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Everything posted by Aram

  1. I just need to know when they're coming to take my guns. Did he say anything about that in his speech?
  2. This would probably balance it out again except that this song was more popular than the Beatles True story: One time in an airport while Lee Marvin was traveling looking for locations to film Hell On The Pacific with fellow awesome dude Toshiro Mifune, a five-star general approached a drunk and hungover Lee Marvin in an airport bar. He greeted Lee Marvin and asked him his opinion of the Vietnam war. Lee Marvin said "Well general, I think it's very rude. And I'd like to eat your hat." He proceeded to take the generals hat and attempt to devour it with his impressive jaw. Failing that, he put the saliva-covered hat on his own head, boarded the plane, and fell asleep with it tilted down over his eyes. Mid-flight, the frightened general sent a young private back to coach to steal his hat back while Lee Marvin was asleep. Also a quick double tap of Awesome Dudes: James Henry "Doc" Holliday Hunter "Scattergun" Thompson
  3. There's a movie where Lee Marvin pees on Toshiro Mifune. Interesting fact: a song sung by Lee Marvin was a #1 hit single in the UK and most of Europe in 1970. Let It Be by the Beatles was #2. Lee Marvin can even own the Beatles at their own job in their own country.
  4. An AR-15, ten extra magazines, a .45 pistol, two extra magazines. A sleeping bag, as much rations and water as I could carry. Warm winter Filson clothing, an an extra change of clothes. A flashlight, a flint, a compass, a cleaning rod, some maps, a knife, and a hatchet. That's if I had to leave on foot. If I could bring my car, I'd have a lot more.
  5. shut up and post awesome dudes
  6. This thread is going in EXACTLY the right direction. I present: Jason "Iceman" Robards. Like Lee Marvin, he saw very traumatic action in the Pacific theater of World War 2. He decided to become an actor while treading water for 14 hours after a kamikaze sank his ship. Also like Marvin he delivered a powerful performance as Hickey in a production of The Iceman Cometh. He's not only very awesome, he also has the distinction of working with the two greatest directors of his time and quite frankly all of time--Sam Peckinpah (as the title character in The Ballad of Cable Hogue) and Sergio Leone (in Once Upon a Time in the West opposite Charles Bronson (see Will's post). Every movie he was in, he frankly dominated. He is definitely an Awesome Dude.
  7. None of these people post here, as far as I know. But wouldn't that be awesome?
  8. This bad ass mofo is Lee "Lee Marvin" Marvin. He is best known as the world's coolest actor, and in this thread he will be considered the most Awesome Dude who ever lived. He's cooler than Steve McQueen, more bad ass than Clint Eastwood, and has more presence than John Wayne. In this picture he's using an odd combination of a suppressor with a revolver--which technically wouldn't work--but that's beside the point, because he's about to use it to blow away Ronald Reagan. After this picture was taken, Ronald Reagan realized he could never be as cool as Lee Marvin and decided to try politics instead. Even after he became president, Lee Marvin could have kicked his ass. Lee Marvin began his career as a character actor in small parts and TV specials--and he was awesome in all of them. He played small villainous roles in most of his movies, but he stole the show each time from then higher rated stars like Marlon Brando, Humphrey Bogart, and Randolph Scott. He starred in two episodes of the Twilight Zone, in one of which he went ten rounds with a robot boxer and brought a tear to everyone's eye. He is the title character of The Man Who Shot Liberty Valance in which he horse whips the **** out of Jimmy Stewart and gets shot by John Wayne. He became a top billed actor after The Professionals and The Dirty Dozen, two incredibly awesome manly films. Then he made Point Blank, Hell in the Pacific, and Prime Cut--three of my very favorite movies, if only because he is so incredibly bad ass in each of them. Rent them and learn just how great Lee Marvin is. This is Warren "Rotten Son of a Bitch" Oates. He is at least ten times more bad ass than he is ugly, and that's saying something. His ****-eating grin is as ****eyed as his morals and his gun is as hot from use as his 12-foot ****. You probably only know him as Hulka from Stripes. This is wrong. He had a long-running affiliation with the greatest director of all time, Sam Peckinpah. He was one of the Wild Bunch, and the main character in Bring Me the Head of Alfredo Garcia--he had smaller parts in Ride the High Country and Major Dundee (masterpieces, all). Like Lee Marvin he was in two Twilight Zone episodes. He had small but show-stealing roles in other great films as well, such as Badlands and In the Heat of the Night. Three films in which he had the leading role were Dillinger, ****fighter, and Two-Lane Blacktop. Rent these, or else. This is Harry Dean "Your Real Dad" Stanton. He has been in a lot, lot, lot of movies, masterpieces all, which preclude all of his future masterpieces. People like to play that Kevin Bacon game, but if you only counted excellent movies, you'd have to play the Harry Dean Stanton game. He is in an awful lot of 1980s cult movies. He was in Alien, he was in Escape from New York, and he delivered an extremely memorable performance in Repo Man. He was in several movies with Warren Oates (see above), such as ****fighter, 92 in the Shade, and Two-Lane Blacktop in which he has a very small part as a gay cowboy hitchhiker who offers Warren Oates a handjob. Simply Awesome. (Arguably,) he only starred in one movie--Paris, Texas. He gives one of the greatest acting performances of all time, and definitely the greatest performance of the cultural wasteland that was the 1980s. This is an excellent, excellent movie. Go get it, now.
