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Everything posted by Tale

  1. Metal Gear Solid: Portable Ops The main problem in this game is the control. The PSP's thumb stick isn't very good. Other than that, it's awesome. But because of the thumb stick, I usually trade off to a different character to avoid having to sneak as Snake.
  2. Harvey Birdman: Attorney at Law case 3 was very good. Case 4 just caused me to nearly fall out of my chair.
  3. Just did some quick research, apparently the Robotech theme sounds like the Superman theme because it was supposed to. They literally told the guy who made it to make it sound like Superman, only they didn't have the orchestra Superman had.
  4. Harvey Birdman: Attorney at Law If you read the reviews, you'll get a good idea. It's pretty short and it's just like a few short episodes of the series. The game mechanics are lacking. As a Phoenix Wright clone it cuts through much of what Phoenix Wright has going for it in that regard. I like it, but can't recommend it to anyone but fans. And even they might get surprised by how much little it actually plays.
  5. PHOENIX WRIGHT! All 3 of them. The 4th Ace Attorney, Apollo Justice, is coming out in a few weeks. Absolute must-haves. Anyone with a DS who doesn't, fails. At life, at games, at commercialism, and in general.
  6. WHAT?! "Two chicks making out, that's not hot at all."
  7. I'd probably recommend Mask the most. Easiest to get into and keep playing. Much better pacing and more interesting. Though Witcher is quite good, I did have to take a break for a while because it felt a little repetitive for a while. I can still fully recommend it, but Mask moreso.
  8. I rarely pre-order, but I did so for Apollo Justice. I'll pick up Advance Wars with my 10% Circuit City Discount and I'll give serious thought on Professor Layton, so there's no chance of me preordering those. Another game I have preordered coming early next month is DMC4. I figured I'd get a Collector's Edition so pre-ordered to be safe.
  9. Last preview I read of that was far from favorable. What do people see in it? Sweet, found it.
  10. Resistance 2 Important details. -Fall 2008 -One campaign focusing on Nathan Hale across USA, 1 player -One separate story based campaign supporting 2 players offline, 8 players Online -Online Multiplayer (dedicated servers) supporting 60 people -Classes for online, templates include Heavy, Special Ops, Medic -New vehicles including Chameleon (Stalker with cloak) -Partial randomized geometry in level spots -Insane stat tracking coupled with MyResistance.net -Bosses I'm betting the multiplayer supported numbers get scaled back, but it overall sounds awesome.
  11. Hidden is awesome. I played an old beta and it is seriously stressful. It's really horrible when there's a cheater (or maybe they're just excessively good), though.
  12. Psst. Hey. I'm pretty sure he got that you were mocking him. He's just being intentionally dense to troll you. It's a fabulous tactic and I admire him for using it. Everyone should express their inner troll every so often.
  13. I'll never understand it, but some people pay to intentionally see bad movies. Which only encourages Boll.
  14. Yeah, their own damn universe! And while they're at it, they shouldn't copy anything from Lord of the Rings. What are you babbling about? Dragon Age is Dragon Age, not LOTR. And nobody said anything about Dragon Age being The Witcher, either.
  15. Yeah, their own damn universe! And while they're at it, they shouldn't copy anything from Lord of the Rings.
  16. An Assassin's guild even more prominently featured in Oblivion as a major questline/joinable faction. If it weren't for Bethesda being a publisher themselves, I would think the game would have to be theres. Also, keep in mind that even if the rumor is true, as rumors often have distorted messages, the name may be be incomplete or distorted. It could be The Dark Brother of ___ or ____: The Dark Brotherhood Which, with an appropriate cover wouldn't seem so bad.
  17. I finished my first play through of Resistance: Fall of Man. It's taunting me with unlocked weapons for the second playthrough, those Insomniac bastards. I think I'm doing quite well in my PS3 purchases compared to all my others. I've beaten all but one of them. Whereas some PSP, DS, PS2, and PC games have hardly been touched!
  18. You're drawing attention to yourself, basically. It's the difference between "oh, it's some guy on a horse" and "who the **** is HOLY **** HE'S ARMED." Making your horse gallop means you're armed and dangerous? RUN FER UR LIFES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! The fact that you ARE armed and dangerous means you don't want to be making too much extra noise. Just like if you're hauling drugs across the state, you don't want to speed.
  19. Tale demands more Macross Frontier.
  20. Adults are the people that violence and sex supposedly either is intended for or are the ones who can handle it. However, violence and sex pander to youths who are the only people interested. Being an adult no longer has any meaning in this context! I'll go play some Hanna Montanah for the DS!
  21. No, DR! I don't like you in that way. I only want to be friends.
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