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Everything posted by pantherus

  1. There's nothing "wrong" with it, there's nothing to "fix". In the force power lists, the trees of moves are 'upgrades' of the previous ones - the only time this really changes it is the Push-Whirlwind-Wave tree where whirlwind is quite different from Push and Wave. Otherwise, every move is just a better version of its previous move (i.e. stun - stasis - stasis field is an obvious progression). In this way, it's like your power increases, so you go from just being able to shove someone over, to being able to lift them in the air for a long time, to being able to throw over a large group of people for good damage...it kinda works
  2. Atton: Bao-Dur:
  3. Architect hit the nail on the head with his comment about the Exile - asides from the 'wound' in the force and force bonds things, (s)he was a thoroughly average jedi - remember the recording of Vrook saying this? - who just happens to do uber powerful things because they're the PC of a video game, and you can't have PC's being weak gits now can you? DeathScepter - while the thought of playing as Revan appeals to many, many people; it would be very difficult to realistically implement. Do you start him/her at lvl 20? lvl 1? If anything other than 20 (around where you finish K1 as) then why have you dropped to a lower level? Then of course you'll have everyone booing at some cliche excuse for this: you stopped training for a while and, like, got worse...; captured and tortured and, like, forgot stuff...didn't they already use that one? Finally - who/what IS Revan? Everyone keeps saying "I want to play as Revan!" and "I want to play as the Exile!" - but who are they, really? Do you want to play them having been light-side? dark-side? What companions did they have? Did they make romantic attachments? What gender? What class(es) did they take? There are so many factors to take into account that you might as well play a whole new character...In fact, assuming that K3 will include more classes/races/etc to choose from in character development, what are the chances that the 'Revan' you create/use for 3 will be the same one you used in K1 (and how many different 'Revans' did you make in K1)? Playing as a whole new character (and I stand by my opinion that it should be some generic character who was in the right place to do something great, rather than 'The Chosen One!!!') enables much more streamlined changeover into the new game, and also allows for potential cameo appearances by Revan and/or Exile in the game - which you can either set to be male/female and ls/ds or just use the canon from LA (which a lot of people won't like). I actually rather like the idea of finding them dead along the way - and you are able to do what they couldn't because you were better prepared in some way - that could also eliminate problems of "but MY Revan wouldn't have done that!!!". There are so many different opinions of how to do it, that the developers will just have to pick one and go with it - and deal with the fact that some people might not like it. Let's face it, whichever way they go in nuances like that, it'll still be a great game Finally - I would like to reiterate my earlier request that character development be expanded to NWN levels
  4. Alignment isn't the issue per se (although what you do in her company can raise/lower influence). You should try taking her with you and do nice things to raise influence with her. It's a little tough to get handmaiden over when DS as opposed to LS as most of her influence options are LS-aligned. It's doable though - just be careful about what you say/do around her.
  5. go to www.gamefaqs.com - search for KOTOR II - open the FAQ/Walkthrough guide by DSimpson. I consider it the definitive guide on KOTOR II for everything, barring personal opinions
  6. MMO can be discussed, just not in this thread - K3 will not be an MMO - period
  7. I definitely hear what you're saying Tale - it shouldn't be all about 'gettin' jiggy wit' it'. By 'Romances' I'm also thinking of finding fast friends (both genders) and making connections with other people. Certain romances could lead to a loving relationship blossoming, just being friends, etc. I like the idea of much more RP-intensive romance storylines too, including 'influence-esque' requirements to get them happening. Catering to egos, doing/saying things they like, getting them to open up to you - that kind of character development is what makes RPG games what they are - you want a hack-n-slash? Go play Jedi Academy. Traditional RPGs are all about the character development, and not just numerical development either. This flows into my next thought - more varied characters as NPCs...You ever noticed how your NPC teammates are predominantly goody-goodies? I got a little irritated in K2 where you fully dark-side aligned Handmaiden was still wanting you to be nice to everyone...
  8. Keep looking - I haven't played the game in a while so don't remember exactly, but I know I've done that part without Bao-Dur plenty of times.
  9. There's a computer console nearby to deactivate it.
  10. I may have already said this (my memory is shot these days) but I would just love for the main character to NOT be "the chosen one" of any sort, and instead just someone who is in the right place at the right time to do the job. Definitely agree with WILL THE ALMIGHTY's comment of being a child to start with - that whole "we'll train you anyway, even though we NEVER do this..." line is really old...
  11. How many different ways have you done the
  12. T3 wasn't sent to find the Exile, he/she/(it?) was sent to find . Also, the Ebon Hawk wasn't left at Malachor, but rather it was left at the fringe of the outer rim. How Revan went on from there is not defined, but (s)he probably aquired another ship to carry on, leaving T3 and HK to take care of the ship in any eventuality. Kreia, on the other hand, was specifically trying to find the Exile, they all came together in the wonderful world on coincidences which games play
  13. True - but that is never confirmed in-game.
  14. Revan didn't send T3.
  15. Romances are a valid option to add into games - if you don't want to do them, then don't. I think that they're a fun 'side-quest' like addition that can just add an extra element to the game.
  16. Just a thought (and one that will probably be slammed...): If it's taken Gizka this long to restore this stuff - and no offence to TG, they're doing a fantastic job - how long would it have actually taken Obsidian to finish if LA hadn't placed the curfew?
  17. I would love for the developers (whoever they may be) to take a page out of the NWN book: - Open-ended freedom in character development. Everything from being able to choose your class from level to level, to choosing from a multitude of races, specifying features beyond a range of fugly faces, prestige classes, to opening up the skills/feats more. - Don't have your character be "the chosen one" in any capacity. Having your character be the only one who could possibly do it, or the only with the power...blah blah blah...gets really old. I remember thinking constantly in K2 "well, THAT's convenient" K1 eased the pain on that front via their plot twist of you actually being Revan, thus explaining your skill and ability to work through the game. In K2, I felt like Hero from RPGWorld - "I'm the chosen one!!!" "I can do anything because, I'M THE CHOSEN ONE" etc...ahem...I loved how in NWN you were just the right person, in the right place - plus it allows for more freedom when it comes to canonicity. - Romances - can we actually have some please!!! I'm sick of these built-in romances that never actually eventuate. Jade Empire has a resulting end to your romances, this makes them actually feel worthwhile - kinda like a side-quest!
  18. Try reading the summary on Wookiepedia - they've summarised stuff really well
  19. Which I don't think mine is My computer is poo...can barely run NWN
  20. In about 2 months I'm having a ball playing KOTOR again - playing a Scoundrel/Consular, which I haven't done before.
  21. Umm.. you could just buy the PC version of TSL you know, like I'm planning to do soon. That's just crazy enough to work!
  22. *grateful* - some of us work :)

    now where's that sheep? :shifty::)

  23. Architect - we've got the Tri-Nations and Bledisloe - bite me! Back to KOTOR memories (which I'm living now) - just become a Jedi - w00t!!!
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