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Everything posted by Tale

  1. Thirsty.
  2. Why? The Obsidianites don't really strike me as the "Day one!11!!" crowd... I'll have it day one. If you want me to hit you, all you have to do is ask.
  3. I'm calling bullshot.
  4. I shouldn't be surprised, but I am. After New Vegas, I think I'm going to start avoiding pre-orders specifically to not get these.
  5. Tale


    I started playing it, liking it, but not loving it. I quit and am deciding to restart now that I find out there's vague stuff you have to do to get a specific ending. Terrific.
  6. I recommend every single Discworld book. I haven't read them all, but of the 10 I have read I've not found one I couldn't specifically recommend. And way too many books on my to-read list that I shouldn't come near this thread again. I've got Lord of the Rings trilo, Mistborn trilo, 6 more discworld books, the first two Game of Thrones, Neuromancer, Catch-22, Slaughterhouse-Five, Jonathan Strange & Mr. Norrel, and.... I'll just stop there and say there's a reason I forbid myself entering a Half Price Books. All unread just staring at me every moment I sit at this computer. But trying to get through A Game of Thrones. I'll alternate it with a rereading of the first books of Wheel of Time.
  7. The Problem With Sex As A Video Game Goal While I never really identified sex as the goal as a problem, I see the reasoning behind considering it one. And also thought that Red Dead Redemption's "romance" was done well. And a commenter mentioned The Darkness. Another good one.
  8. Yes another reason the game should have had a blind old lady.
  9. I'm kind of curious as to how I, as a citizen of a democracy, can go about voting against the kidnapping of German citizens.
  10. Laugh all you want. But when she's president, the humor will be replaced by terror.
  11. And.....? And what? Does that require extra specification in Texas? We do everything bigger here.
  12. I like to holster because it feels odd treking the area with my gun pointing at people. It's just proper gun safety! I now feel like complaining that the controls aren't different enough from the console. I have to hold down a button for a completely different function? But that's getting old hat.
  13. Hold R.
  14. The PC manual is the same as the console manuals, with some keys swapped around.
  15. Tale


    So, all of the good, none of the bad?
  16. And.....?
  17. You could just give me the Wii.
  18. That would make sense if the manual was made for HTML. But the manuals are made for printing. The PDF manuals are copies of the source file they printed and tossed in the packaging. It's right inane to create a new manual off a new template just to shoehorn it into HTML. I made my share of crappy geocities sites back in the day. And I used notepad, dag nabbit. Unlike you lazy kids these days.
  19. You don't think a simple php or html format would have worked a bajillion times better ? You do know that PHP is scripting, right? And HTML is pretty much only good for viewing webpages, not actual documents. I won't even guess what it would take to convert the source material into HTML. And then set up appropriate links for all of the images instead of just putting it all into one file. No, they wouldn't work better.
  20. I didn't miss that, but I apparently forgot it. I thought I'd heard a while back that appearances were set this time around. Or maybe I just inferred it when they created a default female appearance after never doing that for Mass Effect.
  21. PDF is searchable. If it's not scanned into the format.
  22. Only customization is class.
  23. Most Greens are socialists in hippy clothing, at the end of the day they want to take your money and tell you how to live your life and how to think. The vehicle for their authoritarian leftist agenda is saving the planet. So, they're just like all the other political activists, just with uglier shirts?
  24. I haven't a clue what a watermelon is in that context, but sign me up for it.
  25. That's it for eating lunch ever again.
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