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Juodas Varnas

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Everything posted by Juodas Varnas

  1. I made a Bleak Walker and got - 1 with Eder before even getting to Port Maje, so your main char can piss him off by being an a33hole. As for Aloth, he's in general a hypocritial, superficial killjoy in this game. I can't for the life of me figure out why they made him so obnoxious and judgemental. It's the worst part of the game for me *weeps*. Probably to kill his popularity so we don't have to deal with him in PoE 3. But Serafen? Must have. I prefer Durance, when it comes to furry animal companions.
  2. The quest in Motare o Kozi Wait, you mean there's a way to do it, without just murdering everything in the area? How?
  3. How i feel about the different factions: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6NxZtGbJi74
  4. Do you play the game in english or with a localization? I have heard that some of the translations have problems. I play a female character in english and havent noticed weird things, but im a man so its possible im just blind to those because of it. Je joue en français. Mais tous les sons sont en anglais, donc cela ne change rien. Je ne parle pas de mauvaise traduction ou je ne sais quoi. Je parle d'interactions sociales, comme quelqu'un qui me tape le dos, comme si j'étais sa compagne de beuverie. Je suis une femme et non... juste, non. Il me semble qu'Edèr (entre autres) fait souvent ça. Et je déteste. Comme il dit lui-même au début de l'aventure : il n'est qu'un "pauvre fermier qui suit (aveuglément) la Gardienne et prend les coups à sa place". Ce n'est pas pour que lui m'en colle. Et puis, c'est déplacé. I play in French. But all the audio are in English, so it does not matter. I'm not just talking about a bad translation or whatever here. I'm talking about social interactions like someone who hits my back, as if I were his drinking buddy. I am a woman and it's a no-no. Edèr often does that. I hate it. As he says at the beginning of the adventure: he is a "poor" farmer who follows (blindly) the Watcher and takes the blows in her place. And then he slaps me (the back, the arm...) ? No, it's out of place. Well, Edér has a history of slapping you awake from the first game, so it kinda fits.
  5. I'd hate to ruin your dreams, but allow me to do so anyway: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=84zY33QZO5o
  6. Yeah, that's bizarre. Hell, there's only one unique wand in the game. But what a Whale of a Wand it is!
  7. Currently, she's an NPC in Fort Deadlight. A very drunk and fun Orlan in a pirate hat.
  8. You should've fought the Eoten, instead of sneaking past them. Probably the coolest unique quarterstaff is dropped there, if i recall correctly. . . A broom.
  9. When it comes to the custom histories, i THINK you have to pick that you did not reforge it. I THINK that's how it is, cause i had it on one of my playthroughs, but not on my second one where i picked that i did reforge it? Maybe it's all bugged, so i don't know.
  10. The Spiritual Sickle has a 50% Slash Lash (Slash Lash is a hilarious thing to say) and scales with the characters level. But if you actually enchant her original weapons, they're probably end up being better.
  11. I just wish we were able to 'enchant' the clothing (including the Dancer Outfits ) with Fine/Exceptional/Superb qualities, like in PoE 1 Those Vaillian Frock Coats are so sexy.
  12. "Coming next week", so i assume it's in a permanent state of limbo, always coming but never actually coming out.
  13. We already have Concelhaut. We only need an option to skull**** him.
  14. Hell, there's a reason why the Vithrack crewmate is called "BIG MOUTH"
  15. Never even liked the place Although if POE I slides are any indication (Narrator: "...a long journey looms ahead". Watcher: proceeds to lock themselves up in Caed Nua for 5 years), they will probably write it off anyway. Well, Caed Nua is like a few days of walking from Twin Elms. That's a pretty long journey, if you ask me. I couldn't be arsed to walk that far. Get me transport or let me die, damn it!
  16. I know this is supposed to be satyrical, but human races are already the same, even Rekke's unique human race is the same.
  17. Honestly, the only character i've found to 'misgender' someone was the Spindle Man referring to Ernezzo as a woman (and 'misspell' his name as Ernesso), but you can even point it out to him and he basically goes 'i don't care' I want a Vithrack companion damn it, Vithracks are just so bloody cool.
  18. Don't think it's a bug. It functions like a torch (and torches can only be used in off-hand, if i recall correctly)
  19. Wait, you actually have it?Where did you get it? Like everyone's wondering where the hell do you find this gun on this forum I don't have it, I'm just wondering. The enchant doesn't make any sense to me. What's not to get? For every kill you'll get a stacking +1 damage dealt (and received) up to 20% and the bonus gets reset on resting. Pretty self-explanatory.
  20. Wait, you actually have it? Where did you get it? Like everyone's wondering where the hell do you find this gun on this forum
  21. I personally don't find it AS EASY as most people seem to claim it is, but that might be the fact that i suck at real-time combat systems like that of Pillars (i'm much better at turn-based strategy) Veteran was way too easy though.
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