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Everything posted by Aram

  1. The gun store is my church.
  2. It'll be a 2nd person platforming rpg set in a dysotopian current day Los Angeles. THAT ROCKS
  3. Just make Aliens already and we'll play that instead of either.
  4. People should just worship America.
  5. Holy Jesus! Where did that gap come from?!
  6. why do you always spell them with ks
  7. So what I gather is the only way to free Canada is if America defeats the Queen of England for them.
  8. Sounds to me like it's time for America to step in and sort this **** out!
  9. The problem with multiple life sentences is that after a while the body really starts to stink.
  10. I blame the Austrians.
  11. I have the game. We should start Obsidian Smacksquad 6.
  12. A remake or sequel to this game could be incredible.
  13. There's an old adventure game called The Last Express. The whole game takes place on a train, in real time, with people walking back and forth and interacting regardless of whether you're there to see it, and even with dated graphics if you play it long enough you'll feel like you're on that train.
  14. Total balls.
  15. Well, that's true. Though again, with threads like "lol my hair's falling out" I was looking more for entertainment and idle chat than anything, which was probably valuable enough going stir crazy in a hospital. I guess the difference is if it's a close nit community or a completely nonsense place like a blog or a WoW forum.
  16. It's an atrocity, I tells ya.
  17. Need for Speed: Porsche Unleashed will forever be my favorite.
  18. Is Lionheart worth downloading for free on Gametap?
  19. stfu lol
  20. Because it's the internet. It's a false little reality where everything is a series of jokes and strange entertainment. Expecting sympathy or, really, anything of emotional sincerity from random internet browsers, in the context of the internet, is pointless.
  21. I think this says more about the mentality of bloggers. Why on earth would he think that anyone wanted to see him commit suicide? Why on earth would he want to share that?
  22. If there were a difference in barrel lengths, I might buy it, but that's usually not the case or it's often the wrong way around. In any case, unless there is a very significant increase in barrel length, there would be only a marginal increase in velocity and even less in damage (depending on the caliber). The ability of the "named" weapons in Fallout 3 to do as much as twice the damage despite being outwardly identical to their nameless counterparts, and even having interchangeable parts, is what prompted my post. I don't know where poolofpoo got that hollow point bit, but I'd say that a gun magically converting the bullets into hollow points is even more reality-bending than magically making them go faster. I'll buy accuracy, I'll by reliability, I'll buy rate of fire, but firearms can't magically make a bullet go faster or do more damage. The .223 pistol and rifle in Fallout are special cases in that the differences in barrel lengths could potentially change the damage as much as they do, but they did it completely backward. Most of the damage potential of the .223 round comes from the fact that its very high velocity causes the tiny bullet to fragment upon striking its target. There is a specific velocity at which the bullet can do this, but I can't remember it off the top of my head. I know however that the M4 loses about 200fps from the M16 for its six inches of barrel, and the reduction would be increasingly greater for every inch lost from that. They say the minimum length for an AR-15 to have the fragmentation aspect is 10.5 inches, which is a lot longer than the .223 pistol in Fallout appears to boast. The .223 pistol should do much less damage but does much more.
  23. Well clothes make the man. That's just a fact.
  24. Yes, which begs the question of why the pistol does more damage than the rifle in Fallout. Similarly one wonders why in Fallout 3, the "Blackhawk" does roughly twice as much damage as the regular .44 Magnum revolver when they're outwardly identical and both shoot the same ammunition.
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