  9. I think you can get it on Gametap, for what that's worth.
  10. Yuusha, you're a lot like that Yrkoon guy. You completely suck and all your arguments have the complete opposite effect on people's perceptions that you think they do.
  11. Everything is backward in the middle east.
  12. School children being burned alive is never awesome, idiot!
  13. More photographic evidence that they're using white phosphorus in this disgusting war, and using it to target SCHOOL CHILDREN:
  14. We're lucky he wasn't playing Doom or he'd probably have taken out a whole post office.
  15. Slumdog Millionaire. Best movie of the year. Go see it.
  16. They make a cream for that.
  17. lol
  18. I've seen some very highly regarded authors get away with it.
  19. I've seen some very highly regarded authors get away with it.
  20. America will never be able to sympathize with the plight of the Palestinians chiefly because they, like many middle eastern states, have been forever linked with terrorism during a generation in which terrorism has been declared the number one arch nemesis of all things good and honorable. They have been linked to it part by actual terrorism and part by propaganda, part by white politicians who tell us it's this way, and part by religious leaders on the other side who have made themselves look like Doctor Doom in their own bloody media. It's complete and utter madness. There's no way to see a right answer in any of this mess, much less a side to root for, and frankly I've given up. People like Yrkoon and Yuusha, by the way, do absolutely nothing to influence anyone's opinion and for a while Yrkoon's insane, terrorism-endorsing rants actually completely biased my way of thinking the opposite way he intended for years. I really can't state enough how big an ass that guy was (is, wherever he is). The biggest problem is that the Palestinians, if they do hold the short end of the stick--and they problaby do--, have frankly no chance of getting sympathy they way the situation is currently presented to us, and people like Yrkoon and Yuusha are even less help than blubbery anuses like Limbaugh or any of the fox news lineup. Yeah, they're that bad.
  21. How about: Officer Brian "Grim Reaper" Reaper was just one day from retirement. Then zombies attacked. Now the only thing between Reaper and his condo in Miami is an endless army of God Damned Zombies. And the only thing between Reaper and the zombies is a pair of a Berettas and every God Damn Bullet he's got. There's also a hot female sidekick and a God Damned Dog. However, I'd keep the last sentence. "But nothing is as it seems." That really ratchets up the tension.
  22. If the whole story is "there's zombies" you need to rethink more than the cover. Why are we all being mean to this guy? I can't remember.
  23. Cliche and filled with vague adjectives. It'd be better if it actually gave some idea of the contents. I'm guessing its zombies, so you may as well let the reader know right off the bat that it's going to be zombies, and people shooting zombies. Zombies are an easy thing to sell to zombie fans so you'll definitely want to make it obvious.
  24. The problem with pro-terrorist idiots we always seem to encounter on gaming forums, like that Yrkoon guy and a few others I've seen, is they look at this useless cartoon and think that the part that's wrong is that the picture on the left should say casualties of war--which is ****ing wrong. They can either both be innocent victims or they can both be casualties of war, and I never once saw Yrkoon mourn for an Israeli bombing victim or ever admit it was anything but justified--but actions against the Palestinians always were, and even though that was usually, his opinion was already 100% worthless. As long as everyone isn't in one-hundred percent agreement that they are both innocent victims, nothing will ever get done, and the image in everyone's heads will be perpetually stuck on one or the other depending on whose dumbassed viewpoint your looking through.
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