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About turbo_dude55

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  1. Hello there! Yeah, I've also had the same problem once. Do a Google search for the Kotor Save Game Editor. This awesome simple program can let you edit your inventary items and add the chassis.
  2. Ok, that hasn't changed much. Altered the assosiation and now it says file type is 'object for encoding scriptlets' is this what I should be seeing when hovering over the mod? Or is it a different assosiation I should put?
  3. Did you accidently right click on the .mod file, choose the Windows Media Player, and forget to uncheck the box that say, "Allways open this file with this program"? Maybe you made an unconscious mistake. I did but changed it to the ErfEditor from starwarsknights.com. It now opens with that but still says its an mpeg file type in properties. All the files are still in the mod though because ErfEditor can view the quite happily. But it still seems that the mod cannot function while it appears as a movie file on my computer
  4. The link should normally work. Star Wars Knights uploads his tool onto their servers. If you are having an issue, you can sign up for an account at LucasForums.com, and then ask TK102 about where to get his tool. Keep in mind that some tools go extinct, for there are newer programs being released. Also check LucasForums.com for the technical threads, which are in the Knights of the Old Republic forums. Everyone that runs the forums are usually nice people, so you should be able to find what you are looking for. Thanks for that. I turns out I found a way to get ahold of the program. Came across another issue though! I'm learning to use Kotor Tool and have found that when I save my .mod files, my computer sees them as .mpeg type. They no longer have the .mod extension. Do you have any ideas?
  5. Its definatly .mpeg extension. Plus it says 'type: movie file' when I hover my pointer on it. According to my Windows Media Player, in the file type tab, even when I uncheck the box for recognising .mpegs it still shows as a video file! It cant recognise it when I tried playing it anyway! I simply dont see why either Kotor Tool is outputting .mpegs or Windows thinks .mods are movies!
  6. Do they actually come up with '.mpeg' at the end, or are they just showing the generic icon of a 'mpg' file? If it's the former, then take a look at how you're saving them and just rename them. If it's the latter, then it's simple file association - don't worry about it, KOTOR will load them just fine. It shows the icon and under properties, says that it's an mpeg movie file. Not sure why this is happening. The same thing happens to ALL .mod files that KOTOR TOOL makes.
  7. Help!! Can anyone explain why after saving my mod files in Kotor Tools' Module Editor, my computer thinks they are mpeg files? This is rather strange and is not something I have ever come across before. Any help would be fantastic
  8. Ok, I'll be the first to admit it. Im a noob when it comes to modding. I accidentaly came across it on the net and found the whole thing interesting. On searching for all the famous tools such as the excellent KOTOR TOOL and various others, I heard mention of tk102's DLGEDITOR. After spending 4 hours "googling" for it, the best I could find was a broken link on www.starwarsknights.com/tools and the now defunkt pcgamemods.com Does anyone know of a place to get this program from? For I would very much like to use it in some mods I plan on designing. Thnks for any help!
  9. Thanks for the input guys. Still haven't found a solution though, except that somebody told me the Kotor Savegame Editor could provide the answer. I think the problem is the cut scenes clashing. I dont get the message from Kavar but get Mandalor and Bao-dur arguing over the war. I believe the conflict is the problem here.
  10. I have a HUGE problem on the PC version of Kotor II: TSL. I wondered if anyone has experianced and has found a way around this one?: On leaving Iziz with Mandalore and awaiting Master Kavars contact, (lightside game), I enter the Ebon Hawk to recieve the message but the cut scene never starts! The game simply pauses like it's about to do something and then it carries on like nothing is meant to happen! I have tried many ways to get around this and a google search has proved fruitless to find anyone with the same bug. It also happens on playing darkside and also happened to me on the Xbox version everytime!! Can anyone help me here please? It spoils an otherwise good sequel to the best Starwars game ever!
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