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Everything posted by hansvedic

  1. Maybe because it’s not Foe Only in Deadfire? I was thinking of maxing will with 18 INT and 20 RES (or 19, 19 if you prefer a bit longer durations over 1 deflection), putting 14 in MIG and CON, dumping Dex and having 9 PER. With the equipment Bat**** Crazy Druid has except for hat and belt (and a ring of deflection instead of bramble ring), which would be replaced with Company Captain’s Cap and Belt of the Royal Deadfire Cannoneer, we can reach an 13% chance of the spell grazing the wild Orlan. Use little savior, and all you need is +8 will to get immunity. Maybe rest in a place in the keep that gives a bonus to RES or INT and use a consumable that increases will, or use Llengrath’s Safeguard… oh yeah; I would also wield steadfast.
  2. Has anyone tried using the spell Miasma of Dull-Mindedness on an Orlan Wizard with extraordinarily high will? Based on some calculations, it should be possible with the right equipment to make it a guaranteed miss and thus self-trigger Defiant Resolve. This assumes that the Spellward amulet/starlit garb spell defense bonus works on our own spells, too, of course. Also, the wiki states that Defiant Resolve’s duration is unaffected by INT; is this true?
  3. Are you playing turn-based or real-time? The answer to that will affect ideal builds a bit. EDIT: For example, in real-time it’s easy to use the berserker’s confusion and a beckoner to summon skeletons (vessels), attack the weak Skeletons with Grave Calling Sabre, and make many chillfogs with decent dexterity. However, in turn-based this may not be as good of an idea due to the limitation on number of attacks per round not being affected by dexterity or action speed. Still, Barbarians get Spirit Tornado late game that is a free action AOE damage ability; you can spam it to cause a good bit of damage while the enemies sit there and wait their turn. Barbarians also can get a LOT of health, which can be helpful with turn-based increased graze range.
  4. So a fighter with base might heals the same from Unbending as a fighter with max might. Interesting. Also, trying to remember… does Lingering Echoes (cipher passive) work with afflictions from other classes? In short, if a Cipher/Druid casts the petrify spell that Druids have, will Lingering Echoes affect it? If so, what about when you also have Lasting Empower (base game not modded)?
  5. For some reason, it appears to be a Steam issue. I tried launching the game not from Steam library and it seems to work now.
  6. I have an NVIDIA 1050 MaxQ graphics card, and every time I go to Port Maje, it doesn’t load; the load time takes forever. I’ve tested different saves, same thing happens. All saves were going to Port Maje for the first time. Any thoughts or help debugging this? I really want to get back into Deadfire. EDIT: I am trying the advice on settings from the NVIDIA card topic. Hopefully this fixes things. Do I need to download the external software for frame rate capping, or can I use the in-game setting? EDIT2: unfortunately, the fix mentioned in the Issues with NVIDIA graphics cards doesn’t seem to be fixing the issue. EDIT3: I've tried uninstalling and reinstalling, verifying integrity of game files (no issues detected), and verifying integrity of my RAM (no issues detected). Any suggestions would be appreciated. I can’t progress the game, and it’s very upsetting. output_log.txt DxDiagforDeadfire.txt Kalel (DeadfireArchipelago) (ca428d33-1714-420f-8196-08f995c7d446) (LAX-123ABCDEFGHI) (917196893).savegame
  7. So MIG (might) actually has no effect on Unbending’s healing? I just want to confirm this.
  8. For a Wizard or Monk multi w/ Barbarian, Druid, or Cipher for Changeling's Mantle, their special summons (Dichotomous Soul and the Phantom summons) do cause another "Pelt of Many Kinds" beast to appear. It seems like resummoning won't change the summon's beast, though. Also, this is probably already well-known, but Helm of the White Void + single-weapon summon of Concelhaut's draining touch + Phantom summon = great accuracy on the phantom's attack. This can be combined with the Changeling's Mantle benefit for potentially even more accuracy. EDIT: Even more reason to consider running a sorceror now... XD
  9. Fun Find: Wild Growth works with the Wizard Tentacle summons (Maura's Writhing Tentacle & Maura's Grasping Tentacle). This fact makes me want to run a Sorcerer now... XD EDIT: Or maybe run a universalist with a Wizard and a Chanter companion... Wild Growth all the summons!
  10. Darn; well, there goes my idea for a Chanter/Fighter I was going to dub "The Tubthumper". Ah well.
  11. I am thinking about creating a character who is hard to keep down, and who punishes enemies when they are knocked out. That being said, I want to make sure such a build is viable. Thus, I have the following questions: What happens when a character has multiple revive effects? Do they all activate at once on knockout? Is there a priority list? E.g. Unbreakable (Fighter Ability Level 7 Passive), Survivor's Tusks, Twin Eels, Ring of Reset all on hand. Do revive effects prevent the activation of "on knockout" effects, such as Effort or that one Shock cape? Can the Bone Setter's Torc amulet's Sawbones ability be cast on oneself? Thoughts?
