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Everything posted by Taevyr

  1. Deadfire, Island Aumaua and Raider/Aristocrat supposedly gives the most reactivity from what I've heard thus far. As for my own experience, I've only done a moon godlike explorer from the white that wends thus far. I'm fairly certain it takes the choices from your PoE1 talk with Calisca into account since I got 2-3 references to him being a former mariner, and godlike in general gets a fair amount, though I didn't get much specific for moon godlike. There's probably going to be a decent amount of reactivity for most choices.
  2. something must've gone wrong with the upload to imgur. Should work now. EDIT: FINALLY!
  3. right click and select "copy image location", in most cases that copies a url with an image extension instead of ... idk what random gibberish. Thanks. Fingers crossed... Okay, apparently i'm either really bad at this, or my watcher's cursed.
  4. My Beckoner/Wael Priest. He's a fun guy, but if one more Huana calls him "Ngati's Chosen" he's going to have 4 tiny ogres throw them down a well or something. EDIT: anyone know how to get around the "can't use that image extension" thing? Cause it doesn't seem to be working on my end.
  5. Concelhauts comforting blanket of fluffiness! Powerful, but no match against Arkemyr's Utterly Boring Fireball, or Arkemyr's Anti-Climactic Lightning Bolt! :D What does it do though? I can't stand the tension! Nobody knows exactly, the target just spasms and drops dead all of a sudden, usually followed by a small thunderclap. It's really annoying to deal with, and has earned Arkemyr the esteemed title of "cheating haxxor wizard" throughout Eora, as other wizards at least have the decency to keep their spells fancy, impressive and easily recognizable in advance .
  6. I don't think it's a bad idea, I think there probably are good ways to implement it. I just think it's too much fun thinking of silly sub-ideas for it Mainly this. It's definitely a good idea, both for actual implementation and for an amazing "what-if"thread.
  7. Concelhauts comforting blanket of fluffiness! Powerful, but no match against Arkemyr's Utterly Boring Fireball, or Arkemyr's Anti-Climactic Lightning Bolt!
  8. "A magnificent flowchart in the old style. They don't make them this way anymore, you know. Too vulnerable to cannons."
  9. Haven't had enough yet? Randomize the gods themselves and chase Rymrgand, god of mysteries and forgetfulness, as he tries to find out how he got stuck in a giant Aurochs statue! Play a moon godlike of Hylea, goddess of honest work and fire, and meet her beloved giant flaming metal birds along the way! Even better, randomize class talents and weapon functionality: Travel the deadfire with a chanting bear companion! Heal your fighter's allies with Concelhaut's Aura of Friendship! Be the ultimate barbarian as you smash people with dual large shields, or kill them from afar by launching greatswords at them! THERE'S NO LIMIT PEOPLE!
  10. You really missed an opportunity not replacing the "Aye" with "I" there .
  11. The thing is that, in New Vegas for example, there's no real reason for you to hurry and finish the critical path. Sure, the guy shot you in the head, but there's no real hurry in finding him, after which the faction stuff is in essence the main quest. While the critical path in deadfire makes an important point of you finding Eothas before everything is lost, including how you could die if you get too far from Eothas while he still has your soul, yet you end up sailing around the deadfire having fun for two years. The game is great if you don't count the main quest, and the factions are definitely meant to be the spine of the game. That's not an excuse for the main quest to essentially be "I have to get my soul back from Eothas because Berath told me to" since losing your soul never is shown to be a problem nor is it referred to after the prologue. None of the factions ever bother mentioning or worrying about a giant divine adra statue sucking souls from people unless it's as part of the main quest, nor is there any real involvement of the player in the events that transpire during said journey: the only C&C involving Eothas and the gods is in 4-5 lines of chosen dialogue in the end. No effect from previous conversations, no effect from your meetings with the other gods, nothing. The faction C&C is brillianty done: so why is our involvement in the main quest minimal at best?
