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Everything posted by The_Prodigal_Knight

  1. Is there a law that you have to obey the law?
  2. Actually i traveled back in time and had se.... intercourse with your grandmother. And i am your grandfather too. Oh my god! Im my own grand-grandfather!
  3. Erm.... where did you get that idea?
  4. I totally agree with you. (only u=i. And my=your)
  5. All nicks that begin with Darth are spammers.
  6. Me wanna be teh rular of sith! he....he!
  7. Ok, ill play along. *Waves hand* "You will obey me! For, me am teh rular!"
  8. Erm....... funny Although.. just spam.
  9. This is a spamming thread.
  10. Who said that?
  11. HAHA. Anyone read about the finnish military?
  12. Isn`t Atris the white-haired jedi?
  13. Hey, thx alot m8! Mind if i use the third one of Sion?
  14. Screenshot 48 on http://www.lucasarts.com/games/swkotor_sithlords/
  16. Actually there is a screenshot of her, wearing a hood.
  17. Dammit! He`s going to the top. If everyone keeps paying him that much, he`ll rule us all!
  18. Every company has to start somwhere. And from what i`ve seen to this day: Obsidian is a company that is dedicated to bringing a top-notch game. And i think they will.
  19. Who are you?? HAHA, JK! Welcome back.
  20. I think everyone felt a certain something for Sion. I expected he would be just some other villain, but he turned out quite attractive. Is he for male or females? From the words of Chris Pontius "Partyboy doesn`t care. If the bear is hungry, he`ll eat."
  21. In Weekend Programmer 1, i think someone asked you something about the Queen of Onderon. And you stated that you didn`t know of her. Was that the truth? Don`t you want us to know about her yet? Or did you joke?
  22. I, for one didnt know it. Never played with female.
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