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Everything posted by Verde

  1. It still doesn't make much sense as it isn't explained well. They are constructs or people ascended to Godhood? Do they feed or are they sustained? Why can't they do anything to Eothos? Regardless of your take on fake, the overall point is, they are psuedo Gods that both affect and not affect the real world, but doesn't seem to be any rhyme or reason to when they choose to do so. Cool you threatened to pull down a moon (and essentially destroy the entire planet) and your second option is...send in a Watcher. Puny Gods.
  2. I think the playability far surpasses POE which became such a chore for me with the DLCs.
  3. Well I was simplifying it...but apparently all the Principi needed to do was follow their intuition to the beginning of Ondra's Mortar and wait for me.
  4. Anything related to companion convos and main story is generally lazy in this one. It amazes me that I'm still having the same two convos with Eder 50 hrs into the game. Oh and the bane of my existence with Xoti - What are your thoughts on Eothos? Before or after the war? *****, THE VERSION THAT JUST GOT UP AND STARTED WRECKING ****!
  5. I've wrestled with this...why exactly does "fake" me in this context?
  6. Beat it in 45 hrs, Orlan Swashbuckler siding with Principi on Veteran. Overall I enjoyed the game but missed the philosophical oomph of the first. In this one, it was easy to defy the Gods. They gave me no reason to stop Eothos. In fact, he was my favorite God. Rendered very well. The bugs really got to me in some quests. Coupled with lack of meaningful banter outside the critical path (I do believe there were trigger bugs involved) made me rush a little more through the story. Plus the game was damn easy on Veteran. Anyway I give it a solid 8/10. With patches and DLC I'm hoping it moves up to a 9/9.5. I'll wait till the reception 1.1 to consider rerolling another character, but will definitely come back in a few months. Your thoughts?
  7. Yeah seriously just got to this part. The more I play the more I feel removed from the plot. How did Principi know where to go AT ALL if I didn't tell them? Same with RDC? I gave them no indication. And like I said I took back my Soul so that seems inconsistent and well. - sincerely frustrated fan
  8. I'd say the lack of companion dialogue and meaningful reactions was a major disappointment to me. Really Eder you have nothing else to say? Serafan we just completed a quest regarding subject matter close to your heart and...nothing? Unless it's trigger bugs I dont see a patch helping unless they add more in the DLCs. But I dont want it uneven where in the main quest Eder has 5 lines total and then the DLC he is a chatty Kathy.
  9. It's going to be nearly impossible to balance the combat so that most encounters are actual challenges. The only encounters that are going to be engaging exist in a tiny window: Between being able to knock down at least one character on a full-strength, full-spellcast party or threatening to wipe the entire party. The combat plays badly *precisely* because they removed camping/health/per rest. A game more focused around per rest *options* is actually more elastic in its ability to create engaging combat sequences. It's not as difficult to balance. I hope people are happy being able to cast their super-cool fireballs every battle. Because the only way that's going to end up working via balancing is if those fireballs do middling damage. I'm sorry but per rest abilities need to die for good. They are archaic and superficial and have been done to death. If I wanted to play BG2 I'd go back and play that:D
  10. I have mentioned this in other threads, but this isn't exactly a new thing. The much worshiped greatest villain of all time (some level of sarcasm is intended) Jon Irenicus is in no hurry to lay waste to his Elf City. In Eternity 1 Thaos is happy to sit down at that old Engwithan machine and think about turning it on while you go play in the snow, also doesn't your sanity have an expiration date? In Dragon Age Origins I hope you are ready to rally your men for the cause of defeating the Dark Spawn! I mean they just wiped out an army and sacked a town.... surely they will be wiping out all Ferelden sometime this year.... maybe? Meanwhile I better go put a stop to Alduin's madness and save all of Skyrim.... just as soon as I finish becoming master of the Mages College, head of the Fighters guild, speaker of some old crusty lady, put down a rebellion, pick those flowers.... what was I doing again? I think you get my point. Imho BG2 is the only game that did it well. You need money. Irenicus is locked away in the Alcatraz of Mage Prisons. You quest, you have time. Then once things get going they get going and you dont spend your time dilly dallying. But PoE2 suffers the same pacing issues as most RPGs. Witcher 3 and Dragon Age:I come to mind. You'd think devs would have come up with a better solution but imho an 18 year old game still does it best.
  11. The game has a lot of good, even great qualities. Like unique upgrades. But when you get a weapon with all 0's for a perk, it kills the mood. Same with randomly coming across a big quest only to have it pan out wonky or even unable to complete. Hopefully these things get ironed out.
  12. Magran and Skaen. Durance represented Magran well. Skaen because he is essentially the god of torture, like Hellraiser, but wimpier.
  13. Hmm I thought for sure I took the Soul fragment back, and the bronze dial (the puzzle in the middle of that huana island?) I gave to the prince. But I do remember the mention of my Soul fragment.
  14. Know where Uozaku (forgive my spelling) is?! The other factions are looking for it and yet all Principi has to do is secure a boat?
  15. Yep no option to investigate the pool. I ended up killing him for his gear. And yet the Cordial Invitation journal entry is still active. *sigh*
  16. Thanks. Let me triply check when I get home and will provide an update:)
  17. Might affecting all damage and healing has been counterintuitive since PoE. Like you said, Resolve is a good candidate for spiritual power. It's a strange attribute system that I've just accepted but I dont roleplay magic users.
  18. Having played one, Streetfighter is ok but an Assassin or general Rogue is very powerful and should be higher.
  19. Well I knew where to take a certain set of notes based off of a dialogue option that referred to someone I didn't meet...but remembered where he lived. For me that stuff hurts the immersion.
  20. My major issue, besides how easy the game is, is how nothing seems to have any real consequences in game...and if you complete a quest out of order for whatever reason, the game gets batty and stuff makes no sense - like dialogue options indicating I did something or met someone I didn't.
  21. I remember reading in previews that the world felt more alive. Sure there a more people walking around and conversing, but in 50 hrs not much has changed. Spoilers Mirke and the Deadlight pirates are still saying the same thing after I killed Ben. The Barletto family still has no one at the helm after the matron was taking away by guards. I let slaves lose from Crookspur...for what? They still have countless ships running slaves. And Serafan didn't even comment the entire quest! I feel like PoE 2 regresses slightly in this area. I can only imagine how had it would be to code all the different variables to quests, but when a quest ends, rarely doesn't anything change. Am I crazy or missing something?!
  22. It's not selectable. I'll reload a few times and keep trying.
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