  12. Streetfighter is certainly powerful and a good choice; that being said, I was imagining a character who is first and foremost a tank and buffer (priest spells), with debuffing and damage being a bit secondary. With Riposte and Gouging Strike, one can be more of a passive damage dealer, but still deal damage.
  13. So I have an alternate idea: high-defense caster tank who is at least partially a priest or maybe a wizard. I did some brief testing and found the following: The 1-per rest abilities that afflict you (thus activating the "while afflicted" benefits) and give you a beneficial effect (e.g. the one that gives you weakened and action speed) are classified as positive effects. This means they can be extended by Salvation of Time or Wall of Draining, but unfortunately do not qualify as a "hostile effect" for the purpose of activating the shield's extra shield deflection. Even so, the fact that the effects are coupled means that you can extend BOTH the affliction and the coupled positive effect without having to get afflicted by an enemy! Furthermore, the Blunderbuss modal can give us a Perception affliction which is not coupled with a positive effect. So in those rare fights where you want that extra shield deflection (boost to both reflex and deflection), you can still make it happen. With a wizard, especially an Arcane Knight, you could become incredibly tanky (super-high reflex and deflection, great armor rating, and still decent accuracy with those spells buffed by the Helm of the White Void. I presume that the shield deflection should stack with other sources of generic deflection, but I need to test that. If it does, you can effectively get 40 shield deflection (12 base + 8 legendary + 10 from 5 misses + 10 from activated ability). EDIT: It does stack! Personally, I'm more partial to trying maybe a Zealot Riposte build with Adept Evasion to become practically untouchable by Reflex & Deflection attacks (so long as I'm not dampened or cleansed). Could go Streetfighter/Wael with Gouging Strike and Gaze of the Adragan as the main attacks benefitting from the Helm, although I think a Trickster/<pick a priest> is more what I would pick for the set. One thing to be aware of, however, is that the per-rest abilities are active and thus will not stack with other active bonuses.
  14. I just tested Effort (with Hemorrhaging, of course) with a Darcozzi Paladini; the Minor Flame Shield, if it crits, will cause Effort's Hemorrhaging (and thus Avenging Storm) to happen even if the Minor Flame Shield is put on an ally. Of course, this isn't as flashy a use as those already mentioned, but it is interesting, nonetheless.
  15. Thanks for explaining this, Kaylon; I was about to comment much the same thing. Just to be clear, the Ranger's companion is a party member IF AND ONLY IF you are not a Ghost-Heart ranger; the Ghost-Heart ranger has their animal companion as a summon.
  16. Don't know if this has been documented elsewhere, but the great sword Burden's Grieving enchantment and the "Rightful Vengeance" enchantment of several late-game amulets (e.g. Tooth of Toamowhai) works when a non-Ghost Heart animal companion is downed. Reviving the animal companion, at least with the ranger revive skill, does not take the bonuses away; it only removes Bonded Grief. Suddenly, the pet going down could actually be a good thing! Given the potential with Brilliant to continually revive the pet, one could feasibly max out the bonuses from these items. I've read that Burden has a maximum of +4 to MIG, but I don't know if the amulets have a maximum. Thoughts?
  17. Berserker/Druid now has a new tool. Interesting. Nice find! EDIT: does DoT damage affect the shield?
  18. What about Tarn’s Respite? Can you stack the deflection debuffs to more than 10 with phantoms? EDIT: Shoot. That probably won’t work, now that I think about it, because the deflection debuff is on an upgrade, and phantoms only get the base copy…
  19. Interesting. What about (Least) Unstable Coil? Does it work in combination with Effigy's Husk and Mantle of the Seven Bolts? Also, does Cape of the Falling Star not combine with ANY other on-death effects, or does it only overwrite Effort's death effect?
  20. If you want to have a barbarian, consider using a single-class Furyshaper. The Blood Ward heals on DoT ticks, as well. Combine this with battle axe modal, Heart of Fury, and Barbaric Retaliation, and you will be spreading the DoTs, healing yourself (and your party), and if you do die, you can then use Vengeful Defeat and any on-death effects.
  21. Wizard phantoms get all your items (accessories, armor, base version of your weapons), so yes, they will work on phantom death. Apparently Dichotomous Souls get accessories and armor (e.g hobbling trail from boots of winter works on them), but not weapons. However, you get 2 of them. If you can ensure they both die before time runs out, they should both be able to cause on death effects. The question I have right now is which “on-death” effects work with each other, if any. It seems that Effort, a weapon with an on-death effect, has its effect not happen when wearing the Cape of the Falling Star or the Mantle of Seven Bolts, each of which have an on-death effect.
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