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Everything posted by Tale

  1. They did tend to be long in the tooth. I've played through that maybe 5 times, each time I always breathe a sigh of relief just as I end the fade only to remember I've still got some to go. Might have been better to just split them into two seperate quests. And split the Deep Roads up into two or three.
  2. That's simply untrue. I can think of entire dungeons that didn't do that once. Such as the Maleficar hideout in Denerim. I think Haven Temple only did that for the drake ambushes. Or the battles at the end for Denerim, which never did it. It just had them wait around corners or a few hiding Rogues near the end.
  3. Your attention to detail and use of specific examples is admirable.
  4. What were you hoping they'd change about them?
  5. The charms amount to community building. Everything else about it was a complete mess. We could own our own cities, with shopping districts, build our own names as fearsome bounty hunters. But don't expect combat to be anything but absurd. Buffs that double or triple your stats, available from one class, that enable you to solo end-game content. Enemies that ignore the 1/4 PvP reduction with AoE from longer range than anyone else can fight!
  6. It actually looked surprisingly rough.
  7. Playing Awakening again, I'm now surprised that Bioware has kept a complete lid on any information that awakened Darkspawn or Disciples appear in DA2. Especially no mention of a Disciple companion. Seems up their alley. Also wish fulfillment.
  8. Reminds me of my last ME2 run. I'd decided not to do romances anymore. Then Tali starts being awkward and talking about us. Whoah, whoah, I was just being nice! I felt like a jerk breaking her heart.
  9. I don't understand how New Vegas could have sold any copies, really. The PC doesn't have a voice!
  10. Apparently one of the Awakenings companions is making a return.
  11. It did too depict the act about to happen. For all we know, it's a repeat of the same scenario.
  12. Why can't it build atmosphere? There was implied oral sex in Dragon Age Origins, too. When rescuing Anora. A room you open has a guard captain and a maid on her knees. They act quite guilty. How much controversy did that one generate?
  13. We don't even know the context. For all we know there's a brothel and we walk past a room where it's implied and doesn't involve the player.
  14. Crysis Warhead was especially fun for me. I think it was because I had better system mastery. Instead of just trying to sneak everywhere and getting pissed when I didn't succeed, I'd just do hit and runs which turned out to be brilliant fun. BANG BANG, speed run away, cloak circle back, BANG BANG, strength jump over rock
  15. I can't be excited for Killzone 3. I thought 2 was mediocre. Crysis is slightly more exciting since I recently played the first and was incredibly surprised by how much I enjoyed it.
  16. I fully believe we've had a few Citizen Kanes. But due to the progressive nature of the technology, everyone loves forgetting games older than 5 years.
  17. hahahahahahaha
  18. There was speculation that they wanted to avoid releasing at the same time as Dragon Age 2. Seems reasonable enough.
  19. Onto Awakenings. Playing Origins again has made me hopeful for DA2.
  20. Finished Origins. Happy endings for everyone! Except Brother Berkel. Poor Brother Berkel.
  21. I care the lessiest.
  22. Doing my definitive DAO run to prepare for DA2. Mages and Dwarves down. Doing the Haven temple now.
  23. It comes out next month. If it hadn't gone gold yet, OH BOY
  24. Flood levels universally suck.
  25. More likely he simply wasn't given the review. Assuming he's a staff writer.
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