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Jedi Master D Murda

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Everything posted by Jedi Master D Murda

  1. Not necessarily. Some opponents are hard like . But I wouldn't say the game is drop dead easy.
  2. I had the same problem with the atris question. The only thing that I can assume is that maybe you should wait until she is a Jedi to get the last influence point. ??? <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Actually I was told what to do. You have to ask that question before Visas comes. Then you will get an answer.
  3. Took me 14 hours to get mine the first time.
  4. That's a brilliant idea. They could've done something like that. I would've like to see some cutscenes with him, face showing, but he didn't have to talk. It could've been soemthing like the Kreia/Nihilus/Sion cutscene where she sort describes what's going on but nobody talks in the cutscene.
  5. Hell you want to talk about influence problems, here is one for yah to rap your mind around, on my last play through I was playing as a male and before the handmaiden even left atris's place (or whatever) I had her answer that question, but when she joined my party I asked her again (I mean right after) and I got an influence failer for the same damb question. Now how the hell is that possible anyone care to answer this. Also I was pure LS so it wouldn't have been because of me being DS incase that matters. The play through before I had to wait until just before I went to dantooine the second time before the desciple would answer what his problem was with the jedi and he had been a jedi since I met him, I went to Dantooine for my second world after Telos (narshadaa being first). <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Yeah I finally figured it out. Thanks though.
  6. I just unlocked Mandalore's backstory and the part about Revan was great. Spoiler... on a Spoiler forum He tells you that Revan tells him that he (mines was a she at the time) needs to go to the Outer Rim. Canderous asks if he can go and Revan laughs in his face draws their lightsaber and beats him handily and left him to basically die, but not really. He says that he was no match for Revan at his powered up form and he is gathering the clans so that he can beat Revan up. Funny crap if you ask me. Maybe that's why he is in that life support get up. HK's backstory was great too. Any backstory that involves Revan is great.
  7. To reunite the Jedi Masters. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> That's it in a nutshell. To either reunite or kill the Jedi masters and kill the "sith". That too LOL
  8. After you blow up Goto's yacht just go back to Vogga and tell him that Goto won't be bothering him anymore. But the whole fuel thing doesn't play out at the end of the game.
  9. I can somewhat answer question #2: The Mandalorians are using newer technology and don't want the Republic to find out what it is and how it is used, that way the Mandalorians have the upper hand when Mandalore chooses to begin the crusade to regain their standing as a warrior race more superior to the rest of the Republic. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> You are absolutely right with that one. #1 You basically control the actions of your party members. The Council tells you that you do because they follow against their instinct, better judgement, blah blah blah. #3 From what I can gather that's sort of been the conclusion that most people can come too. DS- Goto over Remote LS-Remote over Goto.
  10. I don't know if he ever reveals it to you but he told Carth that it was Mical.
  11. Darth Nihilus wasn't a cameo. Besides Revan, Nihilus was also talked about like a GOD. How he doesn't see people but stars and planets and how his power is the pinnacle of what his underlings can do in time. Darth Nihilus is the one of the coolest villains I have ever seen or heard about but one of the worst villains when you actually face him.
  12. Revan wasn't there for the actual "end" of Malachor but I believe he went there before and after Malachor's end.
  13. I don't know if this is allowed but: B ring U p M y P ost
  14. i don't blame you.By the way, where did you get that Lloyd Banks avatar? <{POST_SNAPBACK}> G-G-G-G-G-Unit. I went searching for "Pics of Lloyd Banks" found this one and saved it and then put it in my avatar.
  15. I've had that problem but no one responds.
  16. I wanted to see Revan as well, but why bother when they made him sound like a GOD in K2. Revan this, Revan that. Made me actually go back and play K1 just to be Revan again.
  17. I would buy the Dir Cut. Especially seeing as I don't have Xbox Live.
  18. This problem doesn't really have anything to do with glitches. It just seems I max out their influence and I can't get anymore to open up the next dialogue. No, no. I've turned Disciple into a Jedi before and tried to gain influence with him but it seems he was maxed out and when I asked him what was his problem with the Jedi, and he was a Jedi, I always got a failure. On another playthrough I did not turn him into a Jedi but the same thing happens. I have no problem turning anyone into Jedi it's just specifically Handmaiden and Disciple that I have problems with opening there last bits of dialogue.
  19. There was force potency(deals more damage but costs a lot), force affinity(allows you to recover force points during battle) and force mastery(increases duration of force attacks).
  20. I took Handmaiden to Onderon, first trip to Iziz, and when the mob got out of control I told the the officer to call for back up and I told him I will try and handle things and Handmaiden made a comment and then I gained influence with her.
  21. They are all the way they should look. Plus there are some Robes that you can be assured to find during the game like the Dark Jedi Master Robe, Jedi Master Robe and Ossus Keeper Robe.
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