  12. Who knows? if there's enough support from us forumites when a large update, DLC or definitive edition comes around, I'm sure they can.... Rekkord some more dialogue and stuff . i'll see myself out
  13. Xoti showed zero interest in my character in 15 hours so far and I'm not romancing anyone. How did you manage that? She was thirsting over my character the moment they met. Maybe she doesn't like orlan that much? I never had her in the negative, but I did avoid picking "too nice" dialogue options early on if that makes sense. Then she is not into pale elves either, and neither any other companion. We must be doing something wrong here - or! - "complainers" do, because so far the only one actively inviting my character was a prostitute in a brothel. My impression is that Xoti has a "I kinda like you" dialogue choice that people pick thinking it's just them being nice, when Xoti takes that in totally different way. I also think Maia has one: the dialogue option where you try to call Ishiza the way she does in her "intro-convo". I haven't tested it out, but going by how the first step after starting that relationship is to get food for the bird it seems to make sense. Concerning Maia: you mean the one right after recruiting her, right? 'Cause when I picked it, it only followed up with Maia saying it's a pretty good attempt (perhaps because of me being a chanter), Eder being his animal loving self to the point where even Ishiza's weirded out by it, then Maia asking deadpan whether Eder hit his head recently or something like that. No "romance" content I took note off, and what I presume to be the regular romance convo fired several hours of play later. Yeah that one. I didn't mean to say that it was a direct romance option, just that it raise Maia's interest in the Watcher to a more than professional relationship. Although, I didn't get any other convo from her until 2 hours later myself, lol. I can attest to it making me appreciate her more than "Loyal rauatai spy with big gun" thanks to her dry reaction to Eder's antics, but didn't catch any increased interest myself. I've been told i'm notably oblivious to that though, so don't take my word for it .
  14. That boss fight is ****ing good. In fact, that whole questline is one of my very favorites. I especially liked that the main tactic at the end of White March, "CHARGE THE HEEEEAD!", proved to be a rather bad idea here.
  15. I'm holding out hope for Beast of Winter as well: It seems fitting for Rymrgand to interfere with the reparation of the wheel, as it would mean fulfilling his function to end all things, similar to Eothas "rebirthing" the rebirth system. As for the other DLC, there is that one large island on the map that's conspicuously empty .
  16. As moon godlike, i've had Huana call me "Ngati's chosen" all over the place, so I imagine there'd be similar reactivity to every specific godlike. Death definitely sounds like a good fit with the game.
  17. While it's true that Berath demands you guide the souls while you're his/her herald, I don't see why this conflicts with Xoti shephering souls with her lantern. The fact that lost souls are naturally attracted to you simply means its easier for Xoti to shepherd them to the afterlife, and I imagine after a while she just goes "The Watcher's talkin' to thin air again, guess he's found another one" and wiggles her lantern so she can do her duty. Seeing and attracting souls is why you being the Watcher is a key element here: you wouldn't be able to properly guide and protect them otherwise, and since Berath only cares about the cycle working smoothly, I doubt he/she cares about Xoti helping you with that. As for souls not finding their way: Most souls follow you the moment you talk to them. They're scared of Eothas darkening the luminous adra again, so they hang around with you, as you're literally the only thing they can see and you can relight the adra pillars. Once Xoti's travelling with you, there's some luminous adra following you constantly, which clearly improves the chances of it staying lit. And as the Poko Kohara pillar shows, unconnected Luminous is kind of like a purgatory waiting room for souls, which sounds preferable over unending grey aside from one guy who you've been looking at for days.
