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Darth Sirius

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Everything posted by Darth Sirius

  1. Dinosaurs are a speciality of mine, since I was obsessed with them as a kid
  2. Thats the biggest laugh I've had all day! (w00t)
  3. Thanks people, you have certainly reminded me why I spend hours of my life working on them Thanks Archmonarch!
  4. Thanks very much, I appreciate it! <Goes all bashful> :"> Anyway here is two more I dug out, the 2pac pic is very old now, and the snake picture is the second version (the first being currently on my mothers wall) and a WIP.
  5. I draw many things, they are just two examples from different ends of the spectrum
  6. Well I've just bought a scanner after alot of ummming and ahhhhing, so I thought I'd share some pictures I have drawn with you all, I will update it with new ones when I get around to it.
  7. In a word.....No. I in fact have to force myself to play the fairy LS once in a while, simply to get a different take on the game.
  8. And use your parties differing skills when finally creating items, different skills determine totally different creatables that will not show up otherwise.
  9. No, its one or the other, quixion crystal, unique weapon or credits, don't worry though if you aren't happy you can exchange it.
  10. Well the next generation of consoles is going to be released shortly, so every game developer (for PC aswell) will be looking to step up a notch. And they have got away with the same engine for KotOR twice now, which is fair enough, but its now about time we had something fresh, which I strongly suspect we will get. "
  11. Simply have the cut-scenes, but make them skipable - for the mainstream audience.
  12. Don't missunderstand, the last thing I'm doing is complaining its too easy, I personally thought it was ok, but he asked how people thought it was easy, so I told him. :cool:
  13. I totally agree. The only 'contest' I felt I had to win was a drinking contest with my friend (Although we had already been drinking mildly and were simply goaded into it by our 'sober' dare I say it friend.) After 5 double Jack Daniels I was about to be sick, but as I rushed to the toilet (and Conceded ) all the cubicles and what not were being used, and the strangest thing occurred......It went as quick as it had come, and I felt ready to carry on. " After another 5 doubles, I was nearly catatonic but I indeed won as I was not asleep in the pub (My friend was) Its also the strangest drink - whiskey - You are on your third glass before the first one hits and then.....<WHACK !!> It all clobbers you like a hammer. Need I say "NEVER AGAIN!" LoL
  14. The ending I will agree is bad, but the looks added to the DS side of the game IMO, continually using the dark side corrupts your body as well as your soul. And to me it is a little gentle light relief from real life were evil wears a normal face, and blends in much more insidiously than Palp ever could.
  15. Personally, I didnt see much of a difference between the two difficulty-wise. I died once in the first because I was new to the game and just rushed in against the Mandalorian leader on Dantooine. After I figured out a strategy, I beat him handily. And I died not at all in the second game. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Same here, in fact I didn't even get 'master speed' or 'master flurry' in either games, and I've completed both - easily - numerous times.
  16. I've only ever found two, one from the twi-lek (sp?) bounty hunter, who appears after the Rodian. It isn't an open one though so it needs to be taken to that slicer dude. The other one was from the beast rider chick (who stole Dhegon ghents stuff) she dropped it when I killed her, this one was an open one. This is all of course APART from the one I obtained when I entered Onderon (Which cannot be sold/exchanged AT ALL) Oh and the crystal is DS only though it is, Damage +5 and regenerate force points +1. Very nice.
  17. Your categories are not mutually exclusive, and in fact are options that are mutually inclusive; e.g. PC must be either male / female and DS / LS and Revan / Exile. Then again, OE weren't even able to deliver a game with an identical narrative for DS / LS and male / female for K2, without making erroneous references to Revan as he and she in the scripts, so anything except a hurculean reading exercise is probably beyond the scope of a sequel. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Seperate was a strong word to use for all options, I really meant that for option 5, but as you say, if we can't get M/F done correctly, what chance do we think we have? " In any case however nice the idea would be to have, I still find it unrealistic to expect such things. Possible....But highly unlikely IMO.
  18. In relevance to my above post, how about people respond to the types of robes you wear as a jedi, aswell as simply your rotten face? Dark Jedi robes - Evil - Afraid, stuttery. Jedi Robes - Good - Awe struck, groupie sort of thing Though I don't think it should be so straight forward in regard to clothing, aka. white, good, black, bad. I still feel it would be an improvement over the current situation. p.s. The relevance to my above post being, you could be a DS manipulator type character, wearing LS robes to add to effect. Just another idea.
  19. From what I hear Darth Bane was a half breed, I may be wrong so don't mark my words, But I'm sure he was.
  20. I want this badly also. I must admit I expected alot more from TSL, character customation-wise. <_<
  21. If that is the case how many True Sith have we seen: Palpatine, Darth Maul, Marka Ragnos for sure. I don't know too much about Ludo Kressh, Naga Sadow. Were these guys True Sith? And yes, the Rakata have little to do with the rising of these new "true Sith". The Rakata have dominated the universe before the years of the Republic which wiped out the Sith a 1000 years before Kotor. I do hope that we have to fight the Racial Sith in Kotor III though. It's definetly something new. A little bit off topic but if there are true Sith / Racial Sith, are there any True Jedi / Racial Jedi then. I was thinking about Vandar and Yoda being Racial Jedi / True Jedi in that case. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> There are only 'racial sith' because the first jedi to turn to the dark side, fled to a planet inhabited by a species called the sith, dominating them, thus through interbreeding they became the same thing. Though the half breeds have since alledgedly died out, so I doubt you can fight one (maybe though) :cool: The jedi have always been an order and never any type of species, so if you are a jedi trained by a master, you are a 'True Jedi'
  22. If its being released so soon, considering the small amount of time, K3 is predestined to be a major failure no matter who makes it, no matter how skilled the developers are......that is just rushing by LA to make more money to satisfy their never-ending greed......and if anybody thought that K2 needed more time to be done( because let's face it, K2 is a good game but it's unpolished and unfinished with no concret end which is a clear sign that it needed more time to be adequately done), just think what will happen with K3, it will be a fiasco.... I don't like being so pesimistic, but I see no space to be optimistic either. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> And who is here to say it hasn't been in development for a while? Remember just because it hasn't been announced/you haven't heard anything, doesn't mean it isn't so.
  23. Wait until you get 'force storm' then believe me, you will realise why people say its easy " Try to buff yourself up maybe with force powers, speed, battle meditation etc etc. Also get the finess feats for the weapon that you are using, that will add to you chance to hit also. And always choose 'heal' even if DS, its gotten me outta some scrapes. And if all else fails, turn the difficulty down to easy until you level up somemore. Oh and a little suggestion... *SPOLERish* When your level 15, talk to Kreia
  24. Sack race at school sports day.....I fell over..and cried.....Embarrassing, but its stayed with me until now.....So it was certainly memorable :">
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