mentions finalizing the orders, it says November 31st. Since there isn't such a date, will it be Nov. 30th or December 1st? Just wondering.
  13. Yes, and the silence is deafening, isn't it?
  14. Think I'd draw the line on backing a tree, grass game, but I'm all for SF or horror.
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