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Beyond The Sea

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Everything posted by Beyond The Sea

  1. Are there any gay characters in Deadfire? I know some of the companions are bisexual. I'm not asking about bisexual characters. I only want to know if there are any exclusively homosexual characters in the game at all. Other than the Watcher of course. This topic is not for discussing romance, playersexuality, or homophobes trying to argue against homosexuality. Any such off-topic attempts to derail this topic will be reported.
  2. Nowhere. Obsidian has to do something else if the company is supposed to not go insolvent.
  3. Companions respresent the factions and cultures of the Archipelago, they are much more involved with the story than Ydwin or Rekke.
  4. The correct term is "player sexual", because they also don't care about your race. Just imagine an aumaua sized Tekehu and an orlan...At least there's no awkwardly cringy animations of this stuff like it was with dwarves and tall companions in Dragon Age Playersexual describes an alternating sexuality based on the player characters genders or an attraction to the player character no matter what. The companions in Deadfire openly express their interests on both sexes regardless.
  5. I sacrificed Maneha to the blood pool but she still showed up alive and well.
  6. It's quite nice to see that the barely conceiled homophobia from a number of complainants was disregarded.
  7. And there is no denying what obvious agenda you are pushing. The level of anxiety from insecure heterosexuals over those hidden homosexuals, that the for the most part are already specifically designed to be entirely avoidable, is most curious. If you do not wish to encounter anything gay then games, barring a handful of indie exceptions, have you covered. If you hate homosexuals so much that you cannot stand the very thought of playing a game with homosexuals in it then you are part of a group that is no longer universally catered to. Though you still can play 99% of games without issue since the overwhelmingly huge majority of games, as shockin as that may seem to you, do not have any gay characters. Luckily Deadfire is not one of them. No matter how angry you and your accomplices get Deadfire will still have gay content.
  8. As far as I know the Witcher series has two gay characters. In Witcher 2 a wizard betrays the good guys. He's subsequently show with a half-naked male slave, squeezing his pimples. The designers explicitly said they intended to make him as despicable as possible. His sexuality serves to make him even more disgusting to the presumed straight player, much in the same way bishonen and sissy villains were meant to do for decades. The wizard is killed but he can also be castrated for good measure. It is indeed one the most homophobic games of the last years. In Witcher 3 Geralt can find a hunter in the wilderness. He is described as freak. If the player inquires the hunter will explain that he fell in love with the son of the local lord. Said lord caught them and the son killed himself. The lord became an alcoholic, his estate fell into ruin. And the hunter now lives in the wilderness alone because he is a social outcast. This is by no means a positive representation. Ciri is an entirely different matter. While this was not the case 20 or 30 years ago, the current ideal of heterosexual masculinity dictates that straight men must think lesbians are hot. The reactions towards lesbian characters in games is nowhere anywhere near as negative as those toward gay characters. I just watched that scene (search for 'uncle roche meets uncle dethmold'). I don't think it does that at all. If it is meant to show him as a disgusting character it's because his slave is physically repulsive, and because his manner with the slave is repulsive, and also the slave's obedient manner is quite repulsive. It has very little to do with the fact that his slave is male in my view. Maybe you're the homophobe, because you're seeing a scene portraying two repulsive characters showing repulsive behaviour, and all you can fixate upon is the gender of the characters. Presumably, if the slave had been female, you'd have had no problem with the scene? What does that say about you? Maybe it's the case that developers simply cannot have two repulsive males in a master/slave scenario because critics will instantly accuse the developer of using the slave's gender as a weapon. You seek to shackle artistic creativity in the name of social responsibility, but I think it's a dishonest facade. It is no coincidence that gay, bisexual and effeminate men were, and to a degree still are, so often cast as villains but rarely as good guys and certainly never as gay hero protagonist. Homosexuality has often been used to paint pictures of depraved, unmanly villains. Either you are unaware of this history and context or you are wilfully ignoring it. If you call it art is meaningless to me. Homophobia is homophobia regardless.
