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Everything posted by Zeitzbach

  1. No it's called brawler's Grimoire something like that. You got bugged then. Just kill Nemnok. the quest just give the chest. The important part require you to fight Nemnok.
  2. Accuracy - defense symbol is how you calculate the bonus or penalty you will have on attack roll Then you roll a d100 and add that bonus to the roll. A total of 1 to 25 is a mis 26-50 is a graze (reduced damage) 51-100 is a hit (normal damage) 101 and over is a crit (higher damage, higher pen) The % shows the chance to roll between 51-100 for a hit.
  3. More classes need a dampener like effect, it's too useful to lock it behind wizards only. Priest can erase with Magran though that takes ages and RAnger just flat out remove 30 secs off every buff in one shot for only 1 bond. Paladins can also stop it and arcane dampener can be found on items too. Like, it's really the game AI fault that level scaling and bloated stat does not fix. I was fighting the Principi at the end of the game that although intended to be a very easy fight, it was sad watching a level 20 mage using.. Minelotta MINOR missile. AT LEVEL 20. THat thing couldn't even penetrate my squishies armor and did like 30 damage. How can paladin dispel spells? I made a mistake with Liberating skill thinking it was anti-beneficial and didn't go back to fix that post. Just give anyone the broom then. That thing takes like 10 sec off buffs per hit. Use the new stealth detection on the invisible char, just without the cone of vision. When you stay in the detection area, your detection goes up and once it goes fully red, you are revealed. This goes up slower with talents, items and points into stealth.
  4. I'd just sacrifice him and get a cool effigy. As it is Maia's gonna have to be it. Wow. Rood. Maia is one of the best girl if you take her along for mission and avoiding siding with anyone. You get 2 chances to say she's important to you. The prince won't even hate you for rejecting the queen mission because of Maia. She also won't flip side if you attack RDF because they revealed their mission and you say no. And her sass is almost on par with Pallegina. "You only work for coin so you cannot see it" - Pallegina "And you buy bread with your pride, I see." - Maia And so many missions that are like "We can't let the foreigner know about this" and Maia be like "Yeah, if it seems like I am taking notes, it's because I am, go ahead."
  5. That's the thing, really - you know her. To an average Eoran, she comes off as completely insane. Case in point: Tekehu's reaction to her meltdown during the whole figurine thing. It's reasonable to agree with Pallegina's views, yes, but it's not the views that are problematic. It's the fact that despite her full knowledge of the status quo, Pallegina consistently chooses horrible and tone-deaf ways of communicating them to people. Based on her pasts, she kinda has it the harshest. Her mom womb was damaged because of her so her family hated her. People wanted to make use of her for her godlike-feature to the point she wanted to commit suicide. Afterward, people still treat her terribly in the brotherhood for being female (IIRC). It takes all the way to her good ending before she starts to smile more often. You even see this image when you grab her hand at Ukaizo after she thanks you and inside your head, you get to feel all her emotion and that she truly sees you as her champion, the first she truly respect from the bottom of her heart. That is probably the only route the writer can ever take to say that Pallegina is finally opening up to people. In that case Durance had as at least as much reason to return as Eder, after suffering faith crisis and learning that the god he blowed up is alive and kicking. Uh, I don't think many people would be willing to suffer Durance again. But he sure had an unfinished business as well, maybe he will cameo in a DLC? Fire and island don't really mix. He has no business anymore since Eothas is just a walking statue and there's no more Godhammer. Magran also lost her volcano. The only thing he can really do is go on a mission to kill all fire godlike or something but that will just make him a crazy villain.
  6. I don't suppose you have some screenshots to share? Purely for research reasons, of course :D And something about him saying he has it big where it counts.
  7. They're kinda not which is why you can swap them around and there's no upgrade version of the spell and has tier cost. You pick whatever at what Tier and use more from the grimoire. It's a magic-only thing compared to skills. And pre-buff is broken in all rpg. You either have it and overbloat the crap out of enemies because players will prebuff or you don't and keep everyone on the fair playing ground. If you want pre-buffing, there's food resting.