  18. I AM NOW VERY MAD ONLINE I COULDN'T ROMANCE A KRAKEN. >insert obligatory japanese tentacle joke
  19. One of the things i noted is that there are various occasions on which you only a few dialogue options yet all come with a disposition, essentially forcing you to pick a disposition from a small group. I agree that aggressive seems to be less developed here than in PoE1: there, my blunt, assertive and brutally honest ranger didn't look for fights wherever she went, but her love for hunting challenges (read: attacking dragons, ogres and any notably strong non-Kith the moment she could), disdain for politics, posturing and being manipulated, and tendency to strike first when someone/-thing threatens her, gave her a well-deserved aggressive reputation. In Deadfire, especially at the beginning, it seems to boil down to being a hot-headed blood knight who got sad when he didn't manage to antagonize at least 10 people last week. It gets better over time, but it's still less refined than in PoE1. And while Magran is shown to be... untempered in her anger, she's still not going an idiot picking fights everywhere, so having to take those options for your dispositions, even if it doesn't correctly represent Magran's or your character's beliefs anymore, can't be enjoyable or the writers' intention. The intimidate passive does help open up less bloodthirsty options with aggressive, though. Clever seems to be better worked out though, as my only finished playthrough thus far was as Beckoner-Wael priest: PoE1 mainly had it as sarcasm and/or irreverentness, with some resourcefulness; Deadfire adds opportunism, resolving quests/problems through improbable means, and overall wit. It's not that present at start, but it definitely gets better. Passives involving reading, knowing and manipulating people like insight and bluff definitely helped open up more options in that disposition as well.
  20. I already said it in the other thread, but I didn't encounter any real trouble with the RDC after healing the grove, except for one captain who I presume always appears after leaving the island with the map. EDIT: just realized he's talking about dealing with the druids on Sayuka, not the encounter on Motare o Kozi. Sorry for the mistake, everyone
  21. Xoti showed zero interest in my character in 15 hours so far and I'm not romancing anyone. How did you manage that? She was thirsting over my character the moment they met. Maybe she doesn't like orlan that much? I never had her in the negative, but I did avoid picking "too nice" dialogue options early on if that makes sense. Then she is not into pale elves either, and neither any other companion. We must be doing something wrong here - or! - "complainers" do, because so far the only one actively inviting my character was a prostitute in a brothel. My impression is that Xoti has a "I kinda like you" dialogue choice that people pick thinking it's just them being nice, when Xoti takes that in totally different way. I also think Maia has one: the dialogue option where you try to call Ishiza the way she does in her "intro-convo". I haven't tested it out, but going by how the first step after starting that relationship is to get food for the bird it seems to make sense. Concerning Maia: you mean the one right after recruiting her, right? 'Cause when I picked it, it only followed up with Maia saying it's a pretty good attempt (perhaps because of me being a chanter), Eder being his animal loving self to the point where even Ishiza's weirded out by it, then Maia asking deadpan whether Eder hit his head recently or something like that. No "romance" content I took note off, and what I presume to be the regular romance convo fired several hours of play later. Xoti's like a puppy, she loves everyone who gives her attention. Except Pallegina.
  22. It could be a plot hook for a potential sequel, similar to how the existence of Engwithan ruins in the Deadfire was mentioned in the first game. Tagaziel has a point in that it may be a side effect of the device trying to fulfill its purpose, but I think the Mortar's purpose was to specifically prevent Kith from discovering the Wheel, not simply stop discovery of Engwithan knowledge, or there'd have been a storm covering key parts of the Eastern Reach as well. It's definitely going to have some connection to the Engwithans, what exactly remains to be seen. Keeping the development of a warlike, imperialist culture in check? Control the development of engineering among Kith, since Rauatai is supposed to have the most advanced engineers and Engwithan ruins may have helped with that? Is the landmass actually the largest remaining piece of Ondra's moon, which was settled by Kith, and she never quite came to terms with it not being forgotten? All we know for certain, is that Wael will be very angry if we ever find out.
  23. What's this about RDC going hostile? I completed the quest by healing the bog, and when the captain of said ship demanded the map I could simply point towards my RDC reputation (3 at the time) and he backed down, with other options possibly also allowing you to do the same. I saw it more as a devious captain trying to steal my glory, especially since Maia chimed in to mention him being known as an unscrupulous ass in the RDC ranks. EDIT: I somehow failed to realize you were talking about the druid encounter, not Motare O Kozi. Sorry for the mistake.
  24. The man this thread deserves, but not necessarily the one it needs. It's rather strongly implied though, with it being named after him and stuff. EDIT: as I just noticed my number of posts, this is likely the last anyone'll hear of me here. I've had a good run.
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