  9. As far as I know the Witcher series has two gay characters. In Witcher 2 a wizard betrays the good guys. He's subsequently show with a half-naked male slave, squeezing his pimples. The designers explicitly said they intended to make him as despicable as possible. His sexuality serves to make him even more disgusting to the presumed straight player, much in the same way bishonen and sissy villains were meant to do for decades. The wizard is killed but he can also be castrated for good measure. It is indeed one the most homophobic games of the last years. In Witcher 3 Geralt can find a hunter in the wilderness. He is described as freak. If the player inquires the hunter will explain that he fell in love with the son of the local lord. Said lord caught them and the son killed himself. The lord became an alcoholic, his estate fell into ruin. And the hunter now lives in the wilderness alone because he is a social outcast. This is by no means a positive representation. Ciri is an entirely different matter. While this was not the case 20 or 30 years ago, the current ideal of heterosexual masculinity dictates that straight men must think lesbians are hot. The reactions towards lesbian characters in games is nowhere anywhere near as negative as those toward gay characters.
  10. Riegel has such a wide range of different voices. I'm surprised he and Jaffe didn't get a bigger parts. Were they too busy, too expensive, not good enough? As much as I adore Williams and O'Brien I am ever so slightly disappointed all the romanceable characters are voiced by straight people. Given their behaviour on Critical Role I will most definitely readjust my predictions. Tekēhu and Maia now have the highest chances of being interested in same-sex relations. I'm curious to see what else might have bled over from Deadfire to Critical Role considering the bathhose visits.
  11. Every conversation is voiced? Bless DOS2 for it's influential success.
  12. It's so telling when you dislike pink because you think it's gay. The massive number of pink products from dolls and princess dresses to cosmetics of all sorts to clothing items and advertising, so much pink to signal female. Why then associate pink with gay? Just because the gay men in the Nazi concentration camps had to wear pink triangles? It's because girly and gay is basically the same to you. Feminine is inferior and bad and masculine is good. Real men don't touch anything pink unless it's a woman. Real men aren't gay. Pink is gay and stupid and social something. That's what you're writing but what you're actually saying is that you don't like effeminate men because you're very insecure about your own masculinity and your own femininity.
  13. As I recall Tyranny didn't utilize crowdfunding and neither does the Tim and Leonard project. Sawyer has said he might not be director of the next Pillars should there be one and he apparently would like to make something he likes more, rather than making a games for other people based on nostalgia.
  14. I did not enjoy Transistor but it's music was quite good. From what I have played the innovation and strangeness of the original Fallout has probably not been surpassed. Desert Winds still creeps me out 20 years later. Strange Flesh has an excellent soundtrack. https://soundcloud.com/greatest-bear-studios/01-bartenders-lure I don't mind the PoE title theme for the first minutes or so when it's just woodwind and strings relatively quiet but then it's goes into a generic Lord of the Hobbit whatever fantasy. Similarly the intro of the newest trailer is fine, not amazing, but perfectly fine only to spin into something rather dull. Oh well, I can always turn the music off. It's not really something that makes or breaks a game I find.
  15. Nudity Sells. I used the more common known phraseology for convenience. My point (in long form) is that nudity is in the game because it will add to the game's allure and more people will buy it rather than less people will buy it. Example: nudity or partial nudity, attractive models, and sexual innuendos are often used in marketing/advertising to draw more customers/consumers. I am not sure about this. I think it might be down to an avantgardistic mentality.
