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Everything posted by Tale

  1. I haven't felt hyped for a Final Fantasy since VIII, which blew. However, the new scans from Famitsu and Dengeki have me quite interested. I think I may be excited for versus XIII.
  2. Lachen hei
  3. Why so serious?
  4. WHOO! If we go down, we're taking you all with us! WHOO! I should run for President on that platform.
  5. Shadow Hearts One of my oldest games that I started playing, but never finished. My absolute oldest one is Lunar 2: Eternal Blue Complete. The oldest ones I've barely started enough to count as having started is Silent Hill, Breath of Fire IV, and Vagrant Story (which I refuse to try playing again). Time to pick up the slack!
  6. Have you even played Silent Hill? They make crunch sounds!
  7. Wow, I was hoping there'd be more of a fight. Nobody's willing to choose Silent Hill over Racoon City.
  8. You never played Resident Evil?
  9. I'd choose Raccoon City just for it being a city that obeys the laws of a semi-rational universe. Silent Hill? Fudge no, all bets are off. Living mannaquins, pyramids for heads, all manners of monstrosity and events that just. should. not. be.
  10. *facepalm* I had hoped the appropriate context of the question would have been a little more obvious.
  11. Imagine you are lost in the woods. After a few hours stumbling about, a fog descends and you find yourself on a trail. You follow it fifteen minutes, thirty minutes, your perception of time has gone and it could be hours and you happen upon a fork in the road accompanied by a sign. The left path leads to Raccoon City and the right leads to the town of Silent Hill. Both these names are familiar to you as well as the reason for their notoriety. However, you must go forward and you must choose a path. Which path do you choose?
  12. Those are wild raptors, not domestic.
  13. Cheese tactics? That's the only actual lightsaber tactic that existed in those games. The rest was just crossing your fingers.
  14. I actually heard that Velociraptors make fine housepets.
  15. Metal Gear Solid 4, come to daddy! In the meantime, Apollo Justice is just around der corner!
  16. I couldn't even stand the demo. Lightsaber combat in it was horrible.
  17. Finished Hotel Dusk. Now I'm not sure. I should finish Portable Ops but don't feel like it. I'll give Jeanne D'Arc a go.
  18. This is why I never did drugs or hung out at Starbucks.
  19. That's the version I have!
  20. Hotel Dusk again/still. Hoping to finish it, then finish Metal Gear Solid: Portable Ops. Then read some books. ARGH!
  21. I saw Cloverfield. I really enjoyed it. However, if you're the type that's sensitive to the handcam style (like was in Blair Witch), then you'll probably experience what you experienced there.
  22. Little known fact: I am a next-next-generation AI.
  23. I'm not "of the opinion." I don't know. But I'm not satisfied taking your word for it. I'd like to know the details about the actual T. Rex fossils with protofeathers you said had been found.
  24. That's the same link I showed you. Which makes an exception for it as an early ancestor. Where have you read about the finding of Tyrannosaurus with feathers?
  25. How are you so certain that the Tyrannosaurus had feathers? I'm looking that up quickly and the main support for your side is the Dilong paradoxus that was found preserved with indications of protofeathers. However, tyrannosaurids in Canada and Mongolia were preserved with actual scales. This National Geographic article seems to put forth the opinion that Paradoxus is different because it was an early ancestor. http://news.nationalgeographic.com/news/20...thery_dino.html Along with every other article I can find online.
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