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Darth Sirius

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Everything posted by Darth Sirius

  1. I tend to have dreams (what I can remember anyway) that are extremely ridiculous, but for some reason, while I'm in my dream, they seem perfectly normal, its only when I wake that they strike me as ridiculous. I usually go to bed at 2.00am and wake at 7.00am for work, not enough sleep I know but I am an extreme night person, and if I go any earlier without being really tired I can't sleep, plus the fact that I know I have to work as soon as I wake up so that may have a hand in not wanting to go to sleep. Another thing that stikes me as odd is, if I memorize a time in my head that is important to me to wake up at, I usually wake at that time (or slightly before) as if a mental alarm goes in my head. Whether thats the in built biological clock I don't know but it seems strange. And another thing, for all the technology we have today, it is still very much unknown why we have to sleep (which we do) Fair enough there are many theories and ideas (many very convincing) but nobody has actually ever proven irrevokably why we must do it in the first place, or what purpose it serves.
  2. I assume we will get some of that after E3, having all the press coverage there, granted that is just conjecture at this point but I hope so.
  3. I know its a common flaw (which I possess also " ) But don't be so critical of your own work, when you have done something yourself you usually spot imperfections in it that nobody else sees, try to keep an indifferent eye on it and it will all come together beautifully. I know I have been too over-critical in some of my pictures, and ended up spoiling them by trying to get them perfect. I find that if you get a picture up to completion, leave it over night and take another look the next day, it is much easier to see what needs to be improved.
  4. Now feel free to flame me to death if this sounds stupid (As I am quick to do " ) I just wanted to run it past you all. How about in KotOR 3 a force power that allows you to hide your true intentions, or maybe even at its simplest an extremely increased use of the [lie] function, that was apparent in the last two games, for example: (In the most basic of terms) Jedi Master: "You must defeat the sith lord!" <Players Choices> 1) I will defeat the sith lord and won't take his place. 2) [lie] [force <whatever>] I will defeat the sith lord and won't take his place. 3) I am also a sith and I will defeat you instead. And so on and so forth, understand the above is in its most basic terms, but you get the idea. It may also add that manipulative touch the series has been lacking IMO, (ala-palpy) And also be an in between to the: LS = Goodie 2 shoes, DS = Bully, and add a little bit of subtlety. You could also do the LS side of things and still get DS points, and only reveal your plan, when it is too late :ph34r: Thoughts anyone?
  5. I always keep Mandalore as a ranged character and feed his skills into stealth, simply because thats how I assume the Mandalorians are (taking into account what I've seen in KotOR 1 & 2) For RP benefit you know the score
  6. I know what you mean, I made the mistake of buying Champions: Return to Arms, a while ago and damn was my money wasted, how it has the cheek to put RPG anywhere in its discription is beyond me <_<
  7. I have a hard time separating in game graphics and FMV, take a peek here 21.75 MB Though so its quite big, but worth it, I'm excited (w00t)
  8. I think the only idea any sillier than most of the ones you have come up with (including this nonsense) was Weiser Cain's 'Lightsaber sweater-Vest' and that was a dig at your legendary lightsaber gun idea, I truly hope these 'bright' ideas of yours are tongue in cheek.
  9. Very funky :cool: The best thing about doing something for the first time, is it can only get better from now on Keep it up.
  10. There was also a stormbeast pen in Trayus Academy, you could access it, but there was no stormbeast, I was always intruiged as to what was supposed to happen there, never mind though I suppose, roll on KotOR3.
  11. [sTART RANT] This was a great cause of frustration for me also, it really ruined the immersion in my opinion, that even after a major story point has occurred, they still loop the same old dialogue - Example - Visas, you kill her master Darth Ni (IN HER PRESENCE) and she still reels off the same old script <_< The same with your so called apprentices, one would have been much better IMO. Emperor: "Hey Vader" Vader: "Sup my master <pffffffft> <pfffffffft>" Emperor: "Fancy a quick game of Pazzakk? Republic senate rule mind you, I know I've dissolved it but it brings back memories!" Vader: "Sure" I mean come on! When I take on a dark apprentice, I want to teach him/her the ways of the dark side, not play fricken pazzakk(sp?) with them!! [/END RANT] And the lower levels were dropped I think.
  12. People may not like the scripting, saying they wanted choice, but in the end, there are times even in real life, where we dont really have the choice. Come what may, in the game as in life we aren't all powerful no matter how much it seems so, and some things happen beyond our control. So however sloppy the ending for TSL was, for me, some forced decisions are Instrumental to the immersion in the game.
  13. Korriban was very boring IMO, it could have been so much better, such as stated the tombs being open for exploration and not to mention the fact that the game, namely kreia, flirts with the idea that, there are many powerful relics here blah blah, he was the greatest swordsman blah blah, making me think I may find something cool, (No such thing) boring, the lack of interaction got to me also.
  14. Hi my names Darth Sirius, and I'm the dark lord of an evil empire, casually named the sith :cool: Sith? I hear you say, well ponder on this, the all knowing jedi were fooled Jokes aside, (a little less moving I know " ) Paul from England, and KotOR showed me the way to SW fanboi-dom
  15. I just saw a 'visit Scotland' advert on the TV, and it sounded exactly like Sion, Dark Lord of the Sith Leprecaun's (w00t)
  16. Exile: "Yor not as funny as you think Vogga!" Vogga: "Well your not as safe as YOU think!" Exile: "S*** I've been owned by a giant slug " Exile: "Yo momma!" Vogga: "Bye"
  17. LoL I just played my first female game yesterday, and I must say that raised a smile (w00t)
  18. "I'm here to clense this flophouse of all life"
  19. LoL so it wasn't worth the hastle. Oh well never mind, my minds at rest now, thanks very much
  20. Sort of, I mean does it look cool? And where on earth does it (finally) turn up? Does every loot place have the potential to spawn it, or are you more likely to find it in a certain area? And yes is it worth getting? And thanks Wild Storm
  21. Now this is really starting to get me down, is it just a rip-off fibre armor or does it actually look like Malaks from KotOR 1? Ive been through the game more than a couple of times now, and not the mearest hint of any of the named equipment <sigh> is it even worth the effort I'm investing in it, please someone put my mind at rest LoL
  22. Maybe that hk 'nice program' you get from the rodian female on narr shadaa was the kick he needed to activate the shadow generator and save remote before it was cut out, DS you wouldnt want him to have it therefore....
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