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master guardian

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Everything posted by master guardian

  1. I want to wait for that, but if they fix the companions in the next patch I'll be tempted to start a playthrough. You are not the only one dying to play. trust me dont do it untill they fix the difficulty Man I played on POTD for 30 hours and killed every bounty without even getting scratched. Not fun at all
  2. @OP Yeah ive played around with multi-class builds and I think they are a waste of time to be honest. Another thing people forget is there is absolutely no point in multi-classing because your companions can buff you anyway far better then you can ever dream of buffing yourself. Why multiclass and level up slower just to get a few ok synergies that other classes and buff you with anyway. stupid if you ask me When all the expansions come out and the level cap gets raised they will become more viable because they will be able to get higher level abilities. Multiclassing is also good for solo builds i reckon
  3. def wait read this https://forums.obsidian.net/topic/99513-latest-on-difficulty-fix-just-spoke-to-a-designer-on-pm/
  4. So if this is helpful for anyone I just spoke to one of the Lead designers on PM There most current high priority now that hey have addressed the first patch is fixing veteran and POTD He said the whole development team is working on it as we speak and it is a big issue. I asked for an estimated time frame for the fix but he said he is not allowed to give out timeframe estimates without approval from senior management. I personally think it will be fixed in around two weeks, hopefully it will be in patch beta earlier After speaking to him I am definatley holding of playing the game until then. My advice to others would be to wait as well. There is no point in playing deadfire without any sense of fulfillment, accomplishment or reward. This is currently the situation unfortunately.
  5. yeah i did the same, played 30 hrs then stopped after i realized how easy it is. Im think im going to do a POE1 playthrough then do deafire when they fix this
  6. Dude ciphers have some seriosuly powerful stuf Whisper of reasons (arguably the most powerful level 1 ability of all classes) Pain block (super useful) Amplified wave Time parasite They decided to screw up defensisve mindweb for some reason by taking someone out after they get hit But yeah i find rangers pretty **** at the moment, to much abilities wasted on a stupid pet at the expense of the ranger himself. I stay right away from them
  7. Deadfire is a sequel. So people have all-ready learnt the mechanics beacsue they played the first game. So of course more people are going to play on veteran and POTD then they did on POE1
  8. Im still tossing up whether to start my play-through again now that level scaling has been fixed or wait until they fix POTD. I really love the game and dont want the my first palythrough to be ruined becuase it is to easy.
  9. Sawyer finally addressed this officially The level scaling is fixed in the beta patch In regards to veteran and POTD difficulty’s he admired they are currently FKD. Unfortunately he said it is going to take a while to fix this. He did not specify a time fram so o could be weeks or even months. I’m pretty annoyed because I had to quit my last POTD playthrough because it was way to easy. Looks like it’s not getting fixed for my guess is around 3 to 5 weeks Aahhhhh so sad cause the game is not payable imo in its current state
