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Everything posted by Flouride

  1. So not intrested at all about this new game.
  2. Really couldn't care less about BioWare's announcement. Is it even by the actual BioWare and not by some LA branch?
  3. There have been "good" storys in the Transformers universe. Its not like that it would be based on the movie franchise. But but... the movies have Megan Fox!
  4. More bad news Give some good news for a change Funcroc!
  5. Cool story, brah. Stopped reading after the title.
  6. Yes, he did. You can still see them if you browse his recently sent pics.
  7. That's possible but I still think development time unusual. Obsidian is after all a company that made it's position on sequels reusing assets and technology. It also seem to clash with the rumors of free2play or iphones/XBL games which should take less time to develop. They can't really re-use assets if they aren't working on a sequel with the same engine that the previous title was made with. I think MCA said in some interview they got games coming out of Onyx. Yes, in plural games. FNV was released about a year ago. At least some of the team went to work on the dlcs. If we presume the remaining staff went to work on New York after they were done with FNV that's about a year in development. That's if they started working on it immediately after FNV. Development time for AAA project can be anything between 18 months to 5 years. Though in Obsidian's case I would imagine 2 to 3 years is the maximum time they would get. So I wouldn't worry yet. As for the XBLA game. Since it's supposedly indie, they won't announce it early on. It will be a lot closer to release date than 6 to 12 months, something like 1 to 3 months. They might even take advantage of the preview rounds for one of their other projects and show the XBLA game to the media at the same time (announce it earlier and then show it to selected media who come to see their bigger projects). Or that's at least how I would do it, with a very limited / non-existant marketing budget. And add some guerrilla marketing to that.... And who knows, how much focus they've had on the XBLA game, they might have had to shift people from it to work on the non-indie games to make deadlines.
  8. Correct me if I'm wrong but if the 3-projects rule holds true then the last time we knew what all 3 were was before AP release. That would mean that currently the oldest project is in production for well over a year and still has not been announced. Seems like plenty of time for canceling a project and starting a new one. Or it just means that the publisher has a smarter marketing plan than Sega. There's no point in announcing projects years before the release date. Optimally you want to announce the game 6 to 12 months before the release date, to be able to maximize the amount of publicity without the fear of people "forgetting" that game is coming out.
  9. Finished. Took me and Bendu about 6 hours on co-op to finish it. I guess without getting killed so often we could have done it in 4
  10. Actually, Sawyers Project is probably the youngest. They were talking about this big IP for a little longer. Edit: Or I just misunderstand your post? No you didn't. I remembered the project names wrong. Sawyer's North Carolina is the newer out of the two. If those "sources/rumours" are correct.
  11. Hmh, I wonder if the XBLA is sidelined for the time being. Or if that interview was done before they got signed to do the animation project.
  12. Liking it so far, only hating few parts where there are respawns before a fight against a miniboss/boss.
  13. Aye, Sega was way too anxious to announce the games. These days publishers announce the games when the game is coming out in 6 to 12 months. With indie games it's even shorter period of time. The thing is we don't really know how Obsidian would develop these indie games. They might have only few staffers on it full time, while most just do few things on it while mostly focusing on the bigger projects. Either way XBLA games don't require as much workforce as AA projects do. That said, I hope the XBLA game Obsidian is working is something like the King of Dragon Pass.
  14. Congrats to Matt and his awesome beard!
  15. I think I forgot to mention that my consulting/tip wasn't free. You guys owe me one of those cool NCR t-shirts
  16. Alvin, go spank your webmaster. I imagine DLC release would be worth mentioning on the main page
  17. Arkham City. There's just so much stuff to do.
  18. It's nice that other companies don't follow Bioware's "30-60mins of gameplay for 5 euros" DLC policy.
  19. Bought it. Too bad I'm kinda busy with Arkham City at the moment and Battlefield 3 is coming out on Friday. So I guess this will have to wait a bit longer, at least as single player.
  20. It's up to the publisher to handle things like that. I think Square kinda dropped the ball with this one.
  21. My steam downloaded some update for DS3 like a minute ago, so maybe it's coming soon...
  22. Not in Europe... *sigh*
  23. OT: According to LinkedIn Obsidian now has 125 employees.
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