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Darth Sirius

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Everything posted by Darth Sirius

  1. <_< Oh! So it's Darth Jig-Saws fault is it?!! Wait until I play through again I'm gonna hide the private piece!!!
  2. Agreed, and I assume the devs and publishers do to. If there is no demand why do something. I mean all I see here is open minded straight (correct me if I'm wrong) people (With good intentions) discussing gay relationships being included in a game, with no actual gay people expressing any interest whatsoever, and until the time comes that they do, I can't see it being implemented, aswell as (I would assume) being very hard to implement without being cliche and patronising.
  3. I would have gladly sacrificed Atton to get a better ending than we did! Sion! KILL!! PS: I'm extremely suprised the name 'Darkside' hadn't been already taken But welcome to the boards anyway
  4. I didn't say he was bisexual, I meant if he created man in his own image, why create gay people if that wasn't also in his own image, they are people also, are they not, therefore people can't really turn to religion to justify being homophobic, am I right?
  5. What level are you? I know the enemies are supposed to 'level' up with you, but I found this quite difficult my first play through (Quite lowish level) As I did when I played DS and tried to kill Vrook on the first planet I beat, Dantooine. My best advice is reload and take a party there who are better equipped to deal with the situations (You now know) to expect, such as characters with high skills (Computer, Repair, I think, oh and stealth to do it all without initiating combat some of the time ) to get rid of most of them instead of fighting, therefore saving much needed supplies for the confrontation in the tomb. If that isn't an option, turn the difficullty down and just keep at it, you will get through in the end.
  6. This reminds me of years ago when this was true, and instead of treatment, the women in question went to backstreet abortionists, and risked their own life as well as their unborn childs, so that isn't a consideration IMO. Agreed
  7. Which makes it an established style, all the more reason to implement it in forthcoming games.
  8. I have been drawing and painting all my life, some people say I'm quite gifted, but as with most alledged 'gifts' I don't see it myself enough or apprieciate it enough. I also actually taught a friend how to draw while in junior school, by making him copy each line that I made on the page, and he is quite accomplished now...Which I am very proud of. I have a digital camera, but it is uber**** (**** AKA Excrement ) I may have a go at it though, in the near future.
  9. Well I mean't a child, as in child, not teenager. I'm sorry if I was unclear. If people want to use the bible as an exuse for saying it isn't so, yet preach that god created all things, why wouldn't it be? Better still, if god created 'us' in his own image, does that make 'him' bisexual?
  10. Did you leave it overnight and look at it again? I would love to do a little KotOR fan-art for all of you to see, like you and some others, but alas I aint got a scanner :">
  11. Let me be a little clearer, I am not against abortion, in the right circumstances, what I mean is (Where I live anyway, it may not apply to all) there are alot of females who don't care if they get pregnant, as they can simply have an abortion if it does occur, which is horrible and what also made me choose the words 'contraception'
  12. I think people need to value life a little more, look at the human body, the human mind, just take a second to look and see what we are capable of in our moments of genius. Discovering fire, the wheel, etc etc. Then think of it like this YOU have the POWER to create another life, another being in this world of ours, maybe the next Einstein, Mozart, Van Gough, maybe not IT MAKES NO DIFFERENCE, that 'collection of cells' has a world of possibillities ahead of it, imagine the amount of eggs in a womans body, realise the chances that one had at life......It finally succeeds, and...You know the rest. Now I am not unsympathetic by any means to anyone who has an unconsenting pregnancy, or wouldn't be able to give the child a decent upbringing or whatever the reason, because I'm not in any way shape or form, abortion should be a valid option for them. What really irritates me is stupid little fools who class abortion as just another form of contraception, which in my book is abhorrent.
  13. A story like the one you outline here can be sad, and extremelly moving, (AKA a mature story, as you say) But IMHO the option to, hurt/abuse/kill children in a game yourself would add nothing.
  14. Thanks, I will And being mature doesn't come into it, if I want to hear about a child being killed, I simply switch on the news. I could actually handle a game of that nature, I would simply find it in extreme bad taste. I do however have a 5 year old brother who I am very protective of, so maybe I am biased on this matter. Now please don't think I am trying to start a flamewar with you here, I am simply stating my opinion on the subject, and I respect yours.
  15. Killing a child/Wanting to kill a child (even if it is in game) is mature? Then I guess your right, I'm not mature, or ever want to be in fact
  16. And you seem to be forgetting that if you did have a 'clear color crystal' everyone would think it a bug and demand a patch. "My lightsabers blade has dissappeared! Patch now!"
  17. Paedophillia should not be in real life IMO never mind a video game, it is a disgusting crime and can wreck a childs very soul to the core. Fair enough killing is also a disgusting crime that shouldn't happen but at least its represented in games against adults who have some level of ability to protect themselves, a child doesn't have that luxury, and an option like this in a game would appeal to nobody but paedophiles, who deserve NOTHING but revultion. A gay option IMO would not be represented well in a game it would most likely be a 'hairdresser' guild, or some other such stereotype, so no that shouldn't really be in if you ask me.
  18. Now feel free to flame me to death if this sounds stupid (As I am quick to do ) I just wanted to run it past you all. How about in KotOR 3 a force power that allows you to hide your true intentions, or maybe even at its simplest an extremely increased use of the [lie] function, that was apparent in the last two games, for example: (In the most basic of terms) Jedi Master: "You must defeat the sith lord!" <Players Choices> 1) I will defeat the sith lord and won't take his place. 2) [lie] [force <whatever>] I will defeat the sith lord and won't take his place. 3) I am also a sith and I will defeat you instead. And so on and so forth, understand the above is in its most basic terms, but you get the idea. It may also add that manipulative touch the series has been lacking IMO, (ala-palpy) And also be an in between to the: LS = Goodie 2 shoes, DS = Bully, and add a little bit of subtlety. You could also do the LS side of things and still get DS points, and only reveal your plan, when it is too late Thoughts anyone?
  19. I can imagine it is hard enough Wielding a blade of pure light, were the only weight is in the handle, without it being invisible also......I can just imagine the PC hopping around on one leg with no arms......Which would no doubtedly happen "
  20. And the really evil things are done on Nar Shaddaa IMO!
  21. Really? I couldn't tell because the sound is so distorted (all sound, not just the voice over). It must be recorded with a camera, unless that site uploaded a new version of the clip after I downloaded it. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> That clip was the high resolution one, from what I hear the sound is better on the low resolution one, find it here <EDIT> I've just listened and although the graphics are not as good, the sound is far superior, so listen to it there
  22. The emperor is voiced by Patrick Stewart AKA Captain Pickard from star trek. And it is still a while away from going gold yet soooo....We shall see.
  23. The primary purpouse is to keep us from going insane and eventually die. The brain is simply constructed to disconnect from the senses and clear its memory buffer of crap at regular intervalls. Mammals that dont sleep(some mice dont) tend to have very short life cycles, a week or two at the most. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> I'm sorry "unknown" was a rather strong assumption, make that conjecture.
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