  10. This would be an appreciated answer. Where did they announce they are fixing level scaling in this patch?
  11. So if I make a POTD character, it'll be just as hard/easy as it is on normal?Yep the game is currently broken. According to sawyer himself level scaling is broken and POTD is way out of whack. There are certain users on this forum who think otherwise. They are special people. Special people who try and delflect away from the truth with there special ramblings about nothing really,
  12. OK So to everyone who had disagreed with me saying them game is not broken im going to give you four reasons why it 100% is Easy difficulty = absolute joke hard difficulty = even bigger joke veteran difficulty = frickin laughing stock POTD = The biggest joke the world has ever seen since donald Trump got elected president The difficulty levels in this game mean nothing and i mean 100% nothing. There is absolutely no difference between me starting a easy difficulty play through compared to a POTD play-through Level scaling also is completely broken. like totally broken (admitted by sawyer on twitter) I wish all you non believers the best in your en-devours. May you beat the game sideways with your level 2 priest/ monk and enjoy yourselves. Until you see the light and realize you have been completely screwed over until they fix the game, god bless you you are truly special souls that deserve what you get. god bless
  13. OK So to everyone who had disagreed with me saying them game is not broken im going to give you four reasons why it 100% is Easy difficulty = absolute joke hard difficulty = even bigger joke veteran difficulty = frickin laughing stock POTD = The biggest joke the world has ever seen since donald Trump got elected president The difficulty levels in this game mean nothing and i mean 100% nothing. There is absolutely no difference between me starting a easy difficulty play through compared to a POTD play-through Level scaling also is completely broken. like totally broken (admitted by sawyer on twitter) I wish all you non believers the best in your en-devours. May you beat the game sideways with your level 2 priest/ monk and enjoy yourselves. Until you see the light and realize you have been completely screwed over until they fix the game, god bless you you are truly special souls that deserve what you get. god bless
  14. I think you are trying to say the game is unbalanced. And if difficult combat is your sole motivator for playing this game, I understand that you are very disappointed. However, the game is not unplayable or "broken" in a general sense. well lets have a respectful debate, can you please explain to me in your opinion how people are completing all the bounties on POTD and two shotting dragons is not considered a broken game. Its like saying im going to play the monopoly board game but i am guaranteed of owning every street eg mayfair everything for free the game is broken dude, people can prance around and look at the pretty graphics thats about it it has nothing to do with class balance it has everything to do with POTD balance. They need more enemies in every encounter and they need to be stronger
  15. is that 2 pm PDT today or tommorrow? it is currently at the time of writing this 12:18 am Tuesday, 15 May 2018 Pacific Time (PT)
  16. I think you are trying to say the game is unbalanced. And if difficult combat is your sole motivator for playing this game, I understand that you are very disappointed. However, the game is not unplayable or "broken" in a general sense. i call the game broken if i complete every bounty on POTD without a scratch on me so yep its broken and the level scaling function not working actually is a proper bug
  17. well i did every single bounty on POTD and not one of my companions basically got a scratch on them If that is your idea of a playable game then i am sorry the joke is on you There are reports on threads with people saying they hit the pause button twice and two shotted a dragon on POTD Reddit is flooded with people saying the game in un playable because it is to easy, These forums are flooded with people saying the game is to easy Maybe we are talking about different games Deadfire in its current state is completely broken and not playable IMO
  18. I think he underestimated how players would interpret how easy the game is on POTD. It doesn’t need a minor beefing up it needs a drastic overhaul. It is the hardest difficulty and everyone is beating it blindfolded.
  19. Yeah the problem isn’t with classes having overpowered talents the problem is POTD is currently broken and level scaling doesn’t work. Hopefully fixed ASAP because the game in it’s current state is unplayable for those who have played pillars 1 because they are kind of veterans at this Pain in the but
  20. Mate level scaling is currently not working. Stop being so sure of yourself based on nothing other then you’re own interpretation of what you think. Josh sawyer has admitted that level scaling is not working on Twitter. You are steering people in the wrong direction please do your research before commenting Thankyou
  21. I hope they fix It soon cause I’m not going to be able to play deadfire next week because of work. This path of the dammed screw up combined with level scaling being broken is a complete frickin disaster. I got 20-30 hours into the game and realised I was winning every battle way to easily and had to stop my playthrough. IMO completely broken and unplayable at the moment
  22. I find it hilarious when people say this. Does no one leave crit path? Does no one explore? I found a three eoten fight when I was level 5, I had only one exceptional weapon, and most of my armor was "fine" level, trust me, I didn't win.Also OP, all these difficulty complainers are specifically saying the hardest difficulty setting in the game needs to be harder. Something the lead Dev admitted before the game was even released. It is a non issue, if you care about playing on the hardest setting (most people dont), wait at least until that gets patched which will probably be soon. It’s ridiculous that people are complaining about the level scaling option not working?
  23. Can we please get an official repsonse from OBS stating that this is an issue on this forum? this is a pretty major bug ??? ??
  24. You show me one official response from anyone at obsidian on this forum stating they are fixing both POTD being broken and level scaling not working You can’t Cause there is none
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