  8. Devs didn't choose returning companions for their iconic status but by who had the most sense to be in Deadfire. Eder because of Eothas, Aloth because of his unfinished business with the Leaden Key, Pallegina because of VRC. Aloth one actually feels super random. Out of all the places to investigate the leaden key, it just has to be Deadfire. It feels so forced and he has nothing to really add to any of the quests. He's just... there. The leaden key isn't even that important in Deadfire. It's just "Oh the Koiki tribe talked with Thaos" and that's kinda it. I didn't know this was even a thing, lol. Now you know and now, you will see why Sera-chan is the #1 husbando. And I got Takehu to reconcile with both Maia and PAllegina. One is to get -2 on Pal-Take and another is Maia-Take. Then a few dialogues while they talk like how Takehu tentacle hair are actually concious.
  9. Leave my op scrolls alone. Plus hardly anyone uses consumables anyway. Besides arcana is useless otherwise. You're fortunate there's no Salvo scroll. At least Maelstorm can't kill bosses. Salvo can. Salvo is the major reason why I never got to see Ukaizo as a 3-headed machine dragon. You have to drag the fight out to make sure he gets all 3 heads.
  10. Well Eder is iconic so he has a high chance of reappearing. If you fail to convince Bearn to not face the light, he will board your boat back with you when Bearn disappear. If they want him to pop up again, Bearn will probably go join a group or something and travel or the danger of PoE 3 will indirectly affect Bearn so he tags along to keep Bearn safe. I say Serafen stays or bring back Hiravias. They both fill the "Extremely direct, quirky, happy and nice guy" quota and I rather have that over some kind of female Orlan trying to roleplay as Modywn. Like the only reason that personality works is because Modwyn is a sword. It will be more annoying that fun.
  11. Pretty much. It's not BW game with unlimited resources for romances. That's why Serafen is the best. You can sleep with him as much as you want until he's no longer in the mood because of a potential bug. Also, he knows at least 4 ways to use his tongue and mastered all of them.
  12. You can recruit Fassina after you meet with Arkemyr. She will tell you she her current life and join you. Anyone would be mad if you drag them along to pray at a shrine for 120 hours straight, tbh.
  13. If you return to the place later, everything was actually doing way better. Supply were returning and both side were back on great term and trading well again. The Rauitai ends up breaking that just to make sure these people are fighting again.
  14. I'm SO gonna rat you out now! My Bluff roll too high with husbando Serafen to assist me.
  15. I thought principi was going to be an okay choice because Serafen = pirate. Then it says Pallegina died because I sided with Aelys. Nopenopenopenopenope. You are all on your own, pal. I'm sailing to Ukaizo without any of your permission and saying Maia is precious to me everytime they tell me to kick her off the team. Even outright gave the sword to the undead pirate so she can never be summoned again. waitasecond... doesn't that get you killed though ? if you give the sword to the Undead lady? I swore an oath..so though..I go insta-dead if I didn't bring it back... I picked the [Lie] Cut my hand.
  16. You will probably have to side with something like Vailian for trading to really prosper to get the Pim ending.
  17. I thought principi was going to be an okay choice because Serafen = pirate. Then it says Pallegina died because I sided with Aelys. Nopenopenopenopenope. You are all on your own, pal. I'm sailing to Ukaizo without any of your permission and saying Maia is precious to me everytime they tell me to kick her off the team. Even outright gave the sword to the undead pirate so she can never be summoned again.
  18. Apparently you can flop her mission at Port Maje and Tikawara. At Port Maje, just give her the note without taking care of the stalker. At Tikawara, get into a fight and get the dude killed. TBH, it's best if the guy at Tikawara dies as he's a horrible leader, completely banking everything on the vailian giving his people money so none of them can starve despite the villagers already trying to find solution.
