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Everything posted by Aram

  1. They just get the wikipedia pages mixed up. Cut them some slack. And how pissed off would you be if you got to the end of God of War and found out you couldn't kill Zeus because that messes with cannon. And you can't tear Zeus' assholish anti-atheist wall down though everything up to that point led you to believe that was the whole point.
  2. How about this one: You're in a land called Purgatorio, a perpetually hot desert where everyone seems to lack morals and everyone wants you dead. You're a man (or woman) with no name. You go from town to town, wandering, looking for quests, money, booze, and women. You can be a well dressed, smooth talking, snake oil salesman. You can be a ponchod gunslinger. You can be a filthy, drunken oaf. Your actions decide your alignment, of which there are three--Good, Bad, and Ugly--and at times its hard to tell the difference between them. You can choose skills that range from pistol slinging, sharp shooting, explosives, knife throwing, smooth talking, intimidation, stealth, stealing, and gambling. The score is an homage to Ennio Morricone. The setting is an homage to Spaghetti Westerns, to Sam Peckinpah, and to John Ford.
  3. I'm intrigued, though the trailer seemed utterly useless and what little it offered seemed fairly cliched. That's perfectly acceptable in a game if they stylize it enough--I wouldn't expect literature. I'm glad it doesn't look like they think noir is something Frank Miller invented in the early nineties. L.A. is definitely an acceptable setting for noir--hell, I'd say it is the cradle of noir. James Ellroy is probably one of my favorite authors, and he considers LA integral to the noir movement. Actually, watch this thing if you want an explanation--and a laugh.
  4. I am an enormous Dylan fan. And I don't think that should be surprising. To be honest, I'm probably no more conservative than you. You don't have to be a rabid Republican to own a thousand guns.
  5. The Times They Are A-Changin'? That's a little obvious, and of course they never actually have.
  6. What's funny? Specifics please. I'll sum up my entire answer to this question in the form of a youtube link: It's well documented.
  7. The ending will be disappointing.
  8. Or maybe they have guys like this infiltrate internet forums and make all 9/11 conspiracy people look like crazy annoying people so that the conspiracy theory is discredited? They in fact created all of those retarded videos to hide the real methods they used, which involved aliens. Downwiththeilluminati may actually be an agent of Majestic 12! The pieces are all falling together!
  9. I'm just relieved that the shadow government, with its ability to pull off the most insanely complex and difficult caper a government has ever attempted, is powerless to stop a dozen or so Youtubers from spreading the Truth. Clearly, there is hope that we can rise up and defeat them, through Youtube.
  10. What about no hands? We'd probably have to learn to jack off using only our feet.
  11. I know a guy who downloaded Red Alert 3 and got a letter from his service provider warning him not to do it again.
  12. You're trying to hurt my feelings, aren't you?
  13. It's depriving the women of our essences!
  14. I might buy the ID pack.
  15. Plus fluoridation is corrupting our precious bodily fluids!
  16. This thread makes me want to take a dump.
  17. haha. who is this guy?
  18. I think it's called "the farmer in the dell."
  19. Thomas Magnum, Lt. Columbo, Al Bundy, and Archie Bunker have all been mentioned. I'll add Jim Rockford, of The Rockford Files--basically the greatest TV private detective of all time. And Omar Little, of The Wire. He's the most bad ass character in what is, without a doubt, the greatest achievement in television of this decade. Plus one more: If you know who this is, you know why he's great.
  20. I'm going to bring up the Last Express again. One of the best things about that game was that all of the voice actors, who came from an almost hard to believe variety of nationalities, used real accents and anytime they weren't talking to the player, who is American, they used their own languages thinking he couldn't understand them. Subtitles filled in what they were saying and it worked perfectly. Apparently someone put the whole game on youtube:
  21. Well we all know they hate things that come in twos.
  22. "Deucebag" is my new favorite word.
  23. They will have come outta the walls. They will have come outta the goddamn walls. We will have booked!
  24. In an MMO version of a strategy game, I bet the player is expected to spend roughly 17 hours a day mining gold. Because that's basically what they do in MMORPGs. WoW is balls.
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