  16. Umm, not really. Her work on Deadfire is pretty much done at this point and if she is moving on to an another company it would be really pointless to have her start working on something else at Obsidian. Fig campaign isn't a full time gig at this point either. Most of that work was done prior to the whole campaign even starting and during the launch. The campaign is almost done. They will have few updates before the release date and she was the producer responsible for the art team, her part is done in that area. They aren't going to create any more effects or art into the game 3 weeks before launch. The artists are busy working on DLC stuff or have moved on to an another game completely. It doesn't look good. This can easily be interpreted as her being fired, like there is trouble at Obsidian, especially coupled with the delay and for what? Just so she can move on a few weeks earlier? Umm, no. She travelled to Australia to promote the game on her last week at Obsidian. No company would fly out a person being fired to promote their game in another continent when they have other people available to do that. Job opportunities come and go fast in the gaming business. If she waits a month longer, the position will be gone and who knows when something like that will open up in a company she wants to work for. And if she is the kinda person that doesn't want to leave in the middle of the project, we are speaking about staying at Obsidian a lot longer. Shipped game looks better on her CV/resume than leaving 6 months into the next project. You can't really point out and say I did that, that and especially that area when someone comes in later on and does the rest for you. Not everyone is aware of the information you seem to have. Despite the development honesty for fans and backers Obsidian isn't much more transparent than other companies. I maintain this creates an unnecessary and avoidable image of issues. Whether or not there are actual problem is not so much a concern as the overall impression this will end up having on potential customers, be it through reviewers and other influential writers with preconceived opinions, gamer gossip or their own, possibly wrong, conclusions.
  17. Umm, not really. Her work on Deadfire is pretty much done at this point and if she is moving on to an another company it would be really pointless to have her start working on something else at Obsidian. Fig campaign isn't a full time gig at this point either. Most of that work was done prior to the whole campaign even starting and during the launch. The campaign is almost done. They will have few updates before the release date and she was the producer responsible for the art team, her part is done in that area. They aren't going to create any more effects or art into the game 3 weeks before launch. The artists are busy working on DLC stuff or have moved on to an another game completely. It doesn't look good. This can easily be interpreted as her being fired, like there is trouble at Obsidian, especially coupled with the delay and for what? Just so she can move on a few weeks earlier?
  18. I was wondering why marketing has not gone up notably. I thought perhaps everyone responsible is satisfied with the coverage and it's perhaps perceived as niche game. Everyone who looks for these games would already know. Or maybe I was just looking in the wrong places. It was a few weeks to go still. Another strange thing was how late news about the publisher deal for physical copies came in. I wondered how fast production and logistics could be organized. Now I wonder how long this delay has been considered.
  19. The scripted interactions are quite abstract. You can think of the boarding combat as a rough, abstract representation of what it's meant to be just because the game happens to have combat already.
  20. Uh, what an awkward time a few weeks before release. I get the campaign is basically over but still. There were only just interviews coming out with her advertising the game.
  21. All he wrote is that there will be companions interested in same-sex romantic relationships. Everything else Sawyer talks about is ideal situations. Previously he wrote about how there should be multiple gay characters so the burden of representation doesn't rest on one individual. A single character cannot represent all gay men. Presumably this is why New Vegas had a few different gay characters. He explicitly states that he didn't make any calls but let the character writers themselves decide. Beyond the confirmation of same-sex romance everything is speculation. There may be bisexual and heterosexual but no homosexual companions. There still may be no heterosexual or homosexual companions with all of them being bisexual.
  22. Romance was described to be part of the relationship system which was for companions only. And about 2 months ago Sawyer wrote on tumblr "Among our companions, we have men who are attracted to men and women who are attracted to women." Unless the definition of companions has changed neither sidekicks nor crew should count towards them.
  23. He did? I was thinking of the Gameinformer interview a month ago. I didn't see anything specific there. Because he was described as self-absorbed, possibly promiscuous artist?
  24. Yeah, Sawyer already alluded to this. The writer of the spoiled companion actually posted some romantic fan art way back. Previously I had assumed this character had the highest chance of being gay out of the 4 male companions. Now I think he might be bisexual or straight. Otherwise he probably wouldn't be used as romance in PR.
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