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Everything posted by The_Prodigal_Knight

  1. I agree with macewindujr. Not everyone watch SOAPS.
  2. Jep. Saw it on IGN like two days ago.
  3. Of those three: Fallout. And if you add the other two that Gheralt said: BG2 all the way!
  4. When you ask Ajunta about the Star Map, he says something like "I will not reviel our brother's most valuble secret." I think the secret is nothing more than the dark taint from the star map.
  5. Is it just me or does that ship look exactly like the Endar Spire? Chack the trailer too, where all the bodies lie, that is the deck of the Endar Spire........ its impossible that its the same ship, it blew up.
  6. Well, masks were last time, so i don
  7. I don't think Kreia is "announced" any more than Atris. However, i chose Sion. Damn hes cool!
  8. If you like shotguns and katana swords, go play a fps action game. In anyway, don
  9. Back to topic. It has been stated that you can complete the game even without gaining a prestige class.
  10. <_< <_< :ph34r: WHATTA HELL?!
  11. Hk-47 all the way!
  12. I hope you'r joking. For your sake.
  13. Sith lord of course! MWUHAHAHA! :D
  14. It was Whitemithrandir.
  15. Do you have to pay those 6 dollars!?
  16. Or mayby: If you choose lightside, he would have fallen to the Darkside. And if you choose darkside, he would be redeemed to the lightside!
  17. My own language is Faroese. Apparently your very bored
  18. Why would you want the Dark/Light points hidden?
  19. I love the idea of making an episode 7 game. However what kind of game should it be? I think as Fallen Jedi that it should be an RPG.
  20. The first time i played K1 through, i was Guardian. The second time, i was Consular. And i found consular to be much better.
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