  19. So I finally finished my 2nd playthrough and compared to the 1st one, the ending is so much better. What's your "happy" ending so far for this game? Discussion with Eothas Faction-based Watershifter guild Gullet Dawnstar guild Eder Aloth Xoti Pallegina Serafen Maia Tekehu Sure the Huana and Ruatai are still fighting over Ukaizo but it's better to have them be at the deadlock instead of completely dominating the other, imo. Not to mention this seems like the happiest possible ending combination for all party member, depending on how you view Aloth's Ending. Sad ending for me because I still don't know how to get Serafen back in the mood for some bed times again after you trigger Crookspur related quests. The only way to improve this ending is probably to flop Maia mission at Port Maje so the director and the storm speaker aren't assassinated.
  20. Apparently if you got rid of Furrante and then kill Aeldys at Ukaizo, there's really no talking about Principi.
  21. More classes need a dampener like effect, it's too useful to lock it behind wizards only. Priest can erase with Magran though that takes ages and RAnger just flat out remove 30 secs off every buff in one shot for only 1 bond. Paladins can also stop it and arcane dampener can be found on items too. Like, it's really the game AI fault that level scaling and bloated stat does not fix. I was fighting the Principi at the end of the game that although intended to be a very easy fight, it was sad watching a level 20 mage using.. Minelotta MINOR missile. AT LEVEL 20. THat thing couldn't even penetrate my squishies armor and did like 30 damage.
  22. Pirates will always be pirates. Furrante is the only one really dealing in slavery because Principi bans slavery but anyone can lie and go back on their words if they think it's fun for them. So having killed Hazanui by rejecting RDF quest, it's good that Aeldys popped up as my enemy in my "Screw everyone" choice so that means One-eye Prim will get to be the leader.
  23. The thing about PvE game is that because we can't smack each other like PvP game to prove a point. Many people just put their own experience above everyone else which leads to the constant toxicity of "If I'm not enjoying this game, you aren't supposed to either."
  24. And this justifies the damage done to wizards' class design? That's like amputating a person's leg...and then telling them, "Hey, you may be a cripple now, but on the other hand it you finally have a reason to use a cane! At last, canes are relevant to you! (Something they never were before we chopped off your leg!)" The old design had no character and school system. IT was just "Lol you have everything" which is what people are used to. The school system should have been around since PoE 1. It's world breaking that even the circle of greatest wizard know less at EVERYTHING than some random guy going around fighting monsters while using spells made by other people.
  25. I managed to get the somewhat happy ending for this outcome. I played the game with Pallegina - Serafen - Tekehu - Maia from the moment I reach Naketaka and kept everyone in the positive by doing quest chain properly. I only swap them out for Eder, Xoti and Aloth quick personal quest. I always convince Maia that I don't agree with RDF direction and that it's dirty and underhanded and will leave a bad image. I first went to the Pirate and got rid of Furrante because SLAVERS. Didn't do the pirate ship. Then I went to Vailian and got Alvari the seat (Screw the dude for being slaver) and when she tried to kick Maia out of the team, I say Maia is too important and I rather pick her over the mission. THen I went to the Brass Citadel and talked with Hazanui. Tekehu voiced his concern about the assassination of the queen and I agree with him. Hazanui got very mad and told everyone to kill my party. Maia stayed by my side (Unlike Pallegina who would instantly switch if you attack anyone in the VTC). Then I Went to the queen and agreed to help her. Because Hazanui was killed, there was no need for me to plan bombs. She just go "Thank you for helping us" without telling you to ditch Maia and Pallegina. No one left. Almost everyone happy. RDF can suck it and even Maia is happy. Though you have to avoid the special dialogue with Maia as it might cause her to leave even though her people tried to kill her. IF you're going to do this, make sure you exhaust everything you want with her. It does affect her ending in a good way though and you can choose between Huana or just do it yourself with minimal penalty. I prefer the "Screw everyone" choice though as they all diss you for not helping after all the effort.
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