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Everything posted by Tale

  1. Tale

    I was introduced to Gyros by a girlfriend of mine a looong time ago. The place she introduced me too is still the only place I know to find a good one. Too bad that place is gone. :'(

  2. Tale


    I got particularly annoyed by Stephen King's fantasy attempts. I couldn't get past the second page of Eyes of the Dragon. The narrative style was grating. And the last three books of The Dark Tower (though not traditional fantasy), were twice the length they needed to be. One of the characters in the books commented that Stephen King writes by the inch. I think half the time he sat down and typed it was just to keep himself busy.
  3. Tale


    I wouldn't go that far. I'd say he's probably still a teenager. That's like berating a toddler for being into Bob the Builder. Salvatore is a decent pulp action writer and it's good that he's keeping young people reading. Hopefully as "I want" grows up, he will keep reading and broaden his horizons. I think I read all the Salvatore books in college. They were fun. Did it suddenly get douchebag in here? Yeah, you're right, they are fun. The action is fun, the bits of humor are fun. Almost every book is tons of fun to read. Spine of the World was terrible, though. The Wulfgar bits were good, but I can't really be interested in hearing about some some tart's idiotic love problems and engangement to an airheaded prince. Also, Drizzt's section intros should be shot and killed.
  4. Tale

    No, I have tourretes. ****

    Please pity me.

  5. It's too hard to zoom in on the character's butt.
  6. Because he's not jaded, nor a demon. He's a polymorphed pit fiend who behaves nobley. Unlike Koraboros, who betrays his viciousness and deception with every word out of his mouth, Mephasm appears earnest and dignified. He's capable of far more subtlety.
  7. like a lightsaber through nerf hide? I actually like the little twists on our own sayings... I think it makes it quite a bit more immersive. I think the point he's making is that they're not just "our." They'd reasonably have butter and hot knives. Which are both very common things people should know about. Why in the world, just because they're in space, should neutrinos and ferrocrete be used in an incredibly common metaphor? I think I might start saying "like a Freudian at a ****tail" to refer to a nervous situation.
  8. Tale, Halfling Massacre: The Game Also known as Overlord: D&D Edition.
  9. I'd make a point of doing this a couple of times, too.
  10. Thought I'd check in. See how everything's going. Make sure Archie and Accept are behaving.

  11. Arguing that Riddler would only be a side character is making my point for me in spades. The thing against having the Riddler is that he couldn't top the Joker, but would step on the Joker's toes. The fact that he does it while not being nearly as interesting or pivotal as the Joker only makes it worse. Joker jr. instead of Joker 2.
  12. Also, Mephasm is the most awesome NPC of the series. And should get to return.
  13. No, the Joker is an insane psychopath. The Riddler is "merely" a highly intelligent thief with a compulsion for overly elaborate schemes and challenging the Batman to outthink him. That difference would be practically cosmetic. The Joker of the movie issues challenges to the city or he'll commit a crime. The Riddler issues challenges to Batman to stop a crime. The only major difference in activity is that Joker is asking the people to commit a crime for him.
  14. I think Riddler could work perfectly. However, he'd be little more than Joker2.
  15. Isn't that what the ending of Begins and the entirety of Dark Knight was about? Batman changed the rules. He opened the doors to ridiculous villains. Admittedly, it'd be hard to have Mr. Freeze without feeling like the movies were making a drastic change of direction. Possibly for the worse, so I do agree with the point. But I'll be hopeful that they'll find a way.
  16. A Jedi hunting bounty hunter. It wouldn't be a serious or philosophical piece. It'd be mostly humor and action. Mostly edge on the humor, because I doubt I'm any good at action. I'd be more interested in writing around the movie timeline, but if I wrote around whatever is the most "recent" time period, I could hope they'd let me write a book that kills off a major character. The book(s) would ultimately be a light hearted villain perspective of the Star Wars universe. And would likely end with the character's death at the hands of the good guys. But I'd hope he could take a few with him so the character would be worthy of note in the future.
  17. Tale


    Choosy moms choose Jif!
  18. Additional limits on raise dead are divine intervention (at 2 points actually, a god must approve the spell, then a god could get in the way of it working, which is to say if the DM says "no") and the subject being willing. It's reasonable that it would be limited to only those who are particularly in favor with the god the spell is being requested from or if they're a companion to such a person who is involved in a dire quest. And if the god whose realm the dead person will end up in is okay with it, too.
  19. Tale


    The Two Swords by Salvatore. When I finish this, I might give Good Omens the second read it's deserved for over a decade.
  20. Wow, me too. You and I have a lot in common. Speaking of Mephasm, 1/3rd the characters I try to play are a rip off of him, including the main character I'm trying to get into a game of D&D 4e with. I like the character, needless to say.
  21. *crosses fingers hoping for the return of Mephasm*
  22. Poor adaption? The only way an adaption of a Dead or Alive could not be well representative is if it didn't feature ninjas and jiggling boobs.
  23. Yeah, they finished season 3. There's also season 4 airing in Japan currently. I was at Best Buy recently and saw Samurai 7 for sale. Then I noticed something. It's Akira Kurosawa's Samurai 7. It's based on his classic film Seven Samurai! I had to buy it, but I'm afraid to open it. Any opinions?
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