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Everything posted by pantherus

  1. Sorry if this is relatively reviving a dead topic but I thought I'd make a comment here regarding the "mage" prestige classes: that being that you're just as good staying with the consular - in fact in some ways the jedi master (ls-prestige) is WORSE than the consular due to lower saves. the Guardian and Sentinel PrC's however, tend to be a good step up. Just my 2c
  2. Of course if you're playing xbox that's not an option...
  3. I think you would get the SA bonus more from catching your opponent flat-footed by jumping in before they can act; rather than from the stealth...
  4. Go to www.gamefaqs.com and find the FAQs there. I can particularly recommend dsimpson's one for this stuff.
  5. That certainly looks like it's what you're after. As for the first response from refuse - you may not have been wanting the droid planet, but the droid factory they referred to was one and the same with the HK factory you're wanting.
  6. You also need This is another good sign that you're good/evil enough.
  7. The speeder becomes unusable once you've You can gain influence with 2/3 of your party members in the process of building the speeder:
  8. Well that full quote is in my sig - I rather like it I can't bring any specific quotes to mind right now - but the recurrant use of "meatbag" is dead funny
  9. I played a Consular/Weapon Master a couple of times and it really played well. Especially when you get towards the end. You get a good mix of "might & magic" with a solid base of consular abilities having set you up.
  10. I believe that DC is based on Wisdom AND Charisma. Basically both WIS and CHA will increase your DC. WIS will increase your FP pool. CHA will decrease cross-alignment penalties (and doesn't it do something to boost the AB of your allies too?). Then there's the skill bonuses from each - CHA is for Persuade, WIS helps with awareness and a couple others (forget which)...
  11. No - no adverse effects. You get some slightly different dialog but otherwise it makes no difference to the storyline of the game. Atris and Kreia are just moody biatches
  12. I can't even remember how long ago since I last played TSL - going on 2 years maybe... I've tried to revive my gaming of K1 - but it's struggling on my 360 and other commitments have got in the way
  13. use traps - or just come back later
  14. While avoiding making K2 a carbon-copy of K1 is a good idea - the simple fact that it's a sequel from the original, follows on the story (more or less) from the first, and contains reintroduced and cameo characters from it all mean that you will need a solid knowledge of how the first game went to make it viable.
  15. Kinda hard to justify not being able to play the game though... Definitely agree that he's too hard on himself about it all
  16. It's really quite telling of his character that he takes on himself the responsibility of the botched deadline...
  17. Well just rename your .mpeg files to .mod files. next time you go to save a mod file from the app you use to make them, take a careful look at the "save as type" field to ensure you're saving them correctly.
  18. OK - but what does the actual EXTENSION say? i.e. is it mymod.mod or mymod.mpeg? If the extension is still .mod, then there's no problem - it's just that your media player app has got .mod files attributed as being a movie file for them to play. KOTOR won't care about that and just load them on it's own anyway.
  19. Do they actually come up with '.mpeg' at the end, or are they just showing the generic icon of a 'mpg' file? If it's the former, then take a look at how you're saving them and just rename them. If it's the latter, then it's simple file association - don't worry about it, KOTOR will load them just fine.
  20. My first KOTORII character was a female Guardian/Weapon Master - man she just mopped the floor with everyone
  21. For Weapon Master/Marauder - they can get two-weapon fighting bonuses so high that they can dual-wield normal sized sabers at no penalty. Since short sabers provide an off-hand bonus (as their way of computing the cancellation of penalty) you actually end up with a slight bonus. But the bonus is so negligible at that stage compared to the damage potential you'd lose. Using dual-sabers as a Weapon Master (or marauder) is about as mandatory as a Sith Lord using Force Storm
  22. No no, I understand exactly what you mean, and definitely see your point. I was merely explaining the mentality behind the engine being developed the way it was. And to really answer your question - No, I'm like 99% sure that this stuff is hard-coded into the game engine and thus not editable...it's just the way they've decided to make it work.
  23. This is due to the nature of the d20 rulesets which KOTOR is based on - this originally derived from the D&D rules that games like NWN work on. With two-weapon fighting, you receive various penalties for the ability to wield two weapons. the two-weapon fighting feats deal with most of these, but you receive a penalty for using a 'medium-sized' weapon (like a lightsaber) in you off-hand. In D&D, this penalty is off-set by using a smaller sized weapon in this hand, usually a short-sword or a dagger. Thus was born the 'short lightsaber'. It does less damage than a normal lightsaber, but you get no additional penalty if you wield it in your off hand. Does that answer your question?
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