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Everything posted by The_Prodigal_Knight

  1. HAHAHA! You crack me even more
  2. Yes! YES! Show your anger! Betray the XboX, And join me, at my side by the PC!
  3. It looks like it blew up itself. From the inside.
  4. He stamps them because he
  5. As ive said before. My theory is something like this: erm... to be a sith lord you have to collect followers Mayby get some holocron like Palpatine. The others, i have no idea.
  6. Voted for kotor 2. 58,3 % on kotor. We
  7. If there will be an apprentice, as i highly doubt, i would go for LS. She/he(hopefully she :D ) would probably turn on you, when he/she deems her(him)self ready. If DS
  8. Erm, why is the emperor called, Emperor Palpatine? Ever read EU???
  9. Well, they started making KotOR TSL before Kotor 1 shipped, so why not have some information about the 3rd?
  10. Sum Of All Fears was pretty good, my opinion. But Hunt for Red October is clearly the best Clancy movie.
  11. The guys that made that site isnt done with puberty. Nice job.
  12. Yes you do. Tell us who you are?
  13. Some people are just stupid, and cannot read. I assumed you were one
  14. HAHAHA! Very good reason to hate him
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