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Everything posted by edwgabriel

  1. Support from devs has ended, only players can help you and I think they can do little. Try repair on steam or reinstall, update drives and system see if it works. This can help too https://steamcommunity.com/app/560130/discussions/0/2572002906843374108/
  2. My watcher is still getting new abilities after respec, I`m waiting for a long time for this to fixed to continue my playthrough.
  3. I dont know if it is the right place to post a bug in beta patch but I'm still got extra abilities after respec, an extra watcher ability and wily step as my char is a wood elf. Constant recovery, knock down and proficiencies were fixed as mentioned in the patch notes.
  4. Its a known issue. https://forums.obsidian.net/topic/104409-bug-respeccing-main-character-gave-skills-and-proficiencies/?hl=respec
  5. Apart from the syncing problem I got all these bugs, lag in inventory when dragging items, floating fight numbers after encounters, extra abilities when retraining main char and dont forget the **** framerate over time.
  6. Now its the opposite, when I respec I gain another version of Visage of Death's Herald plus Knock Down, also my character is a Wood Elf and I got two Wily Step now, one hidden the other as an active effect. https://imgur.com/nu7qIj6
  7. Yes, and performance degradation over time is still present, the only solution is Special K but even so with enough time FPS goes poor again.
  8. I got this bug too at oathbinder sanctum there's no way to reproduce because restarting the game fix it.
  9. Yeah, all passive abilities of all companions are squares.It started after recruiting Maia https://imgur.com/DF5liJp
  10. I aways asked myself this. Why do I have to throw some coins in my potion brewing?
  11. Won't this quest be fixed? 1.2 beta patch notes doesn't mention nothing about it.
  12. Along with these suggestions, pats could also have a change in the looks, like a bigger bear or a bigger wolf with unique passives.
  13. I think that Yngfrith should only show up if you exhaust all dialog options from Modwyr, at this point you should've have knowledge that Modwyer is seeking her old master. About Modwyr mastering her full power after speaking with Yngfrith, I see as if she got free from a prison of anguish and can be in peace using all her power because she is no more a Soulbound weapon only a unique one. And a have to say Modwyr is the best character I met so far kk.
  14. Steam users the location is this: Steam\steamapps\common\Pillars of Eternity II\PillarsOfEternityII_Data\gui\portraits\player. On mac should be similar at least the last folders, if not, try to search for the portrait files, they should have the same name at any build. Some portrait name files: female_human_03_lg female_orlan_c_lg.png male_aumaua_a_convo male_elf_c_lg.png Good luck and sorry for my english.
  15. That 5 accuracy points are separated from the base value, 2 points from perception plus 3 from leveling up. Base accuracy is not supposed to show anyway I think
  16. Character's sheet and stats need a complete review, there are many confusing words and mistranslations. I'm glad that you brought the game to our language and I'm aware how hard it is, so if there's a way the Brazilian community help you guys with